Lady Gaga just destroyed Trump.
Lady Gaga just destroyed Trump
hoping that number goes up now desu
>I want these people in charge of defending me when shit hits the fan...
They can't even handle normal life. How are they supposed to handle combat?
>implying thats not why we dont want them to have automatic weapons
thats your brain on jews
>people with colossal suicide rates should be considered mentally fit enough to serve and experience military combat
I can't believe this tweet is real, but it is.
unstable individuals who shouldn't be trusted with rifles and it sounds like they are lousy shots
I'm sure that has nothing to do with their instincts rejecting their social programming
dumb argument, literally all they have to do is talk about how it's a right to serve and they keep bringing up their mental instability as a defense
>Identifiable group has a 45% suicide rate.
>Lets give them guns and let them protect our country.
I don't understand.
> muh feelings > national security
Is she thinly suggesting trannies to consider killing themselves again?
>Implying the only reason these suicide rates are this high is because of society being this mean to them, not their own mental state.
someone reply to her gee it's almost as if they're mentally ill and need help instead of hormones
Very irresponsible of her isn't it?
if you attempt suicide you can't join the army.
does anyone else cringe when liberals think they're laying down sick burns when they're just helping President Trump?
what's her point? not all life is precious, why the fuck do i care if mentally ill people kill themselves? hell they cant even do suicide right if they only attempted it
Umm isn't that a good reason not to let them in the military?
Mentally unstable suicidal people should not be anywhere near our military.
Subtle redpill by Lady Gaga
So they are mentally ill? John Hopkins was right. So it's ok to serve in the military if you are mentally ill? Sounds like a department store has stricter screenings for mental health issues than our defense department.
yeah, we should definitely let suicidal people into the military.
>trannies meet readiness standards!
>45% of the largest age group that join military comments suicide
Readiness standards everybody
They believe the number is that high only because of society, and not their own internal struggle. Just remember that to them, any discrepancy in data amongst different demographics can always be chalked up to an external discriminatory factor. It's never internal issues
OK, so is Lady Gaga /ourgirl/? Because this tweet very much seems to support Trump's decision.
You must not know what winning feels like user...
Lady Gaga make the point that most LGBT are lunatics with their high percentage of suicide attempts.
Lady Gaga just confirmed why these wonderful trans people who are already struggling with depression and mental issues should not have the intense addition of extreme mental health pressures which happens in the military. Depression and mental illness issues ARE factors which make them unsuitable and not battle ready. Thank you Lady Gaga.
wtf i love trump again
Doesn't that kind of prove Trump's point? 45% of them have attempted suicide and you want them to stand watch by themselves from 2am-5:30am with a loaded service weapon? The military has a bad enough suicide problem as it is.
>I want suicide prone people in the military
dumb cunt
In what reality do these celebs live in that they think this is something that destroys Trumps point?
A very good reason to not let them serve.
good reason why they shouldn't be in the army, which only increases the risk of suicide.
lets have people with a high chance of suicide with military hardware, great plan!
The problem will slowly fix itself then
hahaha her tweet totally won't backfire as an extra argument for the ban
wtf i love suicidal people flying nuclear stealth bombers now
I think they call this an own goal.
>bringing attention to the suicide rate
So, these people are literally killing trannies now.
Um no sweetie, trans are only suicidal because of our oppresive society and people not accepting them for who they are.
so she know it is mental illness?
>45% suicide rate
>Not a mental illness
>not wanting a group of people with overwhelming mental illness in possession of military grade weapons and in situations of life and death is a bad thing
Of course he knows, that's exactly why they shouldn't be in the military.
The leaf makes an excellent point, wtf?
So almost half have tried to off themselves and we want them holding M-4's, why????
Seriously, why?
Um... Isn't it a good thing they aren't applying to the army then
>If you don't let them serve they will kill themselves out of shame
This is your brain on maternalism
Maybe they should seek actually getting help and dealing with their issues rather than cutting themselves up.
>lady gaga confirms trannies mentally ill, 98% of all casaulties in war are psychological
there will never be another demoncraut The Republic is saved forever lads we lost Rome but we won't lose this time Heil Trump
Hope it cracks 50% now
How can they be expected to kill the enemy, if they can't even kill themselves?
?? How exactly did she "destroy" Trump, and why should anyone care?
Because we need suicidal ppl in the military
Fucking this so much. All you have to say is it's your right as an American to defend your country, and that includes serving in the armed forces.
If they kill themselves over this then that's all the more reason to not allow them in the military.
>demographic most at risk for suicide
>in the job at most risk for suicide
lady gaga has a benis. every one knows this. it was discussed at length 10 years ago. she isnt impartial
Wtf i love mentally ill people having asult weapons now
They need to try harder. Don't just attempt suicide, DO IT
Lady Gag Gag is a straight woman who knows nothing about the LGBTQ and pretends to be our friends.
You are not are friend. You do not represent us.
I wonder why giving a gun to those people and sending them to the middle of nowhere is a bad idea
Lady Gaga hates due process
feelings are more important than your right to a fair trial
>putting already suicidal people in the military is a good idea
>men commit suicide 4x more than women
>10x more for divorced men
>"Just check your privilege guys!"
Why are leftists now acting like suicide is a bad thing that vulnerable groups commit?
lel she just supported his position
we need more sudokus, its natural selection anyways
>that pic
>Letting suicidal people near guns
Just one more reason they gotta go!
>cant even kill themselves
>expected to efficiently kill others
Yeah sure let them all in
Trump has no time for these losers.
Trump likes winners.
lol is that a real quote? So who decides they are raped? A group of feminists with cigar cutters big enough for your dick?
>having mentally ill suicide risks fighting in your armed forces
fucking libtards lmao
"That just makes them braver, they don't care about dying."
t. tranny advocate
Guaranteed this argument will be put forward.
>be mentally unstable
>be suicidal
>wants the gov to trust you with a rifle
>All you have to say is it's your right as an American to defend your country
>45% attempt suicide
Those are rookie numbers! Let's send them to a warzone and get the ball rolling for real.
Was that suicide percentage before or after some idiot convinced then that they would no longer be mentally ill if they cut their dick off?
I am deeply sympathetic to their problem, and deeply angry at those who exploit it for profit through mutilating surgery or for political gain. Fuck them.
But I would tend to agree that people who are that unstable should probably not be in the military.
she claims to be bisexual tho
Which is why it is important for them to not be in the military because the military isn't a place to babysit mental cases
>tfw Gaga just performed at friends wedding recently
>tfw shes now suing them because they took photos of her (and they werent supposed to apparently)
>tfw theyre mobsters
>tfw she has no idea what shes in for
You're assuming they're thinking rationally
How fucking dumb are these people?
They suicide cause they were told a lie. Once the lie falls apart they find their life meaningless. Most of ´em were just gay people who transitioned cause they were told to or they already had depression so it made´em feel special, making the pain go temporally away.
They don´t suicide cause of "muh transphobia", they suicide cause they listened to the left and their gender experts/social educators instead of psichologists or medics.
They´re the ones to blame, not your meme president.
>Trump bans trannies from military
>mentally ill trannies and their allies throw a huge fucking temper tantrum and unintentionally scare off normalfags
Where were you when Trump redpilled the masses on the tranny question?
More the reason for them to not be in our military.
Gaga, you just played yourself.
>women with penises
>I am deeply sympathetic to their problem, and deeply angry at those who exploit it for profit through mutilating surgery or for political gain. Fuck them.
This. It genuinely makes me sad to see young men and women mutilate themselves.
>fucking drumpf let these suicidal people join your army
>perform at friends wedding
>can't take pictures
some friend.
The irony also being that most trans are men that want to be women.
So, it's the male suicide rate still.
Is she in her 40s or something?
She doesn't seem to be aging well since she came on the national stage.
>s-s-s-someone place fuck me
Clearly we want to trust suicidal idiots with defending us.