Why can't the English speak English properly?
Were they just so angry about losing their colonies that they made up their own way of speaking?
It's "Happy" not "Hahppy" you retarded crooked-teeth rainland fucks
Why can't the English speak English properly?
Were they just so angry about losing their colonies that they made up their own way of speaking?
It's "Happy" not "Hahppy" you retarded crooked-teeth rainland fucks
I lilke bruv. We should steal that from them.
And what the fuck is "mum"
Its "mom" you stupid fucks
>maths and sport
No shit. They have the worst pronunciation of any English speaking group.
There are other places than London.
As for American 'English', sorry but its nothing more than advanced pigeon English
"Joe was able to understand them, but when he spoke in an ordinary voice he sounded pompous and faggy to them."
>English can't speak English properly
shit b8 m8, have some respect for our maiden language, not everyone speaks in a emotionless midwest accent.
It's mum.
Remember who's language you're speaking
Most of the English speaking world no longer speak proper English. They're all peasants with peasant educations.
That's just the lower class people. The rest of us speak it normall.
What I don't understand is why they put R's where there are no R's.
>invent the language
>1000 years later burger tells you you're speaking it wrong
This has to be a slide thread. Unique at least, good b8 but don't insult the Kings
That's only how poor people speak.
Also that bitch is a 10/10 over here.
wot the fwk are you gonna do about it chavi
Again area's around London do this.
Most 'English' people do do this.
People in London will pronounce castle 'Carsle', but they are fucking retards who think they know better than everyone, despite everyone thinking their retards.
> The English.
> Don't speak English properly.
Fuck right off, you slag.
image should say
i speak 'murican, you shit tooth tea sippin' queer
Why don't britbongs pronounce their R's?
Why do britbongs put H's where there aren't any?
Why do britbongs take away H's where there should be?
Why do britbongs pronounce K's and T's at the end of words with a "click" to them?
As in 'you are'
>Fuck right off, you slag.
proof delivered un-ironically by bong-tard
This is mostly British ebonics (bruv etc). The other stuff is just how uneducated chavs (wiggers) talk
and why did you wrote that shit on her pic to start thread ?
Your just is a Ass yes, y'are, ain't ya?
And what about zed? Can any britbongs redpill me on zed?
>their retards
I know this bait but people like you are giving credence to the american education meme. That's probably the idea but the shit isn't funny. They already think we're legitimately retarded.
It's mam or ma
At least they spell properly, American English and its incessant need to shorten everything and insert the letter Z in to everything pisses me the fuck off.
Especially when it makes me double think my own spelling, I spellcheck, then realise my spelling is fine - it's the fucking computer which is telling me I'm spelling something wrong because MURICA.
You know it's bait and it pissed you off all the same. Imagine giving a fuck what Europoors think lmfao
>tfw no incestuous sex with sexy chav sister
Thanks for reminding me, OP, I haden't had my morning jack yet.
The lower class speaks fine. It's the posh accents that sound like nails on a chalkboard.
What about "me mum"? Sounds like a mutilated transvestite native speaker of an ergative-absolutive language with delusions that he's someone's mother.
If the US doesnt like it then why was I treated like visiting royalty by way of my accent everywhere I went (except NY)?
I particularly remember on Kansas resident with one are telling me how she liked 'the way my mouth sounds'
Though often this was lost on the more primitive colonials. One girl at McDonalds asked me what my accent was, I said English. She said sure, but where are you from? England, says I. Oh' I didn't know it was a place.'
'English, comes from England, like spanish comes from Spain.'
>Blank look
Lol, yet another foreigner butthurt about American cultural imperialism. We'll add you to the list.
britbongs will soon be speaking Arabic, so it doesn't really matter they are shit at English.
Which american words insert the letter Z?
We got rid of as much of the faggy French influence as was reasonable:
'colour' my ass.
>We got rid of as much of the faggy French influence as was reasonable
>Then why was it the French won youre independence for you?
Why would you say "English"? Say British and they'll understand.
With american, you can never know if it's a bait.
Realise and realize etc
Basically any word that ends with 'ise'
If we say it's mum, it's mum. Our language, our rules. Now fuck off!
I don't know but I love them for it.
Can't never*
Jesus learn to speak the language retard
Hey, bong - account for your radio people saying 'nego-SEE-ate'. Where is the basis for a 'see' sound in 'negotiate'? If they want to be prim they should say 'nego-TEE-ate'.
Fuck British toffs, too prissy to make the 'sh' sound.
Also, the high prevalence of what you people call the 'soft r', which is to say, 'w'. Such a load of infants.
Shewas probably baffeled about spain. Spa.ish comes from mexico in her world
Stfu your people are embarassingly dumb for a first world nation
>Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former DNC chair, hires Pakistani nationals (Imran Awan and four others) for IT work at the DNC in 2005
>Extremely overpaid ($4 million+ salary), had massive debts, years of suspicious activity (taking money from Iraq, Hezbollah, fraud, wiretapping and extorting their own mother etc)
>Awans' father changed name and disowned sons for "detestable illegal behavior"
>Despite being IT staff, Awans ignored requests for computer repairs and didn't do their actual job
>Other IT competitors offered their services at much lower rates, yet for some mysterious reasons the DNC kept the Awans
>More Democrat lawmakers enlist the Awans' "service" over the years
>House staffers get concerned about the Awans, they don't show up to meetings and their computers were being used to transfer data off site
>Huge data breach, Congress compromised, DNC emails at risk
>House Democrats respond with claims that Capitol Police framed them because they are Muslim
>Some flee to Pakistan
>Awan banned from the House network
>DWS refuses to fire them for mysterious reason
>Awan roaming the Capitol complex despite ban
>Capitol police finds a secret laptop in an empty office
>DWS openly threatens the police chief to give it back or there will be "consequences"
>Police can't look at laptop because of law
>Awan covering his tracks
>Abruptly moves out of his house and rents it out to military families
>Last week, DWS finally negotiates for laptop access
>Back at Awan's house, a Marine renter stumbles upon hardware stash: “wireless routers, hard drives that look like they tried to destroy, laptops, a lot of brand new expensive toner.”
>Marine calls the Feds to take it
>FBI now involved
>Awan chimps out over the missing hardware, threatens to sue Marine for "stealing" them
>Tried to get inside the house "three or four times", Marine wouldn't let him in
>Awan panics and tries to flee the country at Dulles Airport
>Feds nab him
England and Britain are not mutually inclusive. Yes all of England is Britain but not all of Britain is England
I don't see a difference between Happy and Hahppy? Except saying "Hahppy" you sound like you're exasperating. OP is a retard.
Well when we didn't need them any more, we kicked them to the curb :)
We british are better than you in quite literally every way.
Brittania rules the waves.
Why do white British youth now unironically sound like Ali G?
Whagwan bruv dat bird is well peng u is a wasteman innit
What do they mean by that?
Southwestener spotted
It's not our fault your education system is shit, but it is something you can fix.
Haha I thought all Americans being fat stupid retards was a meme
Yes, but if you're a British tourist in America, and someone asks what your accent is, saying "English" is confusing.
I don't care how they talk if they look like that.
I just assume all Americans are fat idiots unless they prove otherwise.
Are you a retard?
The letter Z is cool.
You know how Jamaicans speak?
Add in some British radio and television, and you've got your very own two-tone shitcake subculture.
Two-tone is part of that actually, back in the late 70s you started seeing mixed race bands playing Ska and with the popularity of Ska rose the popularity of Jamaican slang like a reel bloodclot monkey man bwoy
Why isnt it muther then? Ay?
Well right, so do all right-speaking Anglophones, but there's a tendency for people on the BBC to say -SEE- . Accent, new words, fine. But to rape a word's pronunciation away from any basis or precedent, for what I think is their idea of sounding cleaner and above the sloppy 'sh' sound as though they're too good for English, just irritates me. I think the BBC should enforce standards.
The peanut-butter-on-the-roof-of-the-mouth phantom r's and w's everywhere make me want to cut my ears of.
Clearly you are lmfao you can't even speak you're own language
>tfw americar speaks better english than the english
oi! go take the rubbish out to the wheely bin ya cunt
Yet inserting the letter 'u' into random words is totally acceptable, right?
You butt mad from taking muzzy dick and sounding like a retard?
Things that didn't happen.
No worst is saying "lieutenant" as "leff-tenant" limey salad tossing english
>can't be, you don't sound like that James Corden guy or John Oliver
Nothing to see here guys, just a few non-European subhuman Amerilards sperging out.
> getting corrected to American spelling
You can change that somewhere - there's a reason for those little encodings, like 'en-us', 'en-au'.
kys cuck.
God I hope you are joking, for your sake.
Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead.
And why don't British singers have accents when they sing?
Is it really all just an act to set them apart, but the charade is too hard to play when they sing?
I know, but most times computers are set to American English by default, meaning any computer I use that isn't my PC is usually set to it.
Inserting it would imply that it was added where it wasn't before. The fact of the matter is that you lazy fucks just kept taking things out.
>The letter Z is cool
This attitude exemplifies American English.
Retarded logic, mum is not short for mother much like dad is not short for father.
Americans are basically the child born out of wedlock that the rest of the world tried its hardest to pretend didn't exist, until one day, it appeared on your front porch, obese, drooling and screaming "Daddy!", god damn tragedy.
And taking it out of the oldest words in the English language is paying tribute to it?
>who is Peter Gabriel
Every time
Its a weird thing lots of people notice, Americans try to sound English, Non-Americans try to sound American.
Revisionist history I see. Regardless of French help, Cornwallis was surrounded and would have lost by Washington's troops. What the French did, however, was win a naval battle at Cape blocking Cornwallis from supplies while also providing some bombardment from warships. Yorktown was just a noticable defeat to the British, and neither did the British or the Americans feel that to be the last battle leading to American victory. In fact, British troops remained in New England and the Middle colonies far after the battle of Yorktown, and the the station of Red Coats in the frontier-ohio region would help cause the war of 1812. The 13 colonies fought most of the war themselves and when France did intervene, they only fought mostly in the Caribbean to seize British plantations. Regardless of French intervention, America would have won due to the war's unpopularity in Britain and a new draft in Britain forcing Irish(Catholics) to fight. alongside Anglicans.
Your version of english is malformed and warped by other languages, much like how the average american is a malformed and twisted genetic mix of different races.
The irony of people who imitate the way niggers talk criticizing the inventors of the language