Redpill your friends

How to red pill your facebook friends discussing transgender ban:

1. Post this image

2. Say "I agree with Lady Gaga and the 173k people who liked her post saying that 45% is an extremely high rate of suicide attempts for this demographic. I just cant see how its humane putting these people in a battlefield where they may get PTSD given what they are already going through. And giving anyone a gun when they feel this way about harming themselves is just not ethical."

I have no facebook but I just did this in a whatsapp group.

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I mean, my friends are all Italian, why would they care?

sorry i meant to post this on a public forum, not PM it to you

oh wait

Is Gaga clinically retarded or why does she bring up that statistic? It is absolutely crucial for her point to try and avoid it.

you should probably post this when americans are not asleep then

Are Italians more open to trapsexuals because your women have always had facial hair?

these faggots and their "attempted suicide" attention whoring

if you don't actually KYS it shouldn't count

99% of my "social media" activity is on Sup Forums, 1% slashdot.

I don't have Facebook, WhatsApp, twitter, hell I don't even SMS

Further proof black men are SUPERIOR to whites.

Look how quickly whitie resorts to his gun because he can't physically compete with the SUPERIOR male. Sup Forums claims all blacks are savages in these sort of situations, but look who quickly escalates it unnecessarily with firearms.

It completely BAFFLES my mind that Sup Forums will unironically defend whitie in this scenario. Just another power-hungry manchild who KNOWS he cannot compete with the BBC.

>45% attempted suicide, mental issues
the dumb bitch says it and still doesn't understand it. Transgenders have mental issues or are looking for attention.

Just tell them facts

The military doesn't let diabetics in because it requires additional care, medication and staff specialization and that's something you can't have in the field or at sea etc.

If you remove the virtue signaling and emotional faggotry.. it's just a case of not being willing and shouldn't be willing to supply people with strange requirements on operational, tax funded, military tasking.

Anyone who's having a soon has never been in the's gay enough dealing with religious worship of mudslimes and special rooms and time off... And fucking vegetarians.

The military is to fight wars.. not pander to failed genetic outcasts


I don't know man, you tell me.

I didn't ask about fags in general, just trannies

Italy and Hungary are the worst place in Europe for trans-people

Flag colors brothers

>Checks map
Guess you could say Britain is gay Mecca.

Or people with asthma, or cross dressers for fucks sake.

Exactly.. not to mention if you're even remotely a suicide risk you're landed immediately.. and these guys are massively high risk.

It doesn't matter in Canada because literally who cares about what they do in wars. Australia is a small force but it's never been a cucked one.. until recently.. now it's mainly female and Muslim and Aboriginal free money machine number 5.

I'm not sure why we don't just recruit directly from the immigrant refugee boats. Hand out uniforms and give them free houses and Medicare.. oh wait we do that anyway

It's really funny watching so many people get their panties in a bind over .02% of the populace. Wow, I mean really, aren't there bigger issues to address?

>Supported by the PROGRESS Programme of the EU


Why do people care so much snouts military policy anyways, it's as if "service" has been misconstrued with mercenary for Koch and Saud. Sad.

It's 9am you spaghetti nigger, Americans don't sleep all day like you lazy faggots

It's part of the culture war. You can't view it isolated. Allowing and endorsing something in a vital and respected government institution like the military, goes a long way for normalizing it. And opens the door for even worse perversions down the line.

US combat vets barely make up 6% of the population and shrinking as the vietnam guys leave us. Barely 1% of americans actively serve in the military currently. Why the fuck should anyone care about vets and the fucking welfare drain of our military in general?

I'm sure the Germans care. We fucked their shit up in both world wars, with out dated weapons and smaller numbers. If you cant tip your hat to that, you're not a man.

Canada didn't become pussy, until Trudeau Sr. forced his multi-culturalism on us.

Spirit cooking pics scaring the shit out of religious hispanics and blacks.

Wearing a Nazi uniform on stage with Hillary the day before the election to scare jews.

Now subtly inflating numbers a few % and telling everyone almost half of trannys are mentally unstable while still appearing to be their greatest ally.

Whatever Russia is paying her is nowhere near enough.

Tricare isn't welfare, they "earned" it, like the gi bill.

As long as the military serves the fossil fuel industry or will not be respected. Again, servicemen are little more than mercenaries and welfare queens. What does it matter if an incredible minority of them are trans? Culture war is virtue signaling for your personal bigotry. In the end it will amount to so much nothing.

She's undercover.
Why else would she have bought and warn a Nazi outfit worn by Jackson promoting Hillary.

I have wondered for a long time if Lady Gaga is secretly red-pilled. She isn't a Jew after all. She was raised Roman Catholic.

Honestly we shouldn't be talking about it, they hae spies everywhere.

>45% is an extremely high rate of suicide attempts for this demographic.

So, if they are taken into the military (a group that already has an average of 22 people kill themselves daily) would that lower or raise the trans suicide rate?

Is she implying that committing suicide is brave?

