What does Sup Forums think of Hindus hell bent on removing kebab?
They are in the right side of history no matter what stormfaggots say.
Can any Marathi user provide an (accurate) translation of the song in OP?
Lets starts another thread for that, mexibro.
Indian women are grade A qt's.
I've had sexual relations with many of them. Will never get over the face of an Indian qt the first time she lays her eyes on some alpha white cock.
They have a positive force no doubt.
Good for you my dude, however...
>alpha white cock
..makes me think you're more likely an abdool from rawalpindi. In any case, good for you.
gute girls
want to remove kebab
conservative culture
Why do Westerners have such irrational qualms about fecal matter? It's a natural part of everyday life.
What the fuck are they shooting?
Looks like some khyber pass bootleg single fire shit.
I guess the thread has already suffered paki infestation.
Hey there fellow pajeet, whats up?
Nothing will happen unless we forcibly sterilize Muslims. Making meme songs and movements won't stop Mohammed and Fatima from making 5 kids.
I think theyre not going to achieve it with the .177 air rifles in your image
Marriage material
>I'm a white guy with an Indian fetish
>hell bent on removing kebab?
by using air rifles? Lol
>mexican flag
>british flag
>poo in loo
That is not the point of the organization.
Those girls are just getting familiar with handling a weapon.
RSS is a social works organization desu
We have such cuck gun laws Smh
But are they familiar with using dare I say it,
/the loo/?
Plebbit needs to leave
When the time comes, they will arm themselves with Tavors. They are pretty resourceful.
Ignore baits.
Why does it scare you of toilet witches devouring your shitty curry naan tikka masala smeared butthole?
Have to respect them for having the balls for doing what we should be doing here.
More Hindi qt3.14's holding guns please.
Why doesn't india implement a eugenics program to suppress street-shitter birth rates while encouraging high-caste people to have more?
Only around 13 percent of the guns in our country are legal we will have enough guns when required every self respecting Hindu should own a rifle and a revolver atleast, as getting their license is easy
Trying to meme this hard, Wew
The girls wing is called Durga Vahini.
Its called caste system, and it is heavily demonized. Esp by the west.
Agreed, but I really wonder if having lax gun laws will be beneficial. Every abdool going chimping out with a rifle would make country less secure. Also, chutiye logo ko reply mat kar bhai.
>a revolver
It's easier to get a revolver than a semiauto handgun? I would rather have a semiauto handgun than a revolver because of reload speed and capacity. But hey if a revolver is all you can get, make do. Are there restrictions on caliber and barrel length?
Its good, after you guys have removed the kebab you should work on removing the genetically inferior Indians in the southern parts, they are almost like niggers.
Based. 1000 years of rape and humiliation has gotta lead to a bit of resentment.
Hindu's and Chinks need to get it on.
Same process to get a revolver or semi auto pistol.
They might have darker skin but they are generally more hard workers. Most developed region in South Asia have darkest skin color.
All the rapes and humiliation was suffered by Pakistan and Bangladesh. Hindus and Sikhs of India fought off the invaders.
We have a saying, jo garajte hai baraste nahin. If they want to attack us, they should quit bitching and do it.
>Implying Abdul can afford a gun
They can barely afford beef leave alone guns
user it's almost impossible to get a semi and an army factory made revolver costs around 1200$ the semis are even more expensive, the easiest weapons to get are double barrel shotguns
The process is same but getting a semi is harder
>>mexican flag
Mexico is a western country
More from Durga Vahini.
keep in mind the Sikhs single handedly fought back the Islamic caliphate and prevented their country from being conquered and Islamized/enslaved.
I think they're break-action air rifles.
Probably won't remove much kebab with those.
I think it would be splendid if you removed each other so we could plant the seeds of new Brittanic nations on your misused lands.
Is it true that best soldiers from India are from Punjab region?
fuck off you and I both know you would force opium on them like you did with china shoo shoo
It doesn't matter that much, the kebabs there have guns of equal quality.
I would worry about safeguarding Brittanic life in Londonistan.
Gurkhas, Sikhs, Jatts, Marathas, Ahoms.
Don't worry your country will soon be west Pakistan you can setup all the colonies you want then
Holy fuck i haven't seen an indian flag since they added the option to change your flag. You are very brave Pajeet I'll spare you the poo jokes
I don't see any fulcrum on them though.
In any event, a rifle held together by string ain't removing much kebab.
sikhs are liberal shits that betrayed tehir ancestral faith in order to suck up to mudslimes
What about the nords?
We got some people here working at our plant, R&D, they are from that region. They are all fucking massive, built like fucking lumberjacks with massive beards.
Nice people though, they always bring food when they have a festival going on and it's pretty gud. Idk how it's possible when the average pajeet is so scrawny and small desu.
Gurkhas, Sikhs, Jatts, Marathas, Ahoms.
They are still a sect of Hinduism atleast on our subcontinent
No, I'd sterilise all people that weren't ethnic Europeans if I could get away with it. Though you do raise a good point; we need to begin investing our foreign aid shekels in the crack cocaine industry. The British taxpayer has the unique ability to tap the crack market in Africa, which until this time is shamefully ignored. We should convince the Chinese of eating pickles human testicles, with different races having different medicinal properties. African balls rendering one strong and virile, Jew balls helping cultivate a success in business and so forth. naturally we should control via mi6 the pickled ball market also, that way any money we make on crack can be funnelled back into our castration program. Then when enough men are incapable of breeding and the women are mindful of the fact that nobody will be able to look after them in old age, we can present ourselves as a candidate do create reparation zones in target countries, with the rest of the lands serving for European settlement.
sikhs and jains are disgusting liberal heretics that need to be done away with (like protestants in europe)
its bad enough that buddhshits are tolerated
Drug addicts are needed, obviously, otherwise nobody would sell their balls.
Comment on your video.
>sikhs and jains are disgusting liberal heretics
So what type of Abdool are you?
Easy their, I understand Punjabis are trash and Jains are straight up Jews but they are still not mudslimes which is a plus in my book
Ghar Vapasi when
poos are weak faggots
they can't fight
I've bullied at least 25 poos when I was in India. They don't do shit. lmao AMA
It's fine by me but you need something higher powered than air rifles.
Hopefully never, lesser of the shit stock the better for us. Muslim rape babies are weak, meek and easily bullied.
Its handling training.
Good job Pajeet defend your nation until the end.
Indian women are super hot too.
hinduism is the only continuity of the ancient indoeuropean vedic traditions,
semitic 5th column garbage that seeks to undermine our people needs to be wiped out asap
the only reason why i follow the christianity is because its culturally indoeuropean in the west
Hindus have hated Muslims for awhile now.
Buddhists hate Muslims also.
Support, as long as they dont start moving to the USA
latent aryan genes
Why are Muslims regular armies so incompetent?
A Righteous Poo is the best Poo
Are you a crypto panjeet?
>Its handling training.
You have the internet, look up "how to shoulder a rifle"
This is unacceptable. First picture the girl on the left practically has the butterfly in her armpit. Second picture she has it in the croock of her elbow. If you are going to gun down Muslims, you need to know how to hold a rifle first.
Yeah, I should've read more of the thread before posting. But I'm 100% in favor of physically removing kebab.
they are on same level at poo army. Go outside, find a poonigger and slap him. See if he will fight back. Now do the same to a sandnigger.
Poos are pathetic cucks.
It's cool as long as they stay in India
>implying gunning down inbreed, retarded Muslims take a lot of skills
Yes Hinduism is the only living continuity of Vedic traditions but the Jains are among the most based people. There is no particular reason to hate on them.
Also here's a Sanskrit "song" for you
Inbreeding, plus Muslims in Pakistan are the lower quality stock. The higher quality ones either didn't convert to Islam and remained Hindu or joined Sikhism. Similar case for Bengalis. Lower castes converted en-masse during the islamic invasions.
Don't be too harsh man, they probably didn't grow up shooting like you or I - everyone's gotta start somewhere
Are you for real?
If you are not an from europa or North Americ you dont stand a chance.
Every turk born as soldier dies as soldier
There you go again.
Sorry but he started it
Sikhs are the only good thing to come out of India, literally aryan tier race of people bent on removing the kebab
Anyone who wants to remove mudslimes is fine with me. As long as they stay in their country.
>Every Turk born as a roach dies as a roach
Why dont you try it nigger
>when your country is so shit you view Mexico as a western country
>picking a fight over the internet
kek, you're pathetic.
The sikhs are less than 2% of Indian population
20% of entire Indian Military
37% of Officers are Siks
Most decorated Indian Regiment is sikh regiment
Indians on Sup Forums consider them trash, kek
I'd rather have sikhs than these smelly pakis and hindus that infest cali
Literally the elites of the caste system. They end up with beautiful women in arranged weddings. The smelly hindus end up fucking their cousins and having deformed inbred babies.
the hate is mostly beacuse they are pacifists
ahahahah fuckyourself
you can say youre a sikh all you want, but that wont cover up your shudra dravidi blood
>implying I ever said I was a Sikh
Here's my flag. What now bro?
>Most Christian state
>Highest HDI
they should be aggressively seeking out poo and removing it from the streets. with their mouths.
Go go! Kashmir belongs to India!!!
Glad to see some people have taken the sikh redpill, too often we get confused with muslims which is twice as insulting considering the history we have with kebab
you will get your ass beat, faggot. i promise. youtube.com
Fair enough but you still have to go back and save your country Pajeet.
>Most developed region in South Asia have darkest skin color.
That picture is photoshopped. The entire car is photoshopped in.