Literally /our chips/
Pringles throwing shade at Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Other urls found in this thread:
Why does Pringles follow Gavin?
How? Anti-SJW liberals are just liberals.
holy shit i love pringles now
Ahha it's fucking real
Pringles are the Aryan potato chips.
now i'm hungry
Pringles are good, but this shit is important.
Is Gavin defending Debbie or am I missing some context?
>stop vilifying DWS and focus on her appearance
huh? i know he's trying to make a joke but it's dumb
What is his endgame?
>throw shade
low quality humor
>why pay attention x when we can talk about y
inb4 deleted tweet & fired intern because of #wemuhstresist
Who knows, crazier things have happened
I dont know, but they /ourchips/ literally
It is a joke about her hair retards.
First wendy's and now pringles, truly the white man's brands.
He's making a joke about her ugly hair. It looks like ramen noodles.
The ADL has declared Pringles a hate chip.
Literally fucking happening.
AH HAHA!!! It's real!
Pringles and Redbull? I think we can work with that.
>high quality can
>no broken chips
>myriad of flavors
>intelligent white mascot
>the patricians chip choice
inb4 Pringles apologizes and mention all the mandatory talking points that the Burger Goyim are forced to say when succumbing to their Jew Overlords
> we denounce nazi ideologies
> something something Proud Boys
> misunderstanding
> poorly timed joke
> we deeply apologize
> no way connected to fascist ideologies
> we will give away 6 million chips
> we still remember the Kike Termination Day
> we cry about it daily
> new flavor coming out, Shlomo, taste of rodents
If only Pringles wasn't so expensive
And didn't taste like shit
And wasn't hard to eat from the tube
or is it .....Ramen....Joodles. Checked btw.
Nice viral marketing. fuck off
>cheese pringles aren't good
Get out of my face!
Another potential resident of his anal cavity
Gavin probably shoves Pringles cans up his asshole on the weekends.
>pringles is owned by the kellogs
Damn. (you) beat me to it by 3 seconds.
Who has those tweets from the Garfield Game creator
>i rate junk food
Lmfao you cucks.
>and didn't taste like shit
Nigger tier taste buds. Pringles are addicting. Once you pop you just can't stop.
We need more privately owned businesses that are immune to blackmail by ngo's.
based pringles XD
fuck off your pringle ads on my fucking board
wtf im gonna go and buy some pringles now
>literally any mention of a product is marketing
Kys. I'm buying two cans now just to piss you off.
It's some mashed potato paste with tons of additives so it stays in those weird shapes.
Regular chips only use potato, salt and oil and they taste much better
>It's real
top fucking kek
I want to try that flavor now never seen it here.
its a literal screenshot of attempted 'viral marketing'
But, I like ramen noodles....
Why are food company twitters run by shitposters?
I'm with the Magyar. Only sandniggers eat pringles.
this is probably just the pringles account guy searching for "pringles" and replying to the popular tweet mcgavin did to get the pringles twitter account out there. literally his job.
they may not have any idea what this is about.
watch them comment on it, and how they were not aware of them women and that they meant no harm, probably apologizing and saying pringles is not into politics.
Who gives a shit? It's a funny and unexpected jab at an evil bitch. If it ends up with them selling one extra can of chips as a result of this thread does that really truly bother you?
>And wasn't hard to eat from the tube
Loose some weight nigger
because it causes people to talk about them, and also causes you to post an Arby's advertisement right in this thread
Shieeet. Makes me crave their weird BBQ flavor goodness.
I actually haven't had pringles since maybe the 80s. But I'm still going to get a cylinder of them for the lulz to re-evaluate the situation.
i always thought my ex loved pringles, he would always bring a bunch over when he came to visit. Turned out he didnt like them so much, but it was the only chips the hotel he worked at sold in their mini bar thingies. he stole them.
i'm dying
Please, if you love yourself don't eat this shit.
I used to eat it every week, but it's pure cancer, google it.
Gavin and Pringles are mocking her curly kike hair.
No doubt the ADL will be crying about this being anudda shoah, forcing Pringles to at the very least make a public apology and fire the employee who tweeted this.
Arbys curly fries are God tier.
Pringles, the new symbol of white supremacy releases a new milk flavored chip.
What a time to be alive.
It's a joke about a JEWISH woman's kinky hair. Made by the official twitter account of Pringles.
This shit is amazing.
Any reasons why I shouldn't buy 20 Pringles right now? Have they ever been SJWy in the past?
fuck, I want some mozzarella sticks with ketchup, no marinara
time to throw all the pringles in my house to the trashcan
They deleted it just as I was archiving it
are you talking about crack?
To be fair, muslims are bad for mass consumerism. They want to return the world to the stone age. They all should be against them.
It could be that they followed him just for this reply. Now all Gavins followers will see the pringles ad. Right? I've never really messed with twitter much in the past.
Pringles is part of the group that owns Pepsi. Do i need to say more?
Our Chips are Lays.
>pic related
wtf i hate energy drinks a little less now
>when his country only exists because of jews
Croats are probably the worst shitposters on Sup Forums
>ask some nerd to stay on the internet all day
>be surprised that he's a shitposter
>And wasn't hard to eat from the tube
what do they feed you lardasses over there?
You ever smoke crack? It's good for two hits, maybe three tops. After that you just feel worse and worse. Best to keep it to one and have like 5 minutes of fun and then it stops.
Truly a nigger drug.
I fucking love Arby's. I especially love how shitlib areas are seemingly deprived of them.
this, you can taste the factory in the pringles
Their team is brilliant. They cover pretty much everything in those little ads. Blew my mind to see a Ranma 1/2 one not too long ago.
>our chips
Globalist corporations jumping ship
>Best to keep it to one and have like 5 minutes of fun and then it stops.
Ain't that the truth.
>1st hit - I'm a god.
>2nd hit - wasn't as good as the first
>3rd hit - huh, still don't feel as good.
>4th hit - I can see why crack heads exist.
I've always maintained coke is far stronger overall, but the addictiveness of smoking it is fucking suicide.
Holy shit Pringles delete this. They are going to massacre you.
>so expensive
Nigga they're like €1.50-€2 here which is ridiculously cheap for a big tube what do they fucking cost there
Pringles are patrician chips
Stax are WAAAAY better. But I give Pringles credit. Well done good sirs
>tfw never been to arby's
Is it good or not?
Guy in charge of the twitter account probably lost his job just out of pure speculation he is part of the alt right.
Is pepsi anti-Trump? I thought they were just retarded?
>this thread
just the fries. everything else I've tried, especially the roast beef that looks nothing like beef, was gross as fuck.
It's good marketing.
they are like 2.50€-2.99€ over here but you can get a BIG bag of far tastier FINNISH chips for like 1.99€
pic related
Seriosuly iim gojng for grocers and will by myself some pingles dis time.
They are overpiced as fuck wih 2 eur for 150grams but stjll.
Gotta support our guys
Arby's is probably the best fast food in all of America.
I'm buying 6 cans of Pringles because of this