How do I become Pagan?
> pagan
Do nothing
There is no god only nature embrace this feeling
Put your faith in Christ, He is the Truth.
Do it before it's too late!
Become a warrior
Train combat sports:
Think about reality
Think about culture and heritage
Read Nietzsche if you want to become a serious theist pagan
Vargs channel is also good
Follow the Light of the world, Jesus Christ!
read some entry level nietzsche
Seek Knowledge:
readup on Paganism
seek a healther and nature connected lifestyle
cold showers, jogging, no chem food
overcome your fears and become seek to become a hero like our heroes and gods
and christcucks btfo
and pay the tenth of your earnings and praise those that hates you
You do it.
By leaving this shill thread and getting into the action:
Also stop following the false idols of politics like this user is doing
start LARPing
1. Be a godless atheist aka kike
2. Have a strong desire to destroy the central defing culture of Europe aka Christianity
3. LARP on 4chin about you love for your fake polytheistic non-religion
4. High five your jew/feminist/marxist allies when the western world collapses and whites go extinct
5. Profit
I'm not convinced Christianity is the way anymore. Pic related.
>eat dick and shit while jumping around a fire
>get BTFO by christians
>cry how pagans are stronger then christians afterwards
Smash your head against the wall until you hear piping noise in your ears. You need to stop right there or else you'll become muslim.
tldr of this kikes incoherent ramblings? Better yet make an argument in your own words schlomo... because your suggestion makes Europe islamic.
What a stupid meme.
Well, you better re-think your position because your soul is at stake. Don't waste your life in pagan idolatry.
Are TWO different things. The jews hated The Truth, Christ, that's why they crucified Him.
Thats kinda edgy but ok if you are just a common guy
Just find the roots of your ancestors. Embrace nature and try to grasp the nuances of what Paganism really is.
Read, workout and spend time in nature.
Forsake racial nationalism and embrace tribalism.
Forsake the semitic religions and embrace the religious ways of your ancestors.
Assuming you are of Germanic origin, I'd recommend the following:
Learn the origins and meanings of festivities like Easter or Midsummer (to avoid calling it Christmas). Research the traditional texts and stories like Grimm's fairy tales for example. Also read them to the children in your family, if they are any. Gift them books of sagas if they are older.
Generally try to keep traditions alive or try to revive some that are lost. While doing so, obviously try to cut any Christian influence on them.
By kneeling before your God Horus!
What a brain fart. Yule of course.
Wow you kikes dont even hide that you're kikes. When you define your religious views as "anything but Christianity" you are a kike. Denying Christ kinda makes you a literal jew.
Go outside. See sun. Raise ur hands. Pray
Maybe I should have specified: Most Christian traditions are of pagan origin anyway, so I won't call it "Christian". Christian is the Jewish seed/coating, defiling the sacredness.
That absolutely needs to be stripped away.
Step 1: kill yourself
OP I assure you want to be a Catholic. Fuck Paganism.
Visit Estonia.
Do not stay for long, we are full.
I thought Lithuania was the superior pagan nation, can Estonia compete?
>muh ancestuhz
>we wuz jarlz n shit
Germanic pagans were tribal shits that accomplished fuck all.
Germanic christians colonized the entire planet and landed on the fucking moon.
Thats a retarded post.
The jewish parasite called christianity simply cam later in time.
>simply cam later in time.
Christian philosophy formed the basis of modern European values. Limited government, universal rights like free speech, valuing the truth above everything else, it all has its roots in Christianity. It was over a thousand years of studying scripture that slowly transformed the European mind into the analytical truth seeking form it was at its height.
The Enlightenment was a direct product of the Reformation.
>free speech
>analytical truth seeking
How come do you think this? Christianity is nothing else then a set of slave values.
Paganism is literally just appreciating nature and being slightly more mindful than normal.
There's no structure to it, its very much 'do what you think is paganism'.
Step one is to determine what kind of "Pagan" you wish to become. What is the primary group you wish to experience kinship with?
Step two is to learn the stories and lore behind that particular group of gods. Learn their histories and struggles and become close to them in your heart.
Step three is learn about the culture associated with your chosen "group" and strive to live like them in principle. For example, the Nine Noble Virtues would be prominent form someone following the Norse Pantheon.
Step four is to join up with other followers of your beliefs and network with them. Take part if celebrations and holidays, learn from those with greater knowledge and always increase your own understanding and relationship of the gods.
Being a "Pagan" in actuality if far from what this board says it is. There are more traditionalist groups that do live more akin to the old ways, but that doesn't mean you must also do the same.
Embrace monistic nature god
go out backpacking into the wilderness all by urself
Read religios texts (esp Tao te ching)
Reject all Abrahamism
good luck
Do you consider the gene pool polluted if i get an eesti gf ?
im cummin
>Step one is to determine what kind of "Pagan" you wish to become
Then you are just LARPing. Belief is not something you sit down and after careful consideration decide to acquire -- you either believe in Odin or you don't.
You need to be born into a pagan family, to a pagan father, like this:
The word "pagan" originally had strong overtones of being a "country bumpkin," as early Christianity spread most quickly through urban areas.
So a good first step would be to change your name to "Cletus" or "Jethrine" and yank out a couple of your teeth.
>how do I become pagan?
Step 1: join Catholic church
Step 2: congrats. Enjoy being a pagan
Amen. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Actually that's exactly how you determine your beliefs. You take a look at the pantheon/stories you're being told and then either believe them or don't.
It's called critical thinking.
You just asked for your thread to be raided by christcucks OP.
Focus on the following things each day of the week (These things do not need to be exclusive to the day, just main focus)
Work on Monday
Martial arts on tuesday
Reading tradional lore on Wednesday
Heavy lifting on Thursday
Traditional Music, courting women on Friday (If single) Family night if not
Cleaning on Staurday, and reading about Jewish malevolence (Culture of Critique, Track of the Jew Through the Ages, the Jews and the Jews in England)
Rest on Sunday and review week
focusing on belief just makes you a primitive trying to see paganism though Jewish (christian eyes)
Paganism is in your blood if you are White. It's there regardless of whether you like it or not. It's a journey of understanding and a development of reverence for your ancestors and (genetic) history
well you if want to believe in reincarnation and a universal karma, mainly because your egotistical and NEED MUH PROOFS SKY FAIRY BULLSHIT type of mentality, it might just work for you.
seriously, no one understands what faith is. they need proof, fucking faggots
Christianity is a Jewish sect that makes 'useful idiots' out of Whites. Christianity is cuckery defined.
"Faith" is for Chrisitans we have "troth". Faith is for slaves, troth is for those loyal to their ancestors. You do not have to believe in literal gods walking in the sky to be pagan and if you do you may just be being too primitive for this time in history i.e. LARPing. LARPing as your ancestors is not nearly as bad as LARPing as Jews (Christians) and it is not necessarily bad but you don't have to do it. It can be a way of trying to discover and understand your ancestral past.
No you read the stories and let them sink in without "believing" or "disbelieving". Belief is the primitive way Christians see the world. It's stupid. You approach the stories with reverence and humility. You don't understand yet and that's okay. Certainly is for the slaves of the Jew (Christians). We have 'troth' (loyalty) not 'faith'.
Slide thread. Reported, saged, hidden.
Can you be described as a person with a free spirituality?
Do you have zero conviction about your gods?
Are your gods basically deified personality traits?
Do you feel that you should do what you feel?
Then you already are.
Cuck defined. You have a fetish for mutilated penis. Your mind is enslaved. You have no concept of god except the most primitive. When you follow the one you are as imbalanced as the one you only works his biceps out at the gym. You have no respect for the body or the world as you separate them from the unseen world and in you arrogance think you are better. This separates you from your physical (genetic) past. You serve the Jew always and dishonor your ancestors. You LARP as a desert tribe when you are from forest people. Pathetic dishonorable cuckery. Guilty of all the evil that have come to our people. You are the traitor, the worst kind of evil.
The reason atheism has spread is because of the obvious stupidities and evils of the Jew slave religion.
In addition - protestanitism is for people who do not care about consequences.
Fuck off swedenigger.