The happening will be at 10:18, pic related.
Remember the future
Other urls found in this thread:
First for shitty larp that will 404!
This is too much
Ingersoll® Taschenuhr Trump 9001 WH
>WH-white house
Is it fuggin habbening?
>Date first available at 27 May 2014
>The happening will be at 10:18, pic related.
proof that your not a LARPing faggot op.
>over 9000
What will it be? Will it be the 301,604th clear evidence of wrongdoing by a Democrat official that never amounts to anything?
Or will it be the 607th case of a Democrat official actually being somewhat held accountable, but in a manner that doesn't amount to anything and is ignored by the media because maybe a Republican accidentally sneezed the wrong way during the same 24-hour period?
(Hoping for a real happening, but...)
T-60, covfefe.
I've been awake all night.
I don't know that I have it in me to stay awake until midnight just to make sure.
I feel it though.
I wonder if that tweet from Scaramucci that deleted was it though?
>small events leading to big event
time zone?
I want to celebrate now
One hour until the giant freaky moon crashes into Clock Town!
Praise Jesus.
you shoulda slept my dude
you will miss everything when you pass out
>took the day off to watch the aliens on TV
>not sure what time zone my source meant
You guys are alright don't go to channel 4 tomorrow
Meme magic confirmed if this post had one or more 7's
What time zone
What fucking time zone, Tim?
all of them
Guessing EDT because white house but I'm not OP.
Well I guess that answers that
get in here>
This is the magic thread I'm not going anywhere
Time travel confirmed?
Lol 10;18 is gonna roll around and NOTHING is going to happen.
What does 9001 WH mean?
5 minutes remaining
so thats like 10 episodes in DBZ time
Can't argue against those Hitler digits
three minutes
Hope it's a real happening and not some pizzagate crap like the WH user mentioned earlier
Pizzagate is fucking boring. There I said it
Please don't let that be a wasted get
There's moar clues!
pic related
where is my happening
this song drove me into the endless void
Why am I not dead yet
>he cant stop his heart at will
you still have a long way to go, kid
Tendie time?!
HAPPENING today lad?
It'll come up short of expectations for sure. It won't involve the players we would like and other bullshit factors will be brought in to cloud the issue.
Digits confirm biggest happening
Fuck dude :/
It's fucking nothing unless another US time zone bro dog
We have (((six))) hours left
6 hours???
PDT maybe
Did it happen yet?
When will moon?
But 10:18 was alredy here, you fooled me again :(
Guys I've figured it out - USA anons have all got to spam uncle Donald's twitter for a happening.
You should demand it for supporting him in the meme war against the trans.
You're right bro dog
11, still no happening