Quick rundown?
They said they wouldn't like 6hrs ago
Need a rundown leaf
then it will officially become martial law(africa¸) and muslims will legally be able to behead whites
its all the plan idiots !
Did you expect anything other than complete incompetency and society destroying policy from a self-professed "feminist government"? This is the country that had feminist snow plowing, this is the country with female police telling people not to go in certain areas because of migrant scum.
The shock shouldn't be that the government is resigning, it should be over the fact that it took this long.
Is there any good reading material that explains swedish self hatred and en masse suicide? i read kaczinski's manifesto, but it didnt explain how a whole society for generations becomes engulfed in this satanic disease.
Sadly they simply fired 2 ministers and called it a day.
I think one of their departments outsourced some IT work without properly checking their credentials and qualifications, and because of that one of their databases (including very sensitive information) was leaked.
The leaked information contained images of the drivers license holders, being traced back to Sweden, including secret information, possibly also military information which could potentially compromise their safety.
So it was serious shit.
Link? Is that really it? Also I never thought the entire government would resign, but it wouldn't surprise me if your prime minister did at least.
Is just the standard dissolution of parliament or is this an actual happening?
>but it wouldn't surprise me if your prime minister did at least.
Well, you obviously don't know him.
He's a coward, he refused to talk about this leak in hopes of the swedes would just forget about it. He sees himself as the best swedish PM in decades because he knew Olof Palme.
He will do everything he can to stay in power. This is not the first time a scandal of some sort has emerged and he just flat out refuses to give a proper response.
He wasn't even going to fire a single minister until the opposition basically forced him to do it. He's a coward and a nutjob.
How do you swedes see Olof Palme, good PM or bad ?
socialdemocrat supporters love him. i would say the rest are indifferent except for swedishdemocrats who mainly dislike him
The man who put Sweden on its current path.
Hearing the news coming out about Sweden, what do you think?
Most swedes adore him, mostly because he got killed before swedes could see that he was just another socialdemocrat.
He was one of the greatest politicians there ever was. he started Sweden on this higher moral save the black kids path which have put us where we are right now, only wish he was on the conservative side
The average Swede loves him. At least in public.
Retarded feminist minister gave Czech firm access to state secrets after being warned the firm is not vetted.
Now Putin has Sweden's state secrets.
Fucking retarded ass countrry. Finland should conquer them.
Fuck autist this is legitimate news.
jesus christ retard we know. it's being covered by pundits on both sides of the spectrum
>Now Putin has Sweden's state secrets.
They did not hack it.
Sweden gave.
State secrets.
To Czech firm.
Without vetting them first.
Now Putin has them.
Holy fuck do I miss Captain Sweden. I still remember reading the comics for the first time years ago, laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.
Ahhh... nostalgia...
>Finland should conquer them
No thanks, Id rather allow Putin to conquer us
>Murrricaaa STRONK hurrr
Fuck off, there are like 10 threads about that already
>we're going to give up all our power because it's such a burden ruling you all and we just literally can't even anymore
>lol yeah right jk now keep surrendering your culture and identity
>The entire Swedish government is reportedly considering immediate resignation
As they should, this dark comedy on the fair ppls of Sweden needs to end.
Will there be trials?
Why do the Swedish people love this government so much? Just on the merit of muh women?
You now realize that the only army worth a shit in East/North Europe might just be Finland's. Must be lonely up there. Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, Sweden all have joke tier armies.
and now one of the six countries leaked their state secrets to Vlad.
Fucking hilarious.
The person resposinble for the leak was fined 1,5 months pay, 3 other ministers were rotated out.
We have a canadian in the parliament, her meme party was reluctant to support the idea of votes of no confidence. She also wants 40 million immigrants.
The Swedish government could unironically line whites up against a wall and shoot them en mass by this point and none of them would do a fucking thing
russia pls nuke sweden, they can't even defend themselves now.
Sweden is nothing but a security risk to Norway and Finland at this point. Annexation of Sweden by Norway and Finland is the safest option for the neighboring countries. Dear lord what a cock up of a shitfest.
Jewish media.
It means that the government will have it worse, popularity wise, and will probably not be reelected.
But there will be no snap elections. Have to wait a year for that.
fucking hell this is dire.
On the bright side, at least it's proof of white genocide!
"British Negro Killed in Routine Swedish Grenade Mishap" reveals a dire condition indeed.
Oh yes please
Kotiryssät vittuun
fite me
swedens too progressive for a government now, so enlightened
>Malta lecturing us about military provess.
pls nigga
To be real, our military is basically built to be a mercenary unit for USA with special forces units. We have participated in all possible sandpeople wars.
They slithered away
They have a big chance of being goners next election, especially because of this.
That's some pretty sneaky camo you guise got there.
Holy Shit that guy has the smallest feet I have ever seen.
Right wing protection squads need to be set up in Sweden. The hunters in Norrland should band up together and make some sort of militia.
>40 million
I...isn't Sweden a country of 9 Million?
The same was said about Macaroni, even moreso with the massive amount of scandals surrounding him
it may yet turn out better for France, the way he's going, but the point remains that even something as bad as this don't mean shit in the EU these days
>Now Putin has Sweden's state secrets.
>Now Putin has them.
More like now anyone who cares has them. Torrent when? I want it to be as much disastrous as humanly possible.
I wouldn't be surprised if only 20% of the population right now was actually Swedish
I remember going to Stockholm and Gotebörg in 2015 and you couldn't go anywhere that wasn't infested by Somalians or women in bee-keeper suits.
Sounds like bullshit or because a Mexican can only afford to live in the ghetto.
Got any pics that you were even here.
I was only there as a tourist Sven, but have a good time knowing your country will be multicultural hell in a few years.
I think assange tweeted it.
So what is considered liberal and conservative in Sweden?
Would the "democrats" there be anti-immigration?
You want me to jump ship and move? Or do you want to gloat because you already live in a shithole?
Sweden democrats are the only anti immigration, rest is California tier democrats.
Everywhere except the US, "liberal" means "libertarian", and we instead use left and right.
In Sweden, everyone is left-wing except the Sweden Democrats.
Neat. It's always interesting to come across political systems where the roles and views are reversed.
At least I was born in this shithole, and can do nothing about it considering my politicians have cartels shoot their opposition.
You on the other hand were born in one of the most prosperous countries in the world and don't shit to reclaim your government from politicians who at best declare you a racist for opposing them.
5 million swedes 5 million ooga boogas
Hey what happened to this shit, I heard Löfgren still is PM
You need to gas them Sven
To many white people in the swedish government. They need to be replaced.
>he knew Olof Palme
You know what to do Sven
>Implying I can kill these people and not make every naive swede give their sympathy vote and doom any future change.
You don't understand the situation, I don't live in cartel land. Killing politicians will only make people sympathize with them and ignore their crime and corruption.
Read a book called The New Totalitarians.
You forgot access to the EU gov networks, add that to your list there
>Is that really it?
yeah, there was a press breifing at 10:45 swedish time
shrek told the people that he's in charge and he will not leave
two out of the three ministers related to the scandal were replaced, the third wasnt
You can't even impeach your own PM after he gave state secrets to the fucking russians.
didnt even fire them, just moved them from one position to another
>Quick rundown?
Here you go
>Sweden Democrats suggest making it illegal to outsource handling of sensitive info outside Sweden
>get shut down by 7 other parties
>outsource info to some slavland
>it gets compromised
>politicians all blaming each other
>some gets canned
>the ''opposition'' does nothing because then it would be forced to work with SD
Prove the shitposters wrong, Swedish bros, take your country back.
>Leaf ancestry. Family name is Leaf.
Instead of resignation Swedish government will (((rotate))) ministers.
7 million swedes, 3 million durkas. Annie and her party are complete psycos without any connection to reality.
>didnt even fire them, just moved them from one position to another
This fucking always happen here too
>Minister gets called out on severe bullshit
>Mobs assemble with pitch forks
>Oy vey we fire the minister don't worry
>Minister is now some sort of other minister
And they always are incompetent and no background in whatever they are minister over
Pol here are like Jr High lvl, can't even speak anglo properly only "potitt"-anglo
It's god damn embarrassing, we are in need of a lutefisk-Trump
Being this retarded
>yfw Sweden suffers a decapitation strike because of a fucking USB flash drive
just kill all those who want 40 million low-iq violent immigrants.
Why do we even have monarchs, if the king stepped up and said these people need to hang. I would be out there now tying the noose.
Fucking coward pieces of shit.
Does the king have any actual power?
Could he dismantle the government?
>if the king stepped up and said these people need to hang. I would be out there now tying the noose.
This is the problem with authoritarian jackasses, they always need permission to do something.
Do you know why your country is dying? Because you always comply with the dictates of those in power. If enough of you told them to fuck off at the same time they'd be powerless.
I'm seriously for that King should just have his hird again instead, and just chose the best people fitting rather than this mess.
I dunno about your King, but ours still got veto right. The current one has never used it though, but King used it twice. I remember the first, the idiots outlawed skateboards, that was enough for him. He went down to parliament and called them all in, smacked the fist in the table as said the following
Let the children play on rolling boards(skateboard)!
I don't remember the other case, but I would appreciate that, because this ain't working out. He got like 99% approval here too, (((politicians))) and (((journalists))) are always trying to shit on him and take his power, but the people are really against them.
We all hate all the politicians here, but we love the King. It's at least good to have him with all these other useless cunts I mean
>You on the other hand were born in one of the most prosperous countries in the world and don't shit to reclaim your government from politicians who at best declare you a racist for opposing them.
i mean
most of the swedes posting here has not had the chance to do anything before the last one or two elections due to age and required voting age (no one here takes a protesting/rebelling teen seriously)
imagine growing up in a country, which in your childhood was literally the best one to be born into, and seeing everything around you deteriorate into the quality of an eastern european shithole throughout your entire upbringing without any ability to do anything about it
im not surprised that so many swedish "men" are cucks and nu-males because not being able to proud of your heritage, your country, and wanting to further improve your country has been frowned upon by politicians and people of power because muh privilege, its fucking emasculating
worst of it is that the whore who was in charge of it all got fined 70,000 SEK ($8.5k) and she has a monthly salary of like 115,000 SEK, and is STILL BEING PAID HER WHOLE SALARY because of some bureaucratic shit that you cant just fire such ministers immediately but only move them to another post until their contract ends
no, he was stripped of his power back in the 80s i think
i believe it was Olof Palme (the fag that was murdered, and also started the mass immigration) who stripped the king of his power
>Now Putin has them.
Correction, now Mossad has a second copy.
Its called catholicism. Until your local warlord says Deus Vult, nothing goes. But if he does, well....
its fucking over for sweden, maybe one year or two until complete anarchy takes over and the cities are burned to the ground
Somebody else already pointed this out, but her last name is actually Leaf.
You can't make this shit up.
typos today, that would be King Olav V ofc
There would be no limits to the vilification of us, but with a figure head that is above all this would work.
This isn't America, so please fuck off.
one can only hope
civil war is what this country needs to recover