What happened?
Hillary Clinton's new book memoir: What happened
Sexism, misogyny, racism, bigotry, homophobia, etc.
>new threat, the alt-right
>What Happened?
Absolutely perfect.
>For the first time, Hillary Rodham Clinton reveals what she was thinking and feeling during one of the most controversial and unpredictable presidential elections in history. Now free from the constraints of running, Hillary takes you inside the intense personal experience of becoming the first woman nominated for president by a major party in an election marked by rage, sexism, exhilarating highs and infuriating lows, stranger-than-fiction twists, Russian interference, and an opponent who broke all the rules. This is her most personal memoir yet.
Libel city. I can't wait to see if this arrogant bitch hangs herself in her "memoir."
Like Mein Kampf but for trannies and women who think they're men's equals
You're forgetting Russian Hackers and Macedonian Content Farms.
Is this gonna be about her loli years? hahaha
The book is just a collection of rare pepes
Is it going to have 50 pages of Pepe memes?
Who would want to read 400 pages of excuses and finger pointing?
What happend is she thought that the 20% of loud liberals who don't let anyone else get a word in represent the views of an entire nation.
So 80% turned against her but 30% couldn't bring themselves to vote for someone as abbracive as the Donald.
That and wikileaks.
I bet Sup Forums and Alex Jones will be mentioned.
>open to page 1
>it just say "BTFO" in impact font
>book blows up inspector gadget style
>an opponent who broke all the rules.
"Breaking the rules" is supposed to be a good thing when it's a womyn or minority doing it.
The fact that Trump "broke the rules" by being a political outsider is completely lost on these beltway bubbleheads.
its the perfect title
yes, what in the actual fuck happened?
It's gonna be a book filled with "You Lost" as that "How communism works" book which only said "No it doesn't"? It would be top kek
>and an opponent who broke all the rules
In tears
Putin with a smattering of retards.
Bitch, you got BTFO, that's what happened.
>What Happened
IT happened, obviously
and with two posts we summed up the entire plot. Now you don't have to read this drivel
Russians hacked her bus so she couldn't campaign in Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania.
>What happened?
A corrupt narcissist used her political connections to turn what should have been an exciting Democratic race into a self-congratulatory coronation. Then took that same self-absorbed and oblivious attitude into a General Campaign with a keen business intellect who played her like a damn fiddle.
Hillary's 2016 campaign was one long line of bad decisions, but if you were to boil it down to a handful of moments it was
1) Clinton media agents going after Webb, Chaffee, and O'Malley after the first debate to try and force out the competition as quickly as possible.
2) The email scandal
3) The long, drawn out smear campaign against Sanders
4) The "basket of deplorables" comment
5) Stumbling into the van on 9/11
>mfw living pa and watching tv at 3 am
please have a chapter on Sup Forums, it would be glorious
Be honest. Was that really her shoe?
killary cunton dies in 2018. Kek wills it.