So this came across my attention yesterday. Turns out that Niggers put piss and shit in a bottle, fix a balloon to the bottle top, leave it in the sun for a while.
When the balloon expands, they remove it, and inhale the fermented piss/shit fumes and get off their fucking trolly.
One nigger reports that fermented piss and shit fumes help him see his dead mother when he trips his marble off.
Quality shit.......
Leo Davis
>how did we miss this We didn't You mean you've never heard of butt hash? Beat it, kid.
Ian Rogers
First thing I see when I google jenkem
Colton Edwards
>just now recognizing a fake meme from literally 6 years ago Fuck off back to whatever rock you came out from under.
Bentley Roberts
>we didn't miss anything. Also it's been widely debunked as an internet hoax
Isaac Bennett
It's not fake it's legit. I have a few containers of jenkem fermenting in my room right now.
Chase Hall
Sup Forums didn't exist in 1999 you DENSE faggot.
Jose Long
i would love to believe it is fake. But the BBC would not write this about their precious africans if there was nothing to the story.
these people have more culture than we do after all! (according to the BBC)
Andrew Gray
>Sup Forums didn't exist in 1999 you DENSE faggot.
This is true, but it has been a Sup Forums topic since its inception.
Xavier Cruz
its a fake. Like the grifter video or Hillary winning the elections
Cameron Wright
>First thing I see when I google jenkem
yeah but you know Obama was into the purer more concentrated form of jenkum known as jenkane
they also can specify the type of high by the ethnicity of the person you get the shit from, Indian mist is the diggity dank apparently
Jose Smith
Ian White
News hoax, like the Blue Whale game
Samuel Wright
Yes. I live in Detroit (miniature Africa) and the niggers here do it too.
It's real.
Mason Rivera
This shit showed up in American Dad. 2012
Brody Johnson
That's not fake at all. It happened to a guy who lives next to where I used to work. I can assure you it's real.
Brandon Evans
>Yes. I live in Detroit (miniature Africa) and the niggers here do it too. Somehow i don't want to believe you.
Austin Evans
Yeah, and I don't want to live around niggers. Life's a bitch, ain't it?
Wyatt Sanchez
people for real do it. its popular in africa.
Matthew Lee
Can confirm. 420chan even has a jenkem board full of obsolete farm equipment.
Andrew Garcia
this is a real thing. I live in the south and these guys are doing this shit out in the open.
Jose Reyes
thats because writers and / or the creator lurked here there is also an episode where 'not' walt disney comes out of stasis and gets disgusted at degeneracy ending with a black guy with a white girl at which point he says "shut it down. shut it all down" do not mistake this for them being allies they are jews after all
Grayson Kelly
Lol you newfags.
This is like watching a bunch of 10 year olds discover a meme from 2001.
Ayden Hall
it's real faggot people even ask fat short Mexicans for their shit because the diet makes their jenkum more powerful. >fags never even seen 420chan
Parker Cook
>tripcode fag >"britbong" to boot >can't even triforce properly Maybe it's just me, but these slide threads are getting really damn silly.
Go back to the donald please, we don't need your weaponised autism here. No hard feelings, kiddo.
Angel Wright
Kevin Morales
This is literally the dumbest meme ever. Anybody LARPing it should be stabbed in the face.
Jaxson Butler
Nathaniel Lewis
Hobos have been doing for ages.
Jonathan Nelson
Shill please, you don't even know what a tripcode is. You're the fucking summerfag. This is a tripcode.
Isaiah Rodriguez
Who old fat enough to be on /totse/ where this was born
Thomas Perry
fucking stoners
Jayden James
So is this guy just being impatient?
Chase Perry
You keep using the term "larping" but i'm not sure you know what that means.
Connor Morris
Currently browning out hard on some primo jenk from my dealer that only eats cabbage and eggs
It's some good shit
Lincoln Gutierrez
>eat shrooms on a daily basic with a organic diet >create organic super jenkem >sell to niggers and shit sniffing hippies everywhere >become millionaire