Trump banning trans from the military is just like the rise of Nazi Germany
Trump banning trans from the military is just like the rise of Nazi Germany
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psst.. I wish..
Pretty sure they came for the Jews first
just about to say that
>history never changes
Literally Hitler ^^
I didn't think transgender existed until the 60s?
pretty sure they came for the trade unionists and communists first.
>inb4 same thing
Trans shit started in Weimar. Guess which religion the doctor was.
Ummm that's where you're wrong sweetie
Same thing.
Man, these libcucks are insisting so hard on calling us fascists and nazis that maybe we should actually start to oblige them on that take.
m-muh nazis!! literally hitler!!
retarded homosexuals and mentally ill trannies must be gassed
Pastor Niemoller?
>History never changes
what a dumb and pointlessly wrong statement
Weimar was the beta version but the whole thing died for a long time after the Nazis took power
in 1933, the Nazis breathed air. Trump is breathing air today.
Need I say more?
Remindrer: pol is a NATSOC board.
Trump's air will cause climate change so even the air is eviler
why do liberals try to make nazi's sound so great??
It's a mystery. Nobody nose.
>History never changes
Yes but, facts actually. Jews were disarmed and not a threat. A worker revolt in the form of centralized(marxist) or non-centralized(trade-unionist) was the greatest threat to the German economic recovery, which was the key interest of National Socialist leadership. So they purged the elements that could stop it.
You tried to march white men off a cliff and thought it was funny. Nothing you can say will change anything. Its time to pay the debt for your crime.
Don't kid yourself, they just went underground.
What did she mean by "suicidal-ideation-inducing voice dysphoria"?
1945 nazis escaped to the moon
2017 trump cuts funding to nasa
what a hero! put on your pussy hat and praise allah for our wonderful president
they came for the communists first
Yes, remember trans people, not Jews, were the primary victims of Nazi Germany. Be sure to remind all of your friends of this truth.
implying Nazi Germany was bad
My thoughts exactly. As a FUCKING WHITE MALE, you're just going to get called the bad guy anyways, so why not embrace the role?
Guys i'm fucking losing it, these types of people can't be actually serious about what they post? They must be trolling? Also why the fuck do these people never seem to be happy, there is always something that isn't right that they must complain and also make up history just so they can use it as their argument.
>history never changes
Except for the holocaust death toll
history will never be the same
This is fucking ridiculous.
And they want someone like this in our military?
is pro argument why trannies are fit for the army?
how is victimizing people make them fit for the army, it's literally the other way around
>don't want openly mentally unstable individuals in positions where they could undermine the effectiveness of the country's fighting force
This is such bullshit, jesus christ. People are going so hard for muh diversity and muh acceptance that they're throwing reason out the window and actually worsening the overall quality of various fields of work.
it means that xe is unfit for life and should thus never be handed a position where other people depend on xir
They enjoy being unhappy. It makes their pathetic lives more interesting.
Well I'd tend to believe him (him being there at the time) as opposed to some SJW on Twitter.
I swear, normies never look to the jewish problem
You really think jews were "our" primary victims, because (((they))) told you so? Moron.
good house negro
True, this motherfucker even drinks water like Hitler did, I bet. I imagine this Nazi uses silverware just like his fuhrer Adolf did. Fucking orange cheeto Hitler.
They are mentally unwell people who should be put up against a wall and shot dead
It's when you have a voice like Darth Vader, but feel like Elsa, so you're afraid of public speaking. I think.
Actually they started by killing retards, if you go silent we'll start to worry.
Trans people have existed for thousands of years
>don't want openly mentally unstable individuals in positions where they could undermine the effectiveness of the country's fighting force
Actually the official argument is that he doesn't want to pay for their transitions. Medical costs etc.
>Also why the fuck do these people never seem to be happy
It's their way of getting attention. They don't have anything interesting to talk about so instead they try to stir up needless drama to get some.
Not all that uncommon, you have shitloads of children misbehaving in an attempt to finally catch their parent's attention for once, too.
Indeed they were the same
Same thing.
If it means we get to kill all the Jews, then Trump gets a second term.
Yes mentally ill people have existed for thousands of years
Didn't Trump keep a copy of Mein Kempt by his bed?
Tranie wound dick faggot not exist that time. Grandmama told me they of cure with immense of blows from plow handle.
Lulz, we've gone from .02% of the total US population to 150,000 active service, major role in the civil war and first victims of the holocaust. In a day.
No they didn't.
History, history never changes.
Really? That seems like a worse argument to use, understandable but probably a pretty PROBLEMATIC thing to say to trannies
>Jews were disarmed and not a threat
Trump bans literal fucking space aliens from Earth.
>(((Liberals))): Oy Vey!!! In 1933, the Nazis came for the space aliens first. History never changes.
Why do leftists act like trans people have existed and been accepted all throughout history.
Despite everyone saying Mormons are red pilled, Brigham Young's son was a tranny and that was in the 1800s. It definitely existed before Weimar.
Really electrifies the brain stem
Dude, that was 1918-1919. The National Socialists came to power in 1933 and within one month had disbanded the communist party and arrested and thrown in concentration camps all of their leaders along with nuisance trade unionists. The "Jews" as a collective group, outside of their communist leadership positions, were disarmed and mostly irrelevant.
>mentally ill people have existed for a long time
Is this the one that claims gays are half of all murderers or something?
same thing
and /fin/
Agreed, I think its just the "nice" way of telling them to gtfo.
When this eventually goes to SCOTUS, then we can bring out the big guns about mental health and being utterly undeployable. Although I've been making those arguments to people for awhile.
same thing
Has anyone met anybody upset about the tranny ban irl? The only outrage I've seen has been on Sup Forums.
Its like the Jews are doing it again and the transfaggots are too stupid to figure it out due to hormone brain rot.
I think its trying to say that it hates its masculine voice because it wants to be a little dainty girl and no amount of face makeup will make your voice not sound like gravel
It means she sounds like Dr Girlfriend.
>don't want openly mentally unstable individuals in positions where they could undermine the effectiveness of the country's fighting force
what do you mean? Black people are allowed in the militayr.
Not one. Even my notoriously gay liberal Army vet cousin is for the ban due to mental health reasons.
this is enough proof for me that kek is real
Trans people have always existed, we were just to afraid to show our true selves infront of you bigoted transphobic pigs :^)
Is it basically not liking to hear your own voice? Because lots of people hate the sound of their own voice. But they dont jump in front of a lorry because of it.
>implying people were degenerate enough to cut their dicks off and have fake dicks stitched onto their bodies
>implying they even had the medical technology they have today
Please get the fuck out.
I hope... And if it is, it must STAY RISEN this time.
I don't think it's even necessary to make the argument. They straight up tell anyone who will listen how mentally ill they are - normally in terms of how their derangement can only be cured if you chop their penis off for them.
Go to any random tranny twitter account and search 'suicidal ideation'. They like that term and use it frequently. Would you hand some guy who says he is suicidal an automatic rifle and grenades?
t. jew