If you want to represent NatSocs, don't act like a nigger like Skinheads untermench

If you want to represent NatSocs, don't act like a nigger like Skinheads untermench

Though I don't counter signal or disavow any NatSoc/white identitarian, skin head or not, I agree that being a Fashy goy is best optics.

Dress decently, be well grooomed and be in good shape.

Yeah. We must hide in the shadows until something happens that destabilise the world, giving us a window of action for the white race.

What upper-middle class nerds don't realize is that every great movement has FOLK, a lower class. Their ideals are what matters.

Sadly, majority of pol neo-nazis are fat fucks who fantasize about being nazis to somehow elevate themselves from the losers they are.

Being natsoc doesn't mean hiding behind a computer like what most pol-tards do, it means being organized & act like a well-disciplined unit just like that of the NordFront & Golden Dawn, which act like organized paramilitary political entity instead of acting like gangs or thugs like Skinheads

Yes, don't be too loud about what you believe, fight for what you believe, or make art that's organically connected to the environment you exist in. Just wait in complacency until the perfect "paramilitary" style WN movement suddenly shows up in a neighborhood near you, then you can listen to Wagner all day. You don't want to be a dirty street level skinhead do you? Good goy.

yeah. what use would we ever have for violent low agency skinheads? we got kekistanis.

The Jewish caricature of neo-nazi doesn't exist. It's a Jewish myth.


This. Ian Stuart was an incredibly smart guy and so were a lot of the other original neo-nazi skins. So sad that that even the right is insecure about being seen as low class and poor. That's supposed to be a leftist insecurity.

Why are you trying to alienate allies? Sounds pretty jewish.

The original brownshirts were just a bunch of peasants and middle class workers that militarized against Jewish Communist/Capitalist power.

Hitler was literally homeless before WW1.

Don't shit on people from the lower classes because they still have more in common with you than non-whites.

disciplined natsocs =/= tattoo-covered degenerate attention-seeking skinheads

Posers & degenerates don't have a place in the master race

>implying Nazis were any different.

Apparently youve never heard of brown shirts. Real nazi had thugs on the ground

You're right but the movement will require muscle at one point or another. Masturbating on the internet will not reclaim white countries.

Both have to work in tandem.


>Hi im a leftypol shill please stay locked indoors and dont take any irl action like these evil bald men


Scram Turdk


Indeed. The right needing goons doesnt mean tatted drug addicts

ok you have 2 camps:
1 camp advocates for wearing fashionable clothing, mostly made by, advertised by, and sold by....the jews.
1 camp wears their pride on their skin. Meaning, unlike the other camp, they can't just change clothes and run when a jew army is closing in on them.
1 camp would rather rub elbows with kikes, live lavish lifestyles based on the sweat of others, and make jewtube videos with donation buttons readily available to the viewer so that they can buy jewished designed stylish uniforms.
1 camp toils by day and fights in the street by night for his beliefs, often landing himself in a jewrun state prison finally meeting up with many unknown brothers.
1 camp argues on the internet 24/7 and when or if he meets these kikes he's allied himself with, he discovers that they aren't white at all and that he was the jew all along.


I'm always "hiding my power level" while working to improve myself everyday

I have embraced education, art, and a healthy lifestyle.


You is retard if that's what you took away from that post

the alt right is rife with jews what did you expect? real nazis would have genocided 90% of these subhumans

It's literally marlon brando on the left you idiot

White people destroyed natsoc Germany had nothing to do with minorities apart from Jews

>everyone I don't like is /leftypol/
t. neonazi skinhead

This is the reason that I left the NSM. They act like filthy degenerates and the higher ups just allow it because they're useful idiots to them. That's no way to treat their fellow man. I'm absolutely disgusted by neo-nazis. There needs to be a return to traditional values if we ever want to form a successful party again.

Both are on the same side you know, we just have to purge them after victory

Out of all the people to hate on, why skins?
>"They look bad! They're thugs! They even have tattoos!"
So? Who cares? Go back to bible camp.

This is how you fight international jewry, not acting like stupid(Skinhead) niggers. Political activism, not fashion gangs of wanna-be Nazis

Atleast they're not losers like you pol faggots

Tattoos are degenerate, you didn't see Hitler have Swastika tattoos on his arm & SS bolts on his ass. No, he wore respective clothing & maintained conservative values.

Yeah, it's fine if you shave your head but getting tattoos and going out getting drunk and getting into fights with non-whites is just degenerate and is shit that the old National Socialists wouldn't be happy about

y not both?

The intention is s what truly what matters

We need the maximum people as possible, not fracture ourselves

That's like being against prostitution but fighting prostitution while dressing & acting like a slut

Admittedly, to say that there has been a decline would be an understatement.

In a nutshell: You can't claim to have higher moral ground or being a member of the Master Race while being a tattooed degenerate, drug-using moron who acts like a nigger.

all these people today, are they not educated?
everybody is educated today

and yet people are dumber and more evil than before.

so not sure this education that you seem to like so much, is really something we should desire to have


Most of them are from prisons anyway.

OK, Celts and Vikings had tattoos so like whats up with that? Hell they found a white dude frozen in a fjord that had them. Like wtf am I supposed to do, I got them before I was racially aware. I was listen to some American Vanguard guys, thought to myself ok the seem cool. no tattoos. ok well wtf

A lot of the SS had tattoos. Double sig runes, or the infamous blood group tattoo. So go on and tell me again about lightning bolts on Hitler's ass.

I want someone to give me a single reason why optics matter (at this stage), because that's what this is all about. What do you think the priority should be? Looking good or being able to take a punch?

Why are natsocs anti drug when it is widely known nazi soldiers and the fuhrer himself were stacked on all kinds of performance enhancing drugs?

>celts and vikings had tattoos
Yes they had
But did they have some fucking degenerate tattoo where it stands "1488 gas kikes race war now" in their forehead?

Thank you fucking thank you. Issues never addressed. AN it's all ways fucking christians an their fucking semitic fairytales man.

probably the equivalent in common usage at the time

I get a kick out of how the "Aryan Brotherhood" was created by Jew Thomas Silverstein.

The only tattoos SS officers had were that of their blood type under the underarm not bigger than a coin, this was not for fashion. Skinheads have tattoos of their foreheads & whole bodies similar to niggers & spics

Address my fucking question bitch.

>it's all ways fucking christians an their fucking semitic fairytales man.
Nice anti-Christian sentiments there Mr. jew

its true and im not though im a mick so im a potato nigger

address my fucking question bitch

>this was not for fashion

Are you going to tell me with a straight face that covering yourself with white power tattoos is a fashion statement? It is a permanent mark on your body for the whole world to see. It's about letting everyone know exactly who you are.

Do you guys here not understand that? Looking like those swedes, or taking the latest men's fashion tips from Richard Spencer says nothing. It says, "I'm here for the job interview." Scared of looking scary... the state of you people.

kill yourself.