is it just a meme or super healthy and worth living at home over?
Redpill me on avocado toast
my wife made it for me it's really good tasting:)
Expensive as hell and in restaurants people will mistake you for liberal.
oh and avocado is not that healthy.
It's become a meme like any trendy and subsequently overpriced food.
It tastes delicious and is high in good fats. By all means, by avocados and bread. If you're paying $20 for it in San Fran, Melbourne or some other faggot city then you should consider suicide or giving your money to someone who isn't stupid.
I live in South Florida where they grow on trees in the wild. So they are dirt cheap. I guess you could say I unironically eat avocado toast.
Why would someone eat toast ironically?
how much does an avocado cost where youre at
because memes cause ironic behavior?
Californians eat the most avocados in the world.
I'm Californian, but I don't eat many avocados per year.
Guess not everyone in CA eats em daily.
>weak meme but tastes good enough to live in room I grew up in to 42 years old.
It's probably great by American standards. Can't compete with German rye bread and glorious Deutsche Markenbutter with a little bit salt, though.
I don't get it. What does the home ownership have to do with an avocado? Is it because they are considered expensive?
it's one of the many reason 20-30 year olds have decided their lack of success in life is not their fault.
>Posting that weak shit
Motherfucker try adding diced cherry tomatoes, diced red onion, goats cheese and grated parmesan to finish.
OP it's healthy as fuck and a good way to start the day. I've found avocados for $1 where I live. You can eat a sick brekkie for an entire week for $10 or so.
Protip: Shepparton Avocadoes are FILTHY DOGSHIT GAYCUNT FOOD and should be avoided at all costs
Protip 2: if you use white bread you have FAILED and might as well start injecting estrogen straight into your dick and sugar into your kidneys
It seems to be trendy with faggy hipsters but
I'm pretty sure they taste good & healthy, I want to make some now, the one in ur pic looks good
>red crushed pepper
Good additions could be
>chopped onions
>crumbled cheese (like feta)
>could replace bread with a tostada
10 feet higher
Avocado is 15% fat by weight. It's fairly unhealthy fruit, to be quite honest.
Cheese is only 33% fat by weight. And people eat bigger avocado quantity because it's "healthy".
>fat is unhealthy
That's complete bullshit. Avocados are very healthy for you and cost usually under a dollar. Is avocado on toast some new trend or something? I prefer them with eggs
Why do you write as if you have american public education when you are from land of the roo?
>avocado $1.49
>loaf of good bread $5.99
who is sacrificing home ownership for avocado toast?
That's right goy. Eat corn syrup soaked starch sponges instead, now with special low fat recipe.