They are also trying to have Wassermans brother help her
Along with the feminizing of men/boys, it shows there's definitely something being exposed to Western men.
Contaminant of some kind, either accidental, environmental or on purpose.
In the future, only sub-humans in South/Central America, Africa, Middle-East an Asia will be able to reproduce, lowering the world's general IQ even further.
Rejoice the end of civilization. Maybe in a millenia we'll achieve a better concept of life in society.
based on my many children, they aren't reducing mine.
Becuase everyone is jerking it like three times a day, there isnt enough time for your balls to stock up again and you jerk it all our again.
h/t Alex jones
Why is it only in White countries I wonder
It's because people are fat and don't exercise. Obesity lowers sperm count and weight training raises it.
Maybe men should fix their incontrovertibly shitty diets, get /fit/, stop masturbating, and stop putting electronic shit near their lovejunk.
Pretty much all this.
Most likely this.
If they had the men not jerk off for a few days and the sperm count was still low, then I'd be concerned
Huge porn availability, I dont think there is anywhere else where people so openly talk about porn and jerking off.
How does this affect anything? I think lower sperm count could lead to infertility right? Yet you don't hear breaking news that western men are more and more becoming infertile.
Or is this about the fact that if the trend continues future generations will be? Oh well.
Stop drinking shit soda, stop fapping so much, and stop smoking too much weed. Problem solved
>White race will completely disappear
It feels really good to be honest. Certainly It is quite funny that God itself seems to be against white people
It hoes hand in hand with lower average testosterone as well,
>playing vidya all day
>no exercise
>no physical work
Grandpa was right, men are becoming a bunch of pussies.
Because the median age is getting older. And as you get older your sperm count goes down.
Nice try kikes, we aren't going to adopt your pet niggers.
Estrogen from birth control pissed out into the water supply through the sewage system.
It doesn't get filtered by the treatment plants.
Obviously it could be, quite easily in fact just put better filters in the system, but they don't.
Kill vegans for promoting low protein intake.
We need to off the Vegans, thrown their bodies on a fire...and then eat them too!
Not really...we are the first ones to be saved. Enjoy your world, dominated by communist slavery
I wonder if it's the soy and other estrogen mimics in literally everything
this. the whole planet is getting older. even the third world is "middle-aged" now. global obesity epidemic? jee fucking whiz, what happens when people get old? they get fat and lazy.
do not fall for this kike trickery.
>we are the first ones to be saved.
I work out but the rest apply. Maybe that why I have the bottom level of ((((normal)))) test. Oh well, it's not that I can do anything about it. Like I would be given TRT by a doc or could afford it. Kek.
I'm curious of one thing tho. Is lower sperm count linked to low test or the other way around?
nothing is stopping anyone from reverse osmosis filtering their own water
it's a bit expensive and if you want to re-mineralize your water even more expensive
i knew this guy who had a water store and the nicest equipment they had was this filter with a titanium plate that did some fuckin new age bullshit, bet that would fix faggot boys right up
I like being ottermode user, I naturally have a cardiologically effective, svelte frame than girls swoon for
I eat meat too, wanna know the truth? Being a fat fuck is worse for your test levels than being "skinny", which by American standards mean anything less than portly
So what should I drink? Does a brita pitcher filter out the hormonal jew?
Both stress and obesity reduce sperm count.
See how they leave out Canada? The syrup's seed is the strongest, all other whiteys btfo.
Not my problem. I've already got my son and a vasectomy to boot.
>only one son
Oh user you shitcake
>Below the replacement rate
You dun goofed son!
>people actually believe this bullshit
Objectively wrong
>cum in nearly every girl I fuck with no condom
>still no children
milk, tap water and wanking is the root of the problem
Why should i care? never wanted kids anyway faggots.
50% is still billions of billions
obesity plays a large role in that
Get fucking fit you fat fucks
Keep forgetting this happened Sup Forums
Wanking? Horseshit. Wanking might be bad for all kinds of moral and spiritual reasons, but it doesn't lower sperm count.
Good thing your cucked genes will die forever and we never have to deal with another generation of worthless faggotry from people like you.
Europeans have been milk drinkers for millennia, the problem is the modern hormones for cows, not milk itself.
stop taking hot showers & baths you mongoloids
That would explain how i never got my ex gf pregnant despite having sex without a condom countless time.
Stay away from plastics and chemicals, especially don't eat anything wrapped in plastic, don't touch printed receipts, exercise, get enough sun, live as much as possible in nature
If that was true wouldn't it be noticed by doctors and pretty much anyone if cells were under attack?
Genes means nothing you're just a fucking animal in the end. Your worthless genes and everybody else genes came from 1 point. Basically there is no (your) gene. Get a fucking brain subhuman snowflake trash. Sorry i destroyed your pitiful dreams.
Black men are usually taller, more confident, women know they have bigger dicks. And they're more masculine. No girl wants some pale feminine white boy, especially a blonde white boy. I'm gay but I have convinced many of my girlfriends that they should try a black guy, because I'm with one now and it's the best sex ever.A lot of women i know usually keep a black guy on the side. I'm gay so we do girl talk. It's 2017, and white boys are at home playing video games and not making an effort to start relationships. Black men are the definition of confidence, masculinity, and pleasure. White women won't and don't miss you.
It's plastics. First generations of large scale adoption.
I was wondering when somebody was going to come along and say this. Is it more likely that there's some secret government conspiracy to "lower your test levels"? Or is it more likely that the average American male is fucking up his own test levels because he doesn't work out and he's too stupid to stop eating when he should? Jesus you guys sound like the guy I know who's eaten too much LSD.
>never wanted kids anyway faggots
quite sure you are the faggot here
PVC pipes are plastic pumping weak acids. Think about all the plastics exposed to weak acids like water.
Now do the math.
I've seen exactly the same sentence before
do you keep that in your laptop?
kinda awkward to me
The water in your body has been contaminated with plastics and exposed to constant radiation and strong radiation via microwaves and phones.
Bad times but fixable
Sorry faggot, i was not meant to be a child care. I rather fuck women and don't want anybody leeching me and i'm not mentally weak like most people that want kids because they are scared being alone old. So basically you people qualifies as faggots
srs stop putting your phone in ur fukn pocket
>raising your wife's son
> never wanted kids anyway
you'll grow up, no worries
>grow up
user i'm fucking 27
correct, and probably urban (sedentary) living
good, we need those genes to go extinct
Conspiratards check in. Was there a 'virus' released that targets genetics (Whites) in Europe, North America, Canada, Australia?
We dont need more worthless whiners anyway. Theres already almost not enough to go around. Forget having 100 kids, why dont you focus on making your fucking life worth something.
Chemicals turning the fucking frogs gay are also reducing testosterone and sperm count and fertility.
Fuck plastics. Fuck pesticides. Fuck farmers using hormones. Fuck them all to death.
yeah no shit
post this on kikebook or something
i wonder why hmmm....
>stop masturbating
it literally improve your sperm, and if you stop fapping your will still jizz your pants at night anyway
>stop putting electronic shit near their lovejunk
literally only good point
Numales btfo.
They're all sunken chest, balding, manlets so it's no wonder they have low sperm counts. Smoking weed since they were 10 and drinking from plastic sippy bottles their whole lives isn't helping either
How do we stop this castration ?