What do Serbs, Slovenes, Macedonians and Montenegrins think about anti-Russian alliance "Intermarium"?

What do Serbs, Slovenes, Macedonians and Montenegrins think about anti-Russian alliance "Intermarium"?

I think it's fantastic, but I'm probably in minority in here.

The "new Slovenes"( Serbs, half-Serbs, Alexander Bulgars and Monteniggers) are subversive Russian agents, so I don't expect them to share my opinion.

Fantastic to be nuked?

It's weird how Slovenia and Croatia are still the richest Slavic countries and the balkans get beat down so much.

Just nuke them all already

>Anti-Russian alliance
I don't want to part of anything anti-Russian

Why? While I wouldn't be openly antagonistic, they aren't anywhere near to being our friends.

Your great-grandfather probably thought the same when he led around the soviet liberators to show them where the traitors and the women are.

Don't get me wrong. I would stand against Russian imperialism, but I rather want a peaceful cooperation between Europe and Russia. With European capital and Russian resources the EU would rule the world. From Lisbon to Vladivostok!

Antagonising Russia only makes the Vatniks stronger. We have to take the bear, not kill it.

They have no military to back it up.

Kill yourself.

You are a naive fool if you really believe this. That is just not how geopolitics work.

>anti-Russian alliance
Why would it be anti-Russian.. Poles are only ones being so obviously Rusophobic. Also, when did Ukraine join in with the talks? So if anything, it's anti-West. That being said, because of that, I support it. I have nothing against Russia and do not support anyone who is (because they are obviously brainwashed by the media - we never had bad history with Russians)

This is more a anti-German alliance though.

Intermarium is the future. Once we secure a trade deal with the chinks we are gold.

We gotta crash the EU and take all their resources before hand tho

We would rather take a piece of shit from the russians than a cake from the americans

Nowadays Intermarium - "Three Seas Initiative" is all about roads/ rail connections and internet cables. I don't see how it can be anti-russian. Actually it could benefit the trade if we got these sanctions off. imho in a meantime Russian companies should export/import through Belarus
Polish government is Rusophobic, the rest of Poles are Putinophobic, Poles generally expects the worst from any Russian government but we like Russian people.
However recently Poles here start to think that Russians are brainwashed by Putin to hate Poles, while they don't see that in Poland we're being brainwashed by media to be anti-Russia. Soros wants this WW3 badly :(

Because we have high unemployment rates, social politics everywhere, sky high taxes etc.

The Czech and Poles have lower taxes and a relatively stable industry.

What we all need is a good old tax break and to fire some more government officials.

>What do Serbs, Slovenes, Macedonians and Montenegrins think about anti-Russian alliance "Intermarium"?

Slovenes are the only ones whom you listed that are part of it.
From what i've managed to gather from the ones i talked to they believe it's a good step to preserve NATO as well as to fuck over Germany who has went for another ''Reich'' idiocy again.


>Keeps destroying europe
>Expects no backlash
I hate the germans with a passion
Those Krauts deserve all of the shitskins ruining their country.
Justice well served.

Both sides suck cock from bigger powers with interest in them.
Not suprising

It's not anti Russia, it's just anti everyone who wants to fuck with us.

>be tyrannical commie state
>incorporate neighbors by force
>destroy their cultures and economies through shitty soviet policies
>soviet death grip persists for almost 100 years

Gee ya I wonder why these nations might have a grudge against russia, Fucking weird

Let's not forget imperial Russia. For poles it's probably worse.

>anti russian alliance

More like professian american cock gobbler club

Dwarf nation have no strenght so they are naturally submissive

I love how these spergs sperg out on rlivan 24/7 but suck glibalaist EU and UsA cock like its icecream

Intermarium is fuckign disgusting. Its way over extended and includes a plethora of people that hate each other. There is no sense of overextending. Pic related is /comfy/

I want slavic alliance not antirussian alliance.... Fucking jews


>p-please invade us senpai
Very well

>t. Russlanddeutscher who still can't speak proper german after 30 years but can't stop getting mad about refugees.

This could be pretty good. But before any alliance or union can be made, all members will have to do some serious home cleaning. Especially nations that are in a similar condition as my flagland.

For Bulgaria the fix would be:
>Purging the current government and installing a more tidy, new set of heads with the proper mindset and vision.
>Revise and reform the constitution.
>Strengthen the economy by opening new work sectors and limiting/regulating foreign influences on our market (mainly until we can truthfully say we actually have one and it can in fact stand on it's own to some degree).
>Stomp out as much corruption as possible and put in play prevention measures (educational/re-educational programs and even some forms of propaganda).
>Make it somewhat harder for people to jump ship and bail to some other country. This way people will be forced in a way to clean the shit they've wallowed for decades, stimulate individual growth/development and prevent shitters from actually crossing the fence with the goal to just crap in some other man's lawn (like the sand people are doing right now in Europe).

>t can't deal with hohols
>will invade much stronger enemy

t. Gyurcsány

yeah I wonder what countries neighbouring Russia have so worried to be about

It's not like its filled with paranoid imperialistic war-mongerers who keep threatening neighbour with violence up to this day or something

How about anti EU and anti Russian


Well, then hurry up and do it soon.
Otherwise you'll be sending us an army of 40-50 year olds.

Pretty much every country that's ever been under Russian control hates them. Russians aren't bad people but I wouldn't want to be ruled by them.