Fucking stupid facebook liberal normies.
[spoiler] Both christcucks and trannies are mentally ill desu senpai.[/spoiler].
Fucking stupid facebook liberal normies
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there is no god.
Yes there is, you fucking idiot of a leaf.
*tips fedora*
I'm sure it is, and he loves you unconditionally under certain conditions.
he loves you unconditionally
he won't hesitate to punish you under certain conditions
you can punish someone you love
(i am not religious tho, but atheists "pointing flaws at religion" usually fail at logic)
So I can beleive in god or mentally ill people?
a leaf calling a leaf a leaf....
the funny thing is: there is more scientific evidence for a God, than it is for Trannies being anything but a mental disorder..
"hurr durr derp muh big bang THEORY" ... it's called a theory cause most physicians say it's stupid. completly out of touch with normal rules of the universe ...
maybe god loves them, but i dont.
Just respond with "Hey, at least I can locate and identify my gonads pal"
Somebody should tweet him "You shouldn't talk about Muslims like that"
I love how the guy running that twitter account is an unrepentant liberal who uses the God roleplay to criticize conservatives and defend liberal viewpoints but turns around on a dime to shit on religious people
Someone post the "haha i'm gonna quote the bible on you to prove my point but you can't do the same to me because i'm an ATHEIST" smuggie, that's exactly what this cunt is
>you don't love your children if you discipline them
People who believe in a man in the clouds are more mentally stable, than people who believe in feminine penis.
considering I do not believe a man in the clouds exists let alone loves me- transgender people are mentally ill.
>normal rules of teh universe
The universe is expanding. Fact. It's not a leap to infer that he has been expanding from a single point.
>yfw this faggot believes he's god
>god is 'a man in the clouds'
Why do so many atheists believe this?
>people who believe in God have a mental illness
>scientific evidence for a God
>big bang THEORY
>normal rules of the universe
>Don't baby, .... don't also do this... would you kindly?!
Unconditional Election
"God's choice of certain individuals unto salvation before the foundation of the world rested solely in His own sovereign will. His choice of particular sinners was not based on any foreseen response of obedience on their part, such as faith, repentance, etc. On the contrary, God gives faith and repentance to each individual whom He selected. These acts are the result, not the cause of God's choice. Election therefore was not determined by or conditioned upon any virtuous quality or act foreseen in man. Those whom God sovereignly elected He brings through the power of the Spirit to a willing acceptance of Christ. Thus God's choice of the sinner, not the sinner's choice of Christ, is the ultimate cause of salvation."
Allah will burn you.
yeah and? goys pls. How do you explain with the basic that energy and matter never just disappears or appears, that somehow at the beginning you have something created..
that is the problem.
>man in the clouds
No theist with half a brain and an ounce of education thinks God is a man in the clouds.
>loves you unconditionally, but under certain conditions
Not sure what OP has in mind here, but I see no conditions under which the Christian God, properly understood (i.e. a maximally great being, not a bearded man in the sky) doesn't love his children. Ironically, the God of Islam, whom OP almost definitely isn't targeting, *doesn't* love unconditionally, according to the Quran.
>the funny thing is: there is more scientific evidence for a God
yes, but scientist call this with another name
God of the gaps. Look it up.
i think op isn't attacking religion but the idiot in his pic ...
uhm and yeah Christian God loves unconditinally but libtards don't get the whole "sometimes you have to be hard with kids, to educate them" ... maybe cause they all are spoiled brats.
>something created
No, it didn't. Because creatED implies process, process implies time. But beginning of universe is beginning of time. There where no moment of time, when nothing existed - because time and space end in same place.
Even if we assume, that something was created, that does not imply existence of God in any conventional meaning. Only existence of supernatural entity able to create energy.
>i think op isn't attacking religion but the idiot in his pic ...
By 'OP' I meant the guy in the pic. Sorry if that caused confusion.
>uhm and yeah Christian God loves unconditinally but libtards don't get the whole "sometimes you have to be hard with kids, to educate them" ... maybe cause they all are spoiled brats.
I agree
Hopefully not with cigars. Those hurt!
The universe hasn't been expanding from a single point you imbecile
yeah was just pointing out the general thing. I know that it doesnt point to like "christian god" or any god. But still it is a big problem and something that makes it more likely for somekind of higher entity, which would be called a 'god' even though it might not be the god of any known religion.
so still: that is more proof than those trannies have for them being not mentally ill. "voices in my head told me, that I need to chop my dick off to feel better in my body" ...
>Somebody should tweet him "You shouldn't talk about Muslims like that"
Does Sup Forums have a collection of "moderate islamic" sockpuppet accounts they play with? This looks like a nice opportunity to get a Jihad called on this smug liberal faggot.
tell me more
A scientific theory is a word describing the best possible explanation for the nature of our universe based off of the scientific body of all knowledge. Big Bang Theory is a scientific theory, not a conspiracy.
>, properly understood (i.e. a maximally great being, not a bearded man in the sky)
You're speculating. God doesn't have to love everyone. Read Romans chapter 9.
the universe is godwe are all gods. we have the power. most just don't know it yet
yeah best possible. was just pointing out, that this theory could be wrong. and that there is a problem with it, why it isnt undisputed.
not saying i have the answer to it and know how it happened ... would then not be shitposting on some korean cavecarving board.
You can't prove whether God exists or not. You also can't prove whether someone is gay at birth or not. You can, however, unequivocally prove trannies are mentally unstable through science and watching them.
You want to destroy the white race in order to please a Jewish desert god who has a grudge against you for being human.
Sounds mentally ill to me, Rabbi Kikeberg.
So atheists can call trannies mentally ill?
read romans chapter 9 .. just to make sure I didnt misremember anything ..
it talks about the compassion and grace. How the lord may have mercy on who he wants.
there is never said that he hates the people he puts in places like the Pharaoh. Just that he had other intentions for them.
So no, you are wrong. He loves everyone, just the purpose of everyone is something else.
Tbf, i do quite like the WH40k idea that us humans have the potential to evolve rapidly to an ascended state of being and become far greater than any other supposed race in the galaxy (or universe since we haven't actually found anything to our current knowledge)
And when you think about it, humanity now, in it's current state, is near-identical to the humans that preceded the "Dark Age of Technology" in the WH40k universe.
Maybe all we need is a dude like the Emperor to come along and slap everyone with a book and educate the fuck out of them.
>Accurate descriptor of mental condition
>Appropriates a deity
This fucking guy.
Dont tell me global warming is a thing because theres scientific data if you believe theres more than two genders.
Fun fact: there's nothing in the bible forbidding transgender.
>libtards trying theology
uhm ... dark age of technology was before the emperor ... i think he emerged from the struggles after the first human galactic empire collapsed on itself .. atleast that's what I have in my head...
The love of God would tell you that you are perfect the way you are Satan tells you need a sex change operation to feel normal.
>anything ..
>it talks about the compassion and grace. How the lord may have mercy on who he wants.
>there is never said that he hates the people he puts in places like the Pharaoh. Just that he had other intentions for them.
>So no, you are wrong. He loves everyone, just the purpose of everyone is something else.
"Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated."
"What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction"
The "other intentions" that you mention here is that God pour out his just wrath against these unrepentant sinners by condemning them to hell.
Classic leaf post
"hur dur it's just a THEORY"
you'd best unfuck yourself, krautfag
>muh man in the sky
When will this meme end? God is an entity, a symbol, a spiritual being.
Oh aye I know, I was just saying it would be good if we had a dude like him pop up and save us from potential doom. :P
So the article says that brain-damage can turn you a heathen commie? Who would have guessed
faggot leafs like you are the reasons why this country if fucking going to hell. Neck yourself, degenerate.
>can't even spoiler tag properly
Fuck off back to r/eddit, and SAGE
yeah i am with you at that.
Make the Imperium real!
We march for Holy Terra!
I'm not even religious but retarded arguments like this from edgy fedora fags makes me pretty angry.
How long will atheists continue to strawman? Are they joking or are they so fucking ignorant they literally don't know the basics of religion?
Because that's what 99.99% of those that believe in it thought all over the centuries, only nowadays has this number started to go down.
This shit right here. I don't even believe in a skydaddy but how quickly do you think this account would get shut down if it was called allah or Mohamed? consistency is not a thing in the leftist mind.
>people who believe in God have a mental illness
Yes, they do
APA To Classify Belief in God As a Mental Illness
Trannies and Christcucks are equally ill, so it's not much of a surprise that Christcucks have eventually ended up supporting the trannies.
Both Trannies and the stupid faggot that runs this account are mentally ill
Absolutely mate.
If we could make the Imperium of Man real, and march against the filthy Xenos? I'd be one of the first to chat "Cleanse! Purge! Kill!" for the glory of Holy Terra.
Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean!!!
start from here
>God is a man in the clouds
>doesn't understand what unconditional love is
>probably thinks heaven and hell are punishments or rewards or the a place to try and earn / the goal of Christianity
My armor is contempt
Disgust is my shield
My sword is hatred
Eventhough the Imperium of Man is in a cruel galaxy, as long as no chaos hordes or xenos attack your planet you can live a good life, knowing you do your part to defend humanity ...
God hates sin, not sinners. Repent Sup Forums before He returns. Also, nice digits.
What's more loving, allowing your brother to shoot heroin or forcing him to stop?
Nowhere does this state that 99.9% of christians through the ages have believed god to be a barded man living in the clounds
>In traditional Christianity, it is considered a state or condition of existence (rather than a particular place somewhere in the cosmos)
>says the commie
>Leaf on leaf action.
Keep at it and you guys may finally form a tree.
btfo yourself with that link ... there was nowhere the notion of a "bearded man in the clouds" ...
did you even read what you posted?
maybe he cannot read more than two coherent sentences without imagining what is written there instead of doing actual reading
It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself.
And whoever stands with me shall be my brother.
And even the negroes are actually white.
I look forward to the day when science finally figures out how the universe started so the last bastion of the major religions finally falls apart and they are revealed for the sets of myths they always obviously were, not one bit more sensible than stories of Odin or Zeus.
It's happened in everything else religion tried to claim a deity controlled or created, it'll happen again.
The "first mover" style bs is the last gasp of a dying culture that has been destroyed on every other front.
Reddit spacing. Don't make yourself so obvious next time.
When humanity can finally stop being shits to each other, and realise that there are possibly things in this universe far more deserving of our hatred and wrath, and stop killing, murdering and raping each other, is they day we take a true step on the path to ascendancy.
So far? we have posers pushing their agendas that are totally against the progress of humanity as a whole under the guise of "progress" and "social justice" and all that stupid bullshit. and we have idiots who can't see the true potential of humanity as a whole.
Until these fucks can be removed or educated properly? Humanity might as well fucking die out. Because we are meant for greater things than simply killing each other. Good practice though it may be, we have the potential to completely fucking wreck any other life form out there. And that is what we should do. War is our business and business is a booming. Why not band together to rid the universe of filthy xenos?
I don't even know how to respond to off-topic stupidity of this caliber.
I guess perhaps the brits constantly telling me how stupid poles are might actually be right.
Cause everybody that isn't Polish needs to be physically removed first.
believing in god doesnt require you to mutilate youre genitals.
How else am I supposed to respond to your autistic r*ddit spaced diatribe, other than by letting you know that you need to go back.
Don't call schizophrenic people mentally ill if you believe a man in the clouds loves you unconditionally, but under certain conditions
smiling black man with a lot of ??????? next to him.jpg
Actually there was, but he's dead now.
Proofs: this planet.
*throws holy water*
OP is obviously talking about Allah, not God
>everyone I don't like is a secret redditor!
You're clearly not good at shitposting.
Does this spacing trigger you?
Do you need a safe space to hide from the imaginary redditors who are out to get you?
Should someone tell him that God unconditionally hates people who preach sin and evil in his name?
Based China
being a faggot is a sin
Its fucking amazing how many people don't realize it is in fact a mental illness and circle jerk enabling it. Our military would be the laughing stock in the entire world if we start letting in a bunch of faggots pretending to be women. I'm afraid this country will be completely doomed the next time a democrat gets into office.
wow a leaf making a good post.
colour me impressed.