How do I become Pagan?
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Pagan is a term used by christians. Anyone wwho isnt christian is considered pagan
You can't. Native European tradition has been dead for centuries. Any attempts to revive it are just larping.
Is going to Church not also larping?
not because people dont do it as a forced effort to revive something they do it because they believe in God
just be a christian your people and your race have been christian for centuries
You don't become pagan
You are pagan, it's in our blood
Get the fuck out of here with out kike religion
Say that mediterraneans aren't white over and over, that's it.
For most of the ebin deus vult christians you see on Sup Forums it is, but genuine Christianity has existed continuously since its inception, so it's not larping.
I'm not Christian. It's a tragedy that Native European traditions went extinct, but dancing around a bonfire won't fix it.
By staying in the losing side
I will be unbiased and say Pagans do like to dodge the fact that Odin drank semen and is the god of transgenderism.
Be an atheist and find it not exciting enough.
Congratulations, now you can start pretending that you believe all this pagan crap and meet some similar casualties across the bonfire.
They should have put some seasoning on that meat. Fucking barbarians.
>thread about paganism
>slide thread
It's written by a jew
find your nearest church and burn it down, also stop watching porn.
not everybody cares about the adventures of drumpf and his crew
fuck off faggot
why cant you have both? im romanian and a christian orthodox but we also kept a lot of our pagan traditions and specially a lot of traditional clothing (similar to ops pic even though its probably fromt a different country).
Why do people want to larp around as specifically Norse or Celtic pagans when there's five thousand years of esoteric tradition spread from Persia to Britain? The actual occult is more genuinely pagan in its antiquated roots than modern day "pagans".
convert to catholicism
Here's a tip, true european pagans don't illustrate gods as humans. All that crap where Wotan or Odin or whatever is drawn as a long bearded, big muscled human individual wearing a winged helmet is blasphemy.
I'm gonna guess you want to study Asatru (Norse god worship). Re-learn a lot of European history and you will naturally learn to hate what christians did to your ancestors because of a conflict against jews and Romans. In my experience shilling for Asatru and getting into the worshiping part its about becoming a god yourself instead of worshiping them and has given me a lot to think about and makes me sad i've missed out on times of old, it made me folk.
It's clearly not if you look at the sources to the right
Yeah I guess it is if you don't believe it.
Pagans don't personify their gods.
>how do I become pagan
1. Lack a basic understanding of European History
2. Be a teenager with Atheist leanings
3. Consume Varg Vikernes videos like its dogma and regurgitate them on Sup Forums
4. Fail to realize that Jesus isn't a kike (Modern kikes trace their genetics to eastern europe, not israel)
5. Be as annoying as humanely possible
That picture is retarded.
The pope licks nigger feet.
Most christians are non-white.
Whatever you want to say about Christianity, it isn't European.
step 1: realise that Jesus was a JEW
step 2: realise the horror that Europeans have worshiped a JEW for 2000 years
step 3: embrace the gods of Europe, our native soil
how do you know whats european and whats not, youre a fucking american whose country is literally converting to a non-white populus, hell I bet theres high chances youre not white yourself. Stop larping nigger.
how do potatoniggers defend their catholic traitor pope?
Get a lobotomy
No it hasn't.
It has gone through multiple different reforms
and it's original inception is largely unrecognizable from the political garbage that came out of the council of Nicaea.
im orthodox though, and this pope shit was an obvious media meme so the church can seem more liberal, same with endorsing gays and other degenerate shit. An orthodox priest would rather die than accept homos in society.
Step one is to determine what kind of "Pagan" you wish to become. What is the primary group you wish to experience kinship with?
Step two is to learn the stories and lore behind that particular group of gods. Learn their histories and struggles and become close to them in your heart.
Step three is learn about the culture associated with your chosen "group" and strive to live like them in principle. For example, the Nine Noble Virtues would be prominent form someone following the Norse Pantheon.
Step four is to join up with other followers of your beliefs and network with them. Take part if celebrations and holidays, learn from those with greater knowledge and always increase your own understanding and relationship of the gods.
Being a "Pagan" in actuality if far from what this board says it is. There are more traditionalist groups that do live more akin to the old ways, but that doesn't mean you must also do the same.
You really can't become a pagan like in the old days
Sacrificing animals to honor the gods isn't something you would do in the >current year
The word "pagan" originally had strong overtones of being a rural bumpkin, as early Christianity was spreading most rapidly through urbanized areas.
So a good first step would be to yank out a coupole of your teeth and change your name to Cletus or Jethrine.
i dont think it's animal abuse you just slit the throat i dont think a rabbit or a goat suffers much
>How do I become Pagan?
Buy a rubber sword and have gay sex in a prison shower. You have to like crappy death metal too. Once you are in then you get a viking hat with we wuz niggers on it. You get to be a druid if your toilet is made out of soil
>The word "pagan" originally had strong overtones of being a rural bumpkin, as early Christianity was spreading most rapidly through urbanized areas.
Wrong. See Ireland. Pagans love making stuff up. For example. Pagans invented marmalade. See anyone can do it?
True, but how many rabbits and goats does the average person own?
To keep them alive and happy you also got to have more than one, so you will need to be a farmer
Get a lobotomy for starters.
step 1: LARP
step 2: LARP some more
step 3: LARP so much that any sane human being thinks you're a retarded freak
step 4: centre your entire being and family around your LARP lifestyle and become Varg
You can catch one in the forest
i just had a life time of weird experiences that i ignored, including auto writing a bunch of shit after a pcp related black out that i figured was crazy and senseless
years later most of what i wrote happened (the other stuff is meant to be further down the line) and i met a witch (i wrote i would along with a description of her, things she would say etc she was exactly who i wrote about)
she taught me how to open my 3rd eye, and she did this past life ritual that made it undeniable that things i didn't grasp or experience could exist
in the middle of all of that i had a calling dream that she told me how to answer (i did and in spite of everything i didn't think anything would happen) and proceeded to experience visitation dreams and so on afterwards
for me it was dionysus, but calling dreams are different for everyone
all that being said, i can tell you how to open your 3rd eye and she did tell me once if you're seeking a calling (i wasn't) that you can make an offering and open call for a sign or guidance and see who answers
i'll teach you the way she taught me since you're open to pagan ideas anyway so this shouldn't be too pagan for you
first you close your eyes and imagine a five pointed star above you, in this order you'll imagine yourself tying your body to the elements and each point of the star (immerse yourself, physical representations help some people... it's about setting a mood/mindset):
right leg- earth
left arm- air
right arm- fire
left leg- water
3rd eye - spirit
when you get to the fifth point you're going to focus on the space where your 3rd eye is (it can help to "look" at it) you should feel pressure
focus on the pressure let it build, then imagine it opening
it's easier said than done, keep practicing
binaural beats can help you locate the spot to focus on if you need them
Rabbits are too quick and rare to find in the forests up here
Really makes me think
You're right to an extent. I personally wouldn't sacrifice living animals during a Blot but you could keep close to tradition by using animal that had already been prepared/cooked.
I've seen it done where a place or altar would have a meal set for the particular god being honoured.
At the end of the day though, if you're going to eat the animal being sacrificed I don't have an issue with it being done humanely.
I see that you like a little demonic possession/oppression. enjoy
simply believe in more than 1 god. jew faggotry spread the idea of a single god. even muslims reference jew faggotry in their holy book
only desert goat fuckers buy into a single god. every one else either doesnt believe in gods or believe in many gods
Step one you must raise your testosterone to alpha male levels. We pagans have this by default you dont because you're not a pagan and low test so i recommend steroids
Step two fuck bitches
>I don't have an issue with it being done humanely.
Are you talking about the gay prison sex or the viking hats?
from Latin paganus ‘villager, rustic’, from pagus ‘country district’. Latin paganus also meant ‘civilian’, becoming, in Christian Latin, ‘heathen’ (i.e. one not enrolled in the army of Christ)
Ah casual chains a bit complex.
>Step one you must raise your testosterone to alpha male levels.
You do this in prison showers together?
>pagan sluts feel accomplished for jumping over a campfire
Meanwhile Orthodox qt's get to walk on coal. How can pagans even compete?
No you do it with steroids if you're a low test non pagan like yourself
no such thing, abrahamic faiths bastardize innate spirituality for the purpose of control
there's a reason they're historically used by governments, they keep people weak and passive
my experiences have nothing to do with demons
Why not both? ;)
Sacrifice a chicken to Moloch.
>larping as a christian nazi
Listen to Midgard Rising:
What are traps? and dogs
what's it like to be so deep in a larp?
that quote is misattributed.
you going to back up this claim or no? did you really expect me to just take your word for it, bud?
Because the pagans are wholesome good natured women who want to look good for their men. While the orthodox sloth doesn't care if her stinky burnt up feet bothers men because she has married god
>they want to look good for Ahmed
fixed that for you
t. a (((judeo-christian))) cuckold
Easy solution OP
move to izrale
there's just no way he said that.
if there's a picture of hitler saying ''i love corn flakes'' will you believe it and ask me to ''debunk it'' too ?
The burden of proof is on the accuser, friend. Now show me where Hitler said this exactly.
>Just worship a semitic god, your people have been doing it for centuries.
>Just accept a jewish ruling class, your people have been doing it for centuries.
you cant because all real pagan traditions were wiped out by superior christians hundreds of years ago.
>there's just no way he said that.
damn wow good point dude
what's your real flag, btw?
>anime poster
Reviving the old ones are stupid, but starting a new ethnic religion with influences from the old ones isn't. Thats likely what would have happened with the third reich. There would have been an ethnic german religion distinct from paganism but used pagan symbols(i.e. Sigel, Swastika)