If the holocaust never happened then explain this.
If the holocaust never happened then explain this
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Its just a meme
Also 50 million Europeans died from men, women kids and Germans
Yet they are less important than 6million people.?
nerve gas? ...oh wait
They couldn't take the heat but stayed in the kitchen.
Holocaust is Jewish lies.
I wish it was true.
Near the end of WW2 the allies had damaged Germany so severely they could no longer transport food to the general population and medicine was in short supply so starvation and disease had set in.
The allies are just as responsible for the deaths as the Germans are.
>live in workcamp
>the allies bombs traintracks and destroys other supply lines
>starve to death because no food
>I died in the holocaust
Typhus and starvation which happens during war unfortunately.
This was my very first redpill, why was it only important for us to remember 6 million Jews died in the camps when there were millions of others that died too.
If they were killed by gas then why was the same amount of zyklon b pesticide found in "death camps" as other sites, and order invoices seized also only ordered the same amounts.
Also, what proves that picture was even taken in Germany? That those people are jews? That they were killed by gas?
The holohoax is a myth and even the ADL admits that 44% of youth don't buy it. Only baby boomers buy a giant lie built on widely disparate and contradicting stories (many proven false) and the idea that all physical evidence and the lack thereof should be excluded from the conversation on penalty of prison.
I still prefer to argue that internment was more than justified. I bring up the 1918 German communist revolution where 90% of the leadership was Jewish, kike Lenin and his kike/multicult bolshevik party murdering any halfway intelligent ethnic Russian/Ukranian after the civil war, Jew NKVD head Yagoda and his merry band of kikes famining 6,000,000+ European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's, etc. etc. etc.
The Jews controlled the Nazis. It was all staged to justify the establishment of Israel.
Terror bombing, rape of Germany, and murder of German POWs were the true holocaust. Not what (((Hollywood))) sold the goy west.
Typhus. Honestly it looks like some degenerate Jew orgy.
Typhus epidemic.. ever wonder why they would go through all the trouble to shave, tattoo, clothe, and house all the Jews if all they wanted to do was kill them? Hmmm.... me think you no thinky
Only Americans believe this garbage. It's easier than to admit than the truth, which is that your ratfaced Jewish ruling class funded/armed the Soviet kikes.
Hitler had six years to rearm during the great depression and take on the American, Soviet, British and French empires at the same time.
Hitlers secret beef jerky stach...he could'nt have ever enough.
Hollywood puts stuff like that on film everyday. It's fake.
Focusing on the six gorillion is a Jewish tactic to hide the tens of millions of European Christians they killed in the 20th century.
Jew NKVD head Yagoda alone famined 6,000,000+ in the 1930's.
“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel-Prize-winning novelist, historian
My great grandmother was sent to the murderous gas chambers six times, you stupid goyim! The only thing that saved her life on her seventh trip is she came down with a wee bit of a head cold and the genocidal Nazis that stuffed live Jewish babies into soccer balls decided it was unfair to genocide a Jew with the sniffles and sent her to the camp hospital!
Don't you dare question the authenticity of something we lived through, you anti-semite!
Looks like they died from hunger, if poisoning they would've been bloated from expanding gut gasses and putrefaction.
They starved cause the USA bombed the supply routes to the camps.
pictures of dead americans who starved to death during the great depression who were homeless
why the fuck else would they strip them naked? to sell the clothes. you know what people probably wont do in a war? buy dead jew clothes. shit smells like gifelte fish and old receipts
Wait people unironically believe the holocaust is fake?
They are merely resting, the lazy buggers.
Shopped photos. Get out of this slide thread and join the action:
Typhus. Stop making this mistake it's bush league.
Typhoid and malnutrition
Also , I'll wait shareblue, correct the record , media matters KIKE SHILL
Of course it's a giant hoax. Jews deserved to be interned and a few hundred thousand inbred kikes died.
Jews killed tens of millions of Christian Europeans in the 20th century.
it did happen. I'm just sad I didn't take part in it
>1) Where did the 24,000,000lbs+ of ash go?
>2) Why on all of the aerial photos of the war are there no massive coal piles at the camps, massive coal trains, or massive coal mines that are surely required to torch 3k bodies per camp per day?
>3) How did IG Farben produce hundreds of tonnes of hydrogen cyanide from what in 1942 was their remaining chemical plant and why didn't they just use a simple ammonia/bleach combo which is far cheaper/deadlier than hydrogen cyanide but notably doesn't kill lice?
>4) Why did Germans use the most inefficient and costly methods available with the Jew when they had hundreds of state of the art industrial slaughterhouses and were low on fertilizer? Why didn't they make a nice Jewish paste to spread on the fields next spring?
Focusing on the six gorillion is a Jewish trick to hide their communism.
If they were cattle-carred into a death camp, stripped of their possessions and killed with poison gas, then why does it look like they all starved to death?
>Salvador Allende
his fucking great grandmother was a jew, he actually was an antisemite, FAKE NEWS
>Typhus Epidemic
White folks version of "Dindu Nuffin"
Famine. Jews and Refugees from Poland and other countries runned to Germany in hopes of better life but they had to be putted into this camps until they were sended out to other places.
But ww2 started and they had to stay there for safety.
With all the bombing from the Allies and the lack of supplies from said war makes almost impossible to get food to the camps.
People started to die of hunger and diseases started to emerge from the corpses and kill more innocent people.
It makes sense to burn the corpses now.
what do you even know about history you stupid nigger?
weren't your queens magic and pyramids built by your black engineers?
go back to picking cotton you mistake of evolution
who earned the most money from it happening? besides Ford, Disney, Warburg and those people?
Because there is more than 1 way to skin a pig
Im white you ignorant prick. I believe jews manipulate people. I also believe 6 million jews were murdered during the holocaust. But I also believe they use ghis narrative to hide their crimes against humanity during that time. And today they used it as an excuse to kill palestinians.
I'm just not some dumb nazi "nigger tier" holocaust deniar.
Allied forces won the war by placing sanctions on Germany. They starved them out. You should expect to see this.
your skin may be white, but while it probably is not, your brain is one of a pakistani goat herder if you do not support god emperor Trump
now go support antifa
You believe in the Holocaust? What a ignorant niggers. There wasn't that Many Jews in Germany and you know it nigger.
If you were nationalistic(check) and/or intelligent(not check) you'd be worked to death you stupid nigger
You are a retard If you are support trump or support Hillary.
Trump's it's a clown and his followers are Jews, degenerates, niggers and autistic manchildren.
Hillary is a psychopath and her follower are Jews, racist, feminist, degenerates, niggers and autistic manchildrens.
Are Jews where the Troll in the Billy Goat Gruff tale comes from?
Nazi a good boi he dindu nuffin. Because I know him. Thats how I know.
Gas the kikes, racewar now!
That's typhus.
It was a war no shortage of bodies to make a photo.
I challenge you to show me, from an engineering/mathematical perspective how 6million killed at these camps is possible? Use the correct date ranges too. No resorting to "nigger" this "skin color that"... I dare you to use your BRAIN! (what a novel concept).
You got your great Gramma in your pocket? What's this we shit? You ain't done jack.
Yes.. I am afraid you are on the lowest tier. You do not know math. 6million? Ha.
they're just sleeping
The story goes these jews were led into secret shower execution chambers as part of a routine inspection upon arrival at the facility.
Curiously, not one single pile of jew corpses they toss around here for holohoax "evidence" looks like they just came in off the streets. They all look emaciated, diseased, and basically near death anyway.
That should be the first red flag for this nonsense.
If jews dont control the federal Reserve explain this. Federal Reserve 2007 before global collapse from unimaginable mortgage fraud.
"Benjamin S. Bernanke - Jewish
Donald L. Kohn - Jewish
Kevin M. Warsh - Jewish
Randall S. Kroszner - Jewish
Frederic S. Mishkin - Jewish
FRB of Boston: Eric S. Rosengren - Jewish
FRB of New York: Timothy F. Geithner - Jewish
FRB of Philadelphia: Charles I. Plosser - Jewish
FRB of Richmond: Jeffrey M. Lacker - Jewish
FRB of St. Louis: James B. Bullard - Jewish
FRB of Minneapolis: Gary H. Stern - Jewish
FRB of Kansas City: Thomas M. Hoenig - Jewish
FRB of Dallas: Richard W. Fisher - Jewish
FRB of San Francisco: Janet L. Yellen - Jewish
FRB of Cleveland: Sandra Pianalto - gentile
FRB of Atlanta: Dennis P. Lockhart - gentile
FRB of Chicago: Charles L. Evans - gentile
>gassings make you instantly lose all your bodyfat
You what splatters....
Can someone expand on this plz
How deliberately should it be to be characterized as mass-murder?
There was a food shortage in Germany, and the Germans had to ration their food. This meant that the people that where withhold in the concentration camps would not be fed. The starvation lead to a weakening immune-system and made them vulnerable to diseases such as tyfoid.
Millions of Jews and other people whom where perceived as enemies of the state, died because of the internment and starvation.
If the hodomor was a genocide event orchestrated by the Soviet Union, then the Holocaust was a genocide event orchestrated by Nazi Germany.
If only a fraction of those that died in the holocaust were killed in a gas-chamber, then nothing has changed, they stilled deliberately killed millions.
worlds largest orgy 1945 edition?
Malnourishment does it tho. And no ones denying the prisoners were starved
Everyone starved in the last 2 years of the war. Before then it would've been ultra autistic to starve the prisoners used for the war effort in the concentration work camps.
>What's this we shit?
>he thinks the Jew will ever allow the "holocaust survivor" meme to die
>If the hodomor was a genocide event orchestrated by the Soviet Union, then the Holocaust was a genocide event orchestrated by Nazi Germany.
But if a man-made famine is going to be blamed on the one deliberately destroying all of the food, that means the Holocaust was the US's fault...
Oh yes in 1941 you were catered to by Chef Boyardee
>the allies bombs traintracks and destroys other supply lines
And you are telling me the Allies would have left all that supply to be delivered to the Eastern front, which in turn would have made the soldiers fight another day?
>live in workcamp
And why were they sent there against their will in the first place? If they died because they went there, then that is part of the Holocaust.
Who gets a boner from these creature?
And soldiers/citizens starved less than POWs.
And yet you don't ask why none of this information was readily provided when learning about the holocaust in highschool and instead you had to read 'Night' and talk about what fees fees you had while reading it
>good goy
Mostly death by Typhus and starvation because of allied bombing
sure thing Jpže and the Dutch famine was caused because the allies forced the Germans to blockade fuel and food shipments from farm areas in 1944. They starved their own Aryan master race brothers
why are they emaciated?
>pile of malnourished dead bodies
>somehow proof of systematic genocide of gargantuan scale through the means of zyklon B pellets dropped into a poorly sealed room inside the camp
Why use gas at all? Wouldn't it be cheaper to pack the chamber (it would have been airtight) full and let them suffocate over several minutes?
>the Jews deserve sympathy because instead of fighting back they whined
>instead of building their own nations they whined
>instead of enjoying their privilege in white nations and contributing to the wellbeing of others they cheated and whined
Makes sense.....not
not really
Why are they so skinny? Those people looked starved, not gassed.
>And you are telling me the Allies would have left all that supply to be delivered to the Eastern front, which in turn would have made the soldiers fight another day?
Strawman argument, point isn't a moral one. Answer is they wouldn't, so here's the collateral result.
>And why were they sent there against their will in the first place?
Same reason nips were, it's war faggot, not a stefan molyneux debate.
>If they died because they went there, then that is part of the Holocaust.
No, the holocaust as it's understood requires intent, they are supposed to be an intentional procedure to commit genocide.
If my supply lines get fucked and I some of my soldiers get cut out and starve holding the lost position it doesn't mean I intentionally murdered those individuals, in fact, it's on the enemy's hands if any hands at all.
Oh it did happen, but to the German Volk, not the Juden as the schools teach.
No doubt lots of jews died in WW2 but I don't think 6 millions died. Probably 1-2 millions but not as much as they claim.
The jews did this
The witnesses saw empty tins of Zyklon B lying around and incorporated this into their testimonies.
They're stuck with it now.
Yes, goyim are not humans for Jew
Jews in German prisons died of typhus spread by lice. Typhus is a disease not to be confused with typhoid fever.
They are resting.
Looks like typhus to me. They are skinny because typhus makes you vomit your food or shit it out immediately. It's a terrible disease to have.
Daily kike thread with same photo; show your real flag turkfag.
Everyone just sage.
typhoid. why do you people try to use pictures of dead people as proof of something like this? dead people are everywhere, esp in war. dead people do not = secret plot to murder all joos
saged for massive faggotry / shilling and the fact that this thread is always posted on this board with the same fucking answer and proofs given 99% of the time, you should know better
okay dude seriously.
do they look like gased people to you?
They died of starvation. It's obvious look at their gaunt bodies.
People who weren't Jews obviously
>dead people that I just know are Jews
This is why you properly examine dead bodies.
>1 post
This looks like a redpill thread. Good job, Sup Forumslacks.
>against their will
I don't think you understand Germany pre/during WWII. How about reading up on some "National Socialism" and take another look.
>"Free" public pools
>"Free" public housing
>"Free" public bath houses
>School camps
>"Free" food
If Christ never happened then explain this
>Ummm the Nazis actually got Chef Boyardee to cook for the prisoners and they had fun activities. They were in fact not worked to death and experimented on.
Looks like a British woman attending a Paki sex party