> Father 'killed his son, 13, after the boy found and mocked compromising photos of him eating feces from a diaper he was wearing and posing in women's clothes with makeup on'
Sauce: dailymail.co.uk
> Father 'killed his son, 13, after the boy found and mocked compromising photos of him eating feces from a diaper he was wearing and posing in women's clothes with makeup on'
Sauce: dailymail.co.uk
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He kinda deserved it desu
Father must've been german.
Based kid what a way to go fucking kek
The dad couldn't take it, the salt took over
>he was wearing and posing in women's clothes with makeup on'
shit eating aside, this is what will happen when the children who've been dressed up as women in public and in photos by their parents discover what they did to them.
Imagine being 10 years old and later growing up knowing your parents forcefully made you pose in womens clothing for the sake of being a political statement.
Anyone got the pictures? Asking for a friend haha
What would drive a kid to eat shit?
i legit got grossed out reading the title alone, to the point of me feeling sick
if the dad was eating shit why didn't he eat the kid instead of leaving the body parts outside for cops to find?
I think some people are getting confused.
The boy found pictures of the dad eating shit and being a faggot.
The boy made fun of dad, probably threatened to show the internet the photos.
Dad kills the boy.
That's why when you first learn your parent's fetish you bury that knowledge deep in your brain where it can fester quietly as a troubling memory.
You talk shit you get hit, even if your dad's a shitsucking freak.
Hahaha, eugenics at work in this fucking genetic cesspool we call America. Stupid fucks LOL.
What the fuck am I even reading
lel he mad
Kid is probably laughing his way up to heaven.
top bants
It wasn't the kid
The kid found them and mocked his dad, and his dad went crazy tranny mode
that kid is def not gonna go to hell, hes based
>inb4 he goes to hell for not honoring thy father
Seems like a good reason to kill your son if there is any.....
>Le based meme
Hang yourself BLM faggot
You're retarded. It was photos of the father.
>literally fucking with his dad so hard about some /r9k/ shit he killed him
What a fucking champ, probably some top bantz, rest easy kid
what makes you think he doesn't know that
Op should be more specific.
So the kid found photos of the father being a faggot.
I thought the kid was being a faggot and the father killed the son because he was disappointed.
Maybe I'm expecting too much from a Brazilian Dindo
t. Brazil
kid sounds like he was a top lad. A true genetic Chad, his mom probably fucked one and then tricked his beta ass dad into raising him.
I wouldn't be laughing at him, I'd be ashamed to be his genetic legacy
>American education
was it the father's diaper with shit in it or was it a child's diaper? This is integral to the story
probably his own shit
he had sex rituals that got caught he was hiding
and being froth with rage went forth and cut his son asunder in his midst
Jesus Christ!
>not even a religious fag
>virgin father killing his chad son
You literally can't make that shit up. Very fucked up dad, can we use that as argument against trannies in military?
We are gathered here today to remember based Dylan, who upon the discovery of photos of his dad that that showed him crossdressing, wearing a diaper, and eating shit from said diaper Dylan confronted his dad and was killed. Dylan will become your guardian angle against degeneracy only if you post "eat shit in hell dad"
Wow. Well I already thought we should institutionalize them all, but maybe we just gas them instead.
Should've gassed his dad tbqh, degenerate fuck
Jesus, I'm glad I grew up in a normal household, my dad's fetish was being a straight white male. That kid saw some shit serial killers repress.
Father did nothing wrong. He should hopefully learn from his mistakes and try again
When my son finds my embarrassing Pepe folder I'll do the same
Eating feces? It's always one of them.
This is why I, as a diaper fetishist, will never have children, well one of many reasons I understand but I could never live with having my children discover something so disgusting and depraved. But also coprophilia is disgusting, I just like hot girls in wet diapers
>Bantz your degenerate cuck dad so hard he shoots you
RIP hero of Generation Zyklon.
Father was just having a middleage crisis.
Was this the guy who punched richard spencer?
>it's 2023
>What you bigot? Don't discriminate against fecesarians.
Based fucking kid. Sup Forums is with the tranny shamer.
>i wish i could read
feces eaters get the same say in government as rational, hard working Christian men. The Republic has failed us.
He was killed in 2012. What took cops so long?
Why the fuck do people insist on creating evidence of their embarrasing depravity. I've done a LOT of fucked up shit, but I've never even thought for one second "oh I should totally create a solid copy of this so I can lose it and be blackmailed later" why are these sexually degenerate faggots also tactically retarded?
Explain your appeal for eating feces and hardcore sex. Why can't you be normal
This reminds me of St. Stephen being killed after BTFOing the sanhedrin in the book of acts.
Dylan is a martyr for the perv-shaming community
>That kid saw some shit serial killers repress
All he had to do was not mention it, just keep it inside where it can't get out and nobody can know, where it's a secret you keep from the world and nobody can ever be close enough to know what you know.
Why Canada, why are you all soulless pieces of shit?
Case went cold until the boy's skull was discovered about a mile from the father's home. If only he selected a better location to stash the bones then perhaps he'd be walking free today. It makes it seem quite easy to get away with murder actually.
His dad couldn't handle the bants.
What do you think the last words the day yelled to his son were!??
Did you read the post correctly? The dad is a tranny who killed his kid for mocking him
The shit eating trannie was on Dr. Phil, kek
>see something obviously completely totally fucked up, of your dad
>confront him and make fun of him about it
yep, internet culture and shit has completely warped kids these days
there is absolutely 0 chance that anyone on this board 25+ would do anything other than try to block it out of their mind forever
eat shit in hell dad
>everyone got BTFO
>including me for reading this shit
>To use the FBI's terminology, the national "clearance rate" for homicide today is 64.1 percent. Fifty years ago, it was more than 90 percent
Wtf why are so many homicides going unsolved these days?
Looks like dad couldn't handle the banter
>Showing muh UMA photosallover 4chans, YOU'RE GONA DIE SON, YOU'LL DIE!
>that shit-eating grin
Uh?, nothing personnel kid
*teleports behind you
It's genetic!
Can you even imagine his last moments? Like he's sitting there with his dad wearing a dress eating sit burned into his mind as his father chokes the life out of him.
tfw jewposter
i dindu nuffin
based on that little shit eating faggot look on his face im ok with this
>court ordered visit
>get murdered
Bummer dude
A lot of those convictions were probably the wrong perp. DNA makes it hard for an innocent to be convicted if murder.
Mark Hamill?
I bet Mark Hamill has drank Carrie Fisher's piss
degenerates shall never bear fruit
>All he had to do was not mention it, just keep it inside where it can't get out and nobody can know
Impossible. The moment he saw those pictures was the moment he lost absolutely all respect for his father. How could he take orders from somebody he viewed as a tranny shiteater?
>be the 50s, 60s, 70s, basically any time up to the late 80s
>go somewhere random
>kill somebody in any way, do anything, rape bitches rob a bank whatever
>just leave and go back
>have someone say you were with them
There are probably like 200 unknown serial killers from the early 20th century
Ah right that makes sense.
As sad as this is; shit eating cross dresser genes shouldn't be allowed to continue
Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with white people?
eat shit in hell dad
>meme ideology to make communism look "cool" and "right wing"
fuck off to leftypol
Was it his dad or his mother's boyfriend?
>implying you wouldn't drink Carrie Fischer pee when she was in her prime
>getting "the wrong perp" once and ruining an innocent persons life
wow government for you
this world is terrible
courts need to get their heads blown off and so does everyone else
>There are probably like 200 unknown serial killers from the early 20th century
There's likely 50 to 100 active serial killers in america right now and we have state of the art forensics and government surveillance. Your estimate is low balling it.
The drugs in her urine would probably kill you
Wheew, what a degenerate for a father.
What a glorious way to enter vallhalla
>white people