fuck why couldn't he stab her once more for an even 120. triggers my autism
How do they know he stabbed him that many times?
There's 119 stab wounds on the body?
This is something liberals never want to do discuss. The African community and the Asian community absolutely on average hate trans people. Black people are just crazy enough to kill them.
Did he just put his BBC on his fake feefees?
And nothing of value was lost that day.
Im white and I would say its rational to kill trans peopld
Her dick was probably bigger than his
>119 knife stabs
seems like a lot of lost energy and quality steel ese
I wonder what he was thinking after the 54th one
How is it supposed to apologize if it's dead?
More like he realized having a feminine dick in his mouth wasn't as hot as Sup Forums made it out to be
No sweetie, that's poor dilation
How did he not realize anyway it's the trans person own fault for having sex with him and telling him after.
they had someone count? I wonder if he used a magic marker to write each stab wound to remember. I would just write down that she got shanked multiple times.
Nigga din du nuffin!
quick rundown:
>faggot tricks straight man into homosexual sex
>tells him about being male after the fact
>for(int i=0;iclearly a crime of passion
>the rape victim is sentenced to 40 years in prison, the faggot's parents say their son dindu nuffin
They were both niggers
no fucking surprise
Well there was probably an autopsy done. When an autopsy is done the doctor has to document everything that's wrong with the body. I think they actually do use some sort of market to mark wounds that have already been documented.
I really hope this guy doesn't have OCD; can you imagine having to live the rest of your life knowing you were short of even by one single fucking stab?
Or 3 more so he could get dübs
That's why you're not a coroner, moron.
Do they count the existing self-inflicted gash between it's legs as a wound too?
>119 stab wounds
>yfw there was actually 118
So you want Sup Forums to apologize for something a nigger did? Furthermore, I don't think he did anything wrong.
Sounds like one less gash to me.
haha, that one picture looks like it has bottom teeth. wtf
Most of the time it's either nigs or spics killing them. As with everything else the left sweeps it under the rug and leaves everyone with the impression that it's straight white Christian males who are responsible.
All of this could have been avoided if the tranny stated it was tranny from the start.
legit curious, how do they piss? do they piss out their axe wound?
did you not read? they piss all over their ass and thighs
no i didn't read it all. it just comes out of the back of their wound and spills wherever the fuck? is it safe to piss on an open wound?
I tried reading this but it was too disgusting
and I once ate my own barfs on Sup Forums dare
Lol, that nigger had a moment of seriously considering going for it, realized that made him gay, chimped out! TOO BAD NIGGA, YOU CAN'T STAB THE GAY AWAY!
>He will learn in prison
If you don't disinfect it with your dilator, it's not safe.
Oh no. That sucks.
Its sad the man was raped but this is more important
>whew, that showed the world that I'm not a faggot
Having sex with a person under false pretenses is rape.
Going out on a date is an attempt at starting a physical relationship.
Therefore, going on a date without disclosing that you are transgender is attempted rape.
I know that murder is wrong in all cases, but I have a hard time feeling bad for an attempted rapist.
then so is fucking an intoxicated chick
i don't see the correlation
I get a feeling this man was very insecure in his own manhood and probably some other psychological problems too.
I mean if a trans came on to me and did not discover it at first i would have very nicely said no if i did not want that relationship when i detected it.
I am thinking there are some general manhood problems allover the US and people are too easily upset over nothing.
Nobody thinks you are gay if a trans comes on to you, in fact if got it right trans persons wants extremely manly men so it is actually a compliment.
Apologize for what?
For some dude lying to another dude and dropping a cock surprise onto that other dude?
rip Jamal, even your heritage will be forgiven for the service you did to mankind on this day.
It is a bizarre & eclectic mix that is liberalism: whites who revere blacks, Hispanics & Arab Muslims - most of whom HATE anything LGBT-related.
sure it is
>be slut, go out get drunk, want dick, find a guy you think is cute and funny
>wake up because you hear TOP KEK GAS THE KIKES NOW
>realize you fucked a NEET that isn't cute
false pretense, you appeared to be something else and you didn't disclose it
If that's trannystory2.png, where's the first one?
if it's not apparent then that's simply poor judgement
literally making yourself appear female and not disclosing yourself as a male is a false pretense.
Trannies are like AIDS carriers, if they aren't up front about their illness you really can't be surprised if their victims justifiably lash out.
I think he overreacted a little
How is it not poor judgment to mistake a man for a woman?
Perhaps he was "Overcome" with the spirit of the Lord...
And the disgust and hatred of Satan, and degeneracy?
Quality nigger counting: "21"
The only thing the Nigger did wrong...
Should have hung his-self after his sexual romp, stabbing, and murder.
He left the job half-done.
He was supposed to kill himself too
>killing people is fine
sorry Jamal, you wouldnt be considered white in any other country
>there were 118 stab wounds and one large axe wound.
The coroner probably saw a mish-mashed corpse and was like "gross I don't want to count all that - I'll just say 100... better add the 19 to make it seem like a less made up number."
Think about your country. Now think about the fact that youd have a weaker response to a tranny than everyone else here. Now think about the state of you country again, your attitude in life, and how the two might be related.
Get off Sup Forums, go put out your fire.
It was a nigger tranny. I cant even tell the difference with regular niggers.
You have a sick and twisted mind ... kind of like mine.