The rise in Female Predators

>Eleanor Wilson, 28, became close with pupil during trip in July and August 2015
>She became close to the sixth-former on trip to the Hadron Collider in Geneva
>They flirted at back of the plane while looking after another pupil who was unwell
>Miss Wilson entered the toilet, kissed and had sex without using protection

how do we stop these sickos?

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What color do you think the student was?





Lets get this teacher out onto a tray...

Nice hiss

"had sex in the plane's toilet"
This really makes me think.

Articles like this always downplay her crimes. If it were an adult male and his female student, they wouldn't say "unprotected sex" they'd call it for what it is, statutory rape.

Jokes aside, sexual abuse is still sexual abuse. There are lots of kids getting raped by women and not taken seriously because of stuff like your "nice", just saying.

You mean the rise of people realizing they've been the biggest predators all along? do some research on it if you don't believe me. It will come out soon.

>implying any straight male wouldn't be into it if the woman was at least the attractiveness of the one OP posted

she looks way older than 28

Looks like she's the one who collided with a large Hardon.



the point is rather than the laws should either be applied indiscriminately
or if people don't feel that it's actually a crime, reworked

IT´s still rape asshole.

Women also enjoy being raped, because that´s the body natural response, now imagine how a boy getting raped has too feel about this in this social climate, which you guys, who are usually very critical about norms, reinforce.


reaaaaal niceeee


nice one carlos

Pretty much these.
Kids get molested/fucked by these older women and people act surprised when they grow up to be degenerates and have weird fetishes.
Hell, that's how I got into a lot of my fucked up fetishes.
Considering the kid in the OP was probably drunk, he might have suffered from whiskey dick. That makes sex a lot less enjoyable.

Lucky bastard

>28 year old disgusting STD ridden hag with a vagina like a wizard's sleeve coerces some poor boy into fornication that will forever warp his sense of relationships and authority figures rendering him unable to marry or function in society

This cunt deserves death.

man face spooky skelly

no thanks



A sixth former in the U.K is over the age of consent. Not any kind of rape...


ahem I mean predators can be women too!

>Implying that a 14 year old isn't going to regret premarital sex he didn't understand


Noice. Allways wanted to fuck my teacher.

I did fuck a girl I later dated teacher though. One week I dated the teacher, fucked her, got bored, the next week I met "Ida" at the local bar, hooked up, found out I fucked her teacher the last week.

Yes, Im a total Chad, sue me.

>Sup Forums
>Critical of norms
Kek, what year do you think it is user?
2012 is long gone, you'll be hard-pressed to find posts on Sup Forums defending pedophilia nowadays because it's socially unacceptable.


She looks old as fuck.
She's probably lonely and didn't get much cock when she was younger because of studying all the time. Now she is thirsting for what she missed out.

Glad I went through a phase of plowing dumb whores between 16 and 25 before marrying.

>Sixth form
>14 year old
really activates the almonds.

Erection is consent.



Go away cuck boy.
Men don't fucking care.
The only type of man that would complain about an attractive or semi attractive women seducing them and fucking them are gay boys and pussy boys. Weak omega beta cunts that whine and complain about everything (i.e. you).




It's ploughing you arse

>White women are having sex with underage boys instead of me
Where did I fuck up so badly in life?

Didn't really care, just threw out an age. Regardless, if he's under 18 he's most likely not ready to make such decisions and will even more likely regret them.


steve posting is best meme

Would have kekked if the joke actually worked.

Boys are like faggots, women don't feel threatened around them and feel in control.

>slang is spelt correctly
Want to be my personal spell checker, faggot?

kid was confirmed for black.
tfw even black children have 8 inchers. life is cruel

Why are the English the worst at speaking English

>Guys enjoy sexual abuse, because i like the fantasy of being raped

Women fantasy about rape all the time, it´s a fucking fantasy, only because you like to imagine this it does not mean that this is not damaging, especially not to a child.

Violated her Geneva, nice

promiscuity is whats destroying culture

anglo genetics


underrated post

>She became close to the sixth-former on trip to the Hadron Collider in Geneva
>They flirted at back of the plane while looking after another pupil who was unwell
>Miss Wilson entered the toilet, kissed and had sex without using protection
How come women can do this and not get shamed but us men can't?

God I wish that were me

What the fuck does it matter if protection was used?

Fuck you roastie worshiping betas.

Because I would end your life personally if you did. I don't care if a woman does it, if someone else wants to pursue punishment to her for the crime then so be it.

>born too soon


You seem too habe misspelled "nice"


>Up to 64,000 women in UK 'are child-sex offenders'

I mean, she did get fired, so I guess there's that.
That said, if you actually care about Sup Forums's opinion on stuff like this, you're functionally retarded.
Sup Forums is full of hypocrites, taking anything people say here seriously is to your own detriment.

>How come women can do this and not get shamed but us men can't?

Because men are too thirsty. That's literally the only reason.

A woman can do this because even if people find out about it, there will still never be a shortage of men willing to ignore it and still treat her decently in exchange for sex.

If a man does this and people find out about it, he'll be shunned by all the women in his social circles.


>uses roastie and beta in the same sentence
Stop projecting, faggot.

No, cuck boy, real men don't experience an attractive woman seducing them for sex as rape. It's pleasure and a sense of satisfaction. You're viewing this from your low testosterone beta perspective. You're acting like these women are bending these boys over and fucking them in the ass with a strapped on cock.

I guarantee you never get sex or female attention. Women can sense your betaness a mile away.

True but she should still be fired for fucking a student in that case

How is this even illegal? What's the rationale?

why stop them ? Women are not men.If that was my son i wouldn t care.

t. Kierkagaard.


Female prison officers commit 90% of sex assaults on male teens in US juvenile detention centres

It's not really about if it's a crime or not but how people just go with it. "Nice" what does that even mean?
Has anyone said "nice" when a guy slept with a girl or boy?

Very nice.

Why does it feel like people on Sup Forums look at the same shit as me?



Whilst incarcerated? nice...

I eat salad while watching him eat a 1941 mre

>If that was my son i wouldn t care.
What if your son grew up with a warped view of sexuality because of it and went on to abuse a younger female?

This. A teenage boy could easily beat the shit out of her. with a teenage girl getting taken advantage of a grown man it's different.

Finally someone with enough brains to answer me.

He wouldn't since I'd make him aware of the double standard. It's okay for underage boys, but it's not for girls.

It's simply the emotional reaction of men. If a man does this, we will get violent and put him down. If a woman does it, it does not get much of a reaction if any.

>But the relationship came to light seven months later after another pupil threatened to reveal the tryst unless Miss Wilson had sex with him.

I'm sure I've seen this plot in 'artistic' works before.

OK then i guess we both can agree to wish for you being raped.

I bet it will be awesome.

And don´t ever complain about sex offenders who rape your sister again, because you teached them that rape is completely fine, and that their pain only matters in women.


Because like it or not, regardless of nationality we're cut from the same cloth and are drawn to the same interests.
This teacher, such robust overtones and subtle hints of berry, truly exquisite

t. beta cuck virgin

Most honorable.