Why are Punk bands so pro-establishment? (((we))) are the union
Why are Punk bands so pro-establishment? (((we))) are the union
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It's easiest way to appear rebellious without being a rebel.
This. They're faggots that just follow the herd off a cliff.
I always thought Punks were the type of people to be extremely xenophobic
When did the left hijack Punk?
They think they're anarchists but in reality just pc weenies.
Leftists are usually anti-establishment by default. Think of it like left wing = anti-hierarchy, right wing = more hierarchy.
Black Flag was peak punk
Everything after is shite
Because the post 2000s punk movement is just pseudo liberalism.
The entire modern marketing industry is the creation of the punk generation.
because they have actual values and arent just contrarians making money for shock value
rly make u think huh
Lefties are not anti-establishment. You cannot cherry pick your anti-establishment views. Either you're anti-establishment 100% or you're a lying faggot. I love hearing lefties spouting shit about globalist governments, American imperialism but negating that 9/11 is a hoax.
It's pathetic.
>muh government lies but it doesn't lie about poor 6 trillion
Because the bands in question were never anti-establishment, only leftist
You're joking, right?
Not really? Politics have more than one variable. The left wing are usually anti-government though because they want a flat hierarchy.
This. When I was in the punk scene many many years ago, it was more about anarchy and no government shit. And was also anti pop culture. Not sure when leftist trashed it. Punk bands would rip things like rap and and any other pop culture apart. They were anti conformist
conservatism is the new punk
Give me some good right wing punk music Sup Forums
you would be looking for metal than punk at that point.
Ice Nine Kills is anti liberal and anti obamacare. More metalcore though but really well constructed.
Honestly there isnt much out there, or they dont come out with their political views which is best
>Trump is the establishment
>anti-establishment punk is shitting on Trump
What's wrong?
>Wears a shirt with "fuck" on it
Thy Art is Murder is also really good. They were anti islam in their Holy War album but were alittle center stage when it came to Christianity. But its super anti islam and they made merch with MAKE DEATHCORE GREAT AGAIN. Which people lost their shit kek
Did you analysed the punk movement ?
Basically pissing on the hand that feeds you.
These people live on welfare, gibs and charity.
Oc they are establishment lapdogs
They align with the Hollywood elite and pop culture in their hate for Trump. If they would have rather had Hillary win, then they are far from anti-establishment
... Trump is anti establishment even though he is the president. Just because of his job title doesnt make him any less of an anti establishment.
Also, punk bands never attacked Obongo or the liberal demoshits for the past decade not until now
>Trump is the establishment
He has been fought tooth and nail by literally everyone in the establishment, even his own party. He's more punk than this shitty band
I work in the music industry as a side hobby/job. I have become friends with many metal and punk bands over the past few years. I have met many who have political beliefs that are super conservative and anti liberal. But I have met one that was wicked libtarded and got welfare checks to pay for shows
I would say that there is a divide coming. But its taking longer than it has to
Listen to the older stuff. I always liked Major General Despair by Crass.
lol so this is how you can still cling to the anti-establishment populism
Not a fan of old punk, doesnt suit my taste at all. I do like the well produced fun stuff, but thats just me
>listening to punk that isn't Dead Kennedys
not sure I follow desu
These Union guys are actually a autistic blend of pop punk and Ska kek
>what's wrong?
Thinking Trump is the establishment.
Anyone who thinks that obviously hasn't been paying attention.
Black Pigeon made a good video about this:
>be "leftist revolutionary"
>shill for open borders, reducing the value and bargaining power of native labor
I play in a poppunk band with other DIYs. I'd never get a gig again if they knew my real political beliefs. I'm not full Sup Forums-tard, but anything a hair to the right of them is "fascism" to these freaks. I'm hoping one day I can be more open, but it's really a challenge to avoid politics with other punk bands all the time.
You missed the part where the GOP itself shat on Trump constantly until he won the primary, and how many GOP elites still shit on him. Not to mention 90% of the media is owned by leftists and (((them))) and shits on Trump constantly.
that's even worse
Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables is the pinnacle of punk and any derivative of classic punk just makes it even worse
I'm in the band NOFX and I post here every fuckin day
>current year
can they be more gay?
Thats awesome hopefully one day you'll unintentionally hit my graphic design studio up hahaha.
But dude one awesome true anti estalishment band that is pop punk and amazing is HOOLIGANS. Awesome shit right there
I'd believe it. Tell Fat Mike he's a cuck, El Hefe.
prove it, fag
he says youre a faggot
I'll check them out, there's a slim chance you and I have already worked together. Good to know there's a couple punk/punk-adjacent bands with their heads not completely screwed!
Hi there, good to see you here
Seriously thinking about making lefty themed edgy shirts and band posters if only because it seems like there's a strong market for it. Reminds me of back in highschool where a lot of my peers wore punk, anti capitalist tees and raggedy clothes like their favorits bands despite being the kids of 1%ers.
You never know ;) I am small but getting traction recently. Good to hear, you will probably dig them. Their vocalist is a super anti liberal dude
Approx 1979 when punks seemed to split into 2 factions:
1) Mohawk clowns w/tartan trousers, white paint on studded leather etc, tend to listen to GBH, Exploited, and other cartoon-ish types with retarded lyrics
2) Clad in olive drab and black, joyless anarcho vegan types, tend to listen to Crass, Conflict, Subhumans, and other whining pussies, lyrics tend to preach rather than try to entertain.
There's very little left in the way of innovation, or even free speech these days.
I shit you not, it works. I thought redbubble let you get commision for your work but check out bigcartel or whatever. You will make bank on making liberal kill fuck trump shirts.
Jesus that album cover makes me want to kill myself
Sounds good. I got a gig making shirts for a small businesses and pretty much have enough working knowledge between graphic design and operating the cut and press machines to start my own side biz at this point. Gonna check out bigcartel, thanks user.
They're a cultural meme. They exist so edgy kids can feel special until they ultimately outgrow the phase.
>claim to be anti-globalism anti-rich anti-establishment
>riot against G20
>then also call anyone who is against globalist policies of mass-migration and wage stagnation, ie: Trump, a racist Nazi Hitler
>riot against anti-globalists
So what do they actually stand for? They have no position except the one that is given to them by (((pop-culture))) and the (((media))).
"Useful idiots" was the single-most brutally accurate turn-of-phrase ever invented for politics.
Because punk is fucking dead and buried
I don't like pop punk but proof needed
GG Allin
God, I hope not. It's getting geriatric as fuck in here, if true. Write a song about getting a hip replacement or a colonoscopy
Whoever did this...kek
I like punk records from the late 70's. you know, most of them kinda of pop and from major labels
but the "street punk", the guys with mohawks, is the most embarassing thing ever. there are still plenty of people that consider themselves "punks" today. all with their fake leather jackets with stupid patches
it's also embarrasing how allmusic, wikipedia, and others try to consider everything as "proto punk". while the image that people have of punks is that 80's mohawk, very ignorant thing
They are the best for up and coming artists, bands, designers. And have the best organized platform for dealing with customers and all that.
They haven't yet realized that conservatism is the new counter culture. They still believe they're being 'edgy', even though they're mainstream now
how deluded are you?
Not only globalism is a made in America product and your country has been the principal enforcer for the jew, trump is just another puppet.
man, that thing in europe was ridiculous...
europe is way too cucked. those protests are not worse because... well, the population is very old. but there's no hope with the european youth in most countries.
even france is better than germany and uk
Says the guy who ripped our flag off and only has one star and two stripes. Lol we dominate you faggots
lol, Trump is the #1 goy of the year. Supreme shill for israel
>billionaires are not the establishment
Dead Kennedy's were very critical of the right wing
ahh yes, the un employable look. very fashionable among degenerate losers.
Screeching Weasel is better than your shitty band.
>triggered af
Got me, now ill gas myself
Trump is anti establishment regardless of his status and title.
Punk died in the 80s. These faggits are posers.
Dont say no to me. Thats disrespectful