You wake up to 1940. You have your current knowledge, but somehow have a Jewish last name. You speak fluent French and the village you're in is being overridden by Nazis. You hear them approaching the house you're hiding in. You're equipped with a Modèle 1935 pistol. What do you do?
You have a Jewish last name speak French & hear Germans soldiers advancing to your village. What do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Shoot Myself all JEWS NEED TO DIE!
>in village
pick one
Contact with Leon Degrelle
Sign up and move to Israel.
collaborate. sell out own tribe, become french george soros?
The Nazis did NOT kill Jews.
I leave the country like Hitler wanted before the jews set him up.
Since i know how it went i would have fled, joined the US or British military and then retaliated a lot. God i would have killed anything, women, children, men and then some.
Thats a shame, it's the only thing i liked about them
Go to Italy because Mussolini doesn't give a fuck about your genetics?
call my nigga Harris
I am really a nice guy i just have no problems treating inhumane animals like the animals they are and believe me i would not shed a tear killing nazis.
Infiltrate the Jewish resistance and then turn them in to the Germans. Repeat until tranquility ensues.
What the fuck is this? Jewish story time? Saged.
Do a Roman salute and show them my real allegiance, to my country, not faith by default like many did
jewish name here, come at me fuckbois
I would do everything in my power to help the Germans win. Try to befriend an officer, tell him of some obvious allied plans anybody knows now (say, a large commando raid like Dieppe or Trondheim) to get his attention, then get him to relay major allied operations to his superiors.
I'll shove the pistol to my ass but ill leave the tip of the barrel outside. Then I'll stand with my ass facing the door. When they'll open the door I'll squeeze my ass muscle as hard as I can and the pistol will kill them all. gg wp nazis
I hope you realize that by 1940, the mischling laws were changed and those with any jew blood couldnt serve in the military, and by 1942, anyone with any trace of jew blood had to go on a little camping trip
[citation needed]
apply to become hitler's driver
Then i would simply sign up to leave for the Israeli settlements in the ancient homeland
Better climate too, I hate winter
>go to camp
>swim the pool
>visit the zoo and whorehouse
>generally have a good time
>after war invent holohoax and harvest shekels from dumb krauts
It must be good to be g-d's chosen.
ok, kike.
Obviously the military would be wary of having people with suspect loyalties in critical positions. That's just common sense--but Mischlings who demonstrated their dedication were fine, just kept out of SS and sensitive areas.
its 1940, that whole this was trashed by then
>After the German invasion of Poland in September 1939, the "basis of its existence [was] removed", and the program was ended
Hope you have a strong back because youre going to camp nigga
so at first you dont believe me and then ask for evidence, then when I give it to you, you get mad at me and act as if you already knew it? lol
>muh pool!
>i would have killed anything, women, children, men and then some.
So like any other kike?
I'd find my way to negotiate my way in the Wehrmacht. OP's post says 1940 but no more precision ont he exact date.
Yes good goyim. Kill the only people that can save the world.
No shit, they're at war with the country controlling Palestine. Are you retarded?
Also, the Wannsee conference notes you posted literally confirmed what I said.
The Haavra agreement was done away with in 1939, so no matter what time it is in 1940, youre fucked. The war is on, your best bet is to try and escape and/or get a fake ID because if they catch you, youre getting shipped to a camp. Hopefully you just get slave labor and dont have to be a human genie pig
I'm saying your source website was suspect. I can't be bothered to look at kike lies. But reading through it, I was quite surprised to see it confirmed my beliefs, rather than yours.
>he Wannsee conference notes you posted literally confirmed what I said.
no, they confirmed what I said, which you denied.
>hurr citation needed that concentration camps existed?!?!
lol how retarded are you user? You cant just conceded to points that I made and then have this shitty arrogant attitude as if you are smarter than me.
Tell them im a nuclear physicist
Current knowledge? I'd first be disgusted at myself, and then I'd help them exterminate the jews like they should have done
>Swindle a soldier into giving me his uniform and equipment
>massacre rest of village
>blame it on the Germans
>annudah shoah
All you have to do is leave. Why would they stop you?
Think about it: I hate niggers, and I want a white ethnostate. Why in the literal fuck would I tell a nigger to STAY in the white ethnostate?
Yeah yeah, I know how you guys operate. Anything that proves you wrong is fake and every silly internet rumor that confirms your conspiracy theory is 100% authentic
Feels like a slide thread, but okay.
I had family in the resistance, I'd play it cool and join up with them. (However he died due to a land mine, but my American grandfather drove a tank and stole some nice German helmets.)
>You wake up to 1940. You have your current knowledge, but somehow have a Jewish last name. You speak fluent French and the village you're in is being overridden by Nazis. You hear them approaching the house you're hiding in. You're equipped with a Modèle 1935 pistol. What do you do?
Should have fled to safety months ago.
i mean. user goldstien.would be pretty hard to convince them im not a jew. porbably do my best to talkmyelf out of the situation and demand i be proven french.
>Why would they stop you?
Because they want to exterminate them and squeeze out some slave labor from them as well.
Cry and weep because I'm not a cool bad ass superior Nazi and instead pee a I blow my brains out.
Your scenario sucks by the way. Now I'm depressed.
Start naming future traitors.
Also pic very related.
Nothing because Jews were treated with respect and dignity in camps until the allies bombed the supply routes
I would simply tell them I have 0 idea of what's happening and what can I do to avoid these "camps". They were not heartless morons, they knew the worst jews were the powerful ones, not simple citizens. They might even let me stay if I report daily or even weekly.
I am smarter than you. I am a 2. degree mischling myself.
The Wansee notes did not reference aany extermination, only obvious and expedient measures to exclude and remove Jews from Europe. They further said that half-Jews were to be judged as Jews generally, but with exceptions made for service to the Reich. Quarter-Jews were treated as German unless they were openly disloyal.
You claimed they were sent to camps.
Not only did you provide an obviously-biased source site, but your claims were also completely unsupported by your own cherry-picked "evidence." I have nothing further to say to you, kike.
>starvation in a war zone
Have you seen pictures of 1918 Germany? You know, during the blockade?
And what good is slave labor in fucking camps? They would be useless, unmotivated mouths that would sabotage you at every turn.
No, I'd want undesirables out as quickly as possible, which is what the Germans were doing.
Tell them I work for Schindler and then I'm saved. That was easy
>They were not heartless morons, they knew the worst jews were the powerful ones, not simple citizens.
based on what? They sent everyone, including children, to these camps. What makes you think they will let you go? Jews are liars anyway, why would they even believe you?
>implying the "death camps" existed
Just give them intelligence and agree to leave after the war and you'll be fine.
>treated with respect and dignity
They weren't treated as complete garbage, but come on. It's war, and they are foreign elements. They had decent treatment within that context, but it was by no means "nice."
Kindness is a luxury not easily afforded i war.
>I am smarter than you.
Is that why I proved you wrong twice and you responded with an emotionally driven response?
yeah, it is evil to intentionally starve people to death user. Of course your little reptile brain cant comprehend this.
Why do you think nazis threatened to kill anyone caught feeding these prisoners user?
harris is one of the few whites i like. anyone who murders whites is alright.
>leave after the war and you'll be fine.
what are you basing this on user?
>people lying about being in a historial event for fame and/or money means the event itself never happened and magically erases all evidence of said event
What sort of logic is this user? Do those videos of people pretending to be vietnam veterans mean the vietnam war never happened?
why do you think the nazis threatended to kill anyone caught trying to feed the inmates of those camps?
>Is that why I proved you wrong twice
Except you didn't. Anybody who opens up your own shitty source will see that you did nothing to prove that Mischlings were retroactively excluded and sent off to camps.
>it is evil to intentionally starve people to death user.
Which they didn't do. They merely recognized that large-scale warfare would result in starvation, and they didn't sacrifice themselves to stop it. Not the same thing. That's literally all the supposed "Hunger Plan" was. Just a tactical acknowledgement that Germany could not prevent famine and supply its army at the same time.
(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)
>why do you think the nazis threatended to kill anyone caught trying to feed the inmates of those camps?
[citation needed]
pic related; it's the "gas chamber" in Majdanek
>Except you didn't
proved you wrong about the mischling laws and the haavra agreement
>Which they didn't do.
yes they did. Why did they threatened to kill anyone caught trying to feed inmates user?
>huge volume of forensic evidence
you mean those mass graves that apparently evaporated?
such close and personal killing eventually takes its toll on the killers, one of the reasons for the gas chamber invention was for the morale of the troops which was suffering after killing one million with machine guns
Is schlomo getting nervous?
Sounds like it
Yeah, be nervous
>[citation needed]
here, Ill post it again. Why cant you deniers answer this simple question? Why do you just get really emotional and start shitposting the moment you get called out on your lies?
>wasting 1 million bullets in a fucking war
Pic related, list of things nazis supposedly did
I have blonde hair and blue eyes, also I'm 6'6. I think one jewish sounding name wont be a problem
they didnt. Why do you guys constantly have to lie and make stuff up on the spot? You know it happened and are just saying this stupid shit in an attempt to shill nazism, right?
I'll save that and read it after I learn fluent German; until the provide translation or kys
>help Germany win the war with vital intelligence
>get out of Europe, which is all they wanted
Generally, when one helps another, the other will reciprocate.
I didn't bring up the Haavara agreement, somebody else did, but even there you made an ass of yourself. It was emigration to Palestine, which was under British control. So no shit, after war with Britain, that possibility ended.
>Mischling laws
From your own damn (((source))):
>Persons of mixed blood of the second degree will be treated fundamentally as persons of German blood, with the exception of the following cases
>Persons of mixed blood of the first degree will, as regards the final
solution of the Jewish question, be treated as Jews.
>From this treatment the following exceptions will be made:
>Persons of mixed blood of the first degree married to persons of
German blood if their marriage has resulted in children (persons of
mixed blood of the second degree). These persons of mixed blood of the
second degree are to be treated essentially as Germans.
>The prerequisite for any exemption must always be the personal merit of
the person of mixed blood.
In other words, exactly what I fucking said. Loyal Reich citizens would be untouched in their current positions.
Also, another [citation needed], but obviously you don't want to encourage sympathy for the prisoners during total war, nor would you waste resources on them.
>Yeah, be nervous
its funny how stormfags will deny the holocaust and then brag about it in the same thread lol
Poison the well, make german soldiers open bank accounts on my bank, make some loans to them, create an eternal debt in order to make them my slaves. Poison the well again, because why not?
Destroy the aryan race by mixing races, create a trendy band of french rap, singing about cucked germans. Make multiculturalism trend in the whole world. My little village is a now a megacity.
As time passes, start using chemtrails for poisoning wells, marry one of the last aryan women, fertilize her womb, cuck her.
On my dying breath, kill myself using the Modèle pistol I used to kill nazis during the war.
>talk about mass graves
>posts graveyard
burger pls
lmao a picture of a graveyard is now proof of mass murder
kill yourself kike
pic is you
>Hitler wanted to expell Jews from Deutschland
>"we had to escape Nazi Germany"
These songs are a bit dissonant
Kill the jews in your community then kys.
Or do like George Soros and sell them out, become the paragon of liberalism, and make the world a living hell.
>I think one jewish sounding name wont be a problem
hahahahahahahaha, what are you expecting? They'd be like hey Goldberg, come over here and stand next to Himmler, by god you're a spitting image. We will disregard your mom and dad being a jew, you're one of us now, would you like to kill them?
>Joined the US or British military
>Retaliated a lot
So killed Jews, but with the US or British military?
I doubt you'd have much opportunity.
Anything combat arms would have essentially no Jews for you to frag.
The only Jews you'd likely have seen would be in the camps, but it wouldn't be until 1945 you'd see them.
Then why kill your slaves?
Fucking shitty formatting, but you get the point.
I'm not giving you any more (You)s, but let this be a lesson to all lurkers and non-NatSocs out there.
Also, notice my opponent's debate tactics. He obsesses over wordplay and semantics, exploits the ignorance of his audience by pretending a link means anything, and then ignores refutations and doubles down on his mistakes. This is the fundamental behavior of the Jew.
>trusting a single word from a kike mouth
WWII is a Jewish lie, so I do nothing
>provide translation or kys
the Sheltering of Escaping Jews.
There is a need for a reminder, that in accordance with paragraph 3 of the decree of October 15, 1941, on the Limitation of Residence in General Government (page 595 of the GG Register) Jews leaving the Jewish Quarter without permission will incur the death penalty.
According to this decree, those knowingly helping these Jews by providing shelter, supplying food, or selling them foodstuffs are also subject to the death penalty
....This is a categorical warning to the non-Jewish population against:
.........1) Providing shelter to Jews,
.........2) Supplying them with Food,
.........3) Selling them Foodstuffs.
Dr. Franke – Town Commander – Częstochowa 9/24/42
>According to this decree, those knowingly helping these Jews by providing shelter, supplying food, or selling them foodstuffs are also subject to the DEATH PENALTY
Now please stop avoiding the question, why would the nazis threaten to kill anyone caught feeding these inmates? Why do you think people lying about being part of a historical event means the event didnt happen? Do you also think the vietnam war never happened because some people lie about fighting in it?
Nazism was a responce to want the jews did to the Germans. Morally your actions would be extremely evil, and you should read up on post WW1 Germany if you ever have thoughts about siding with jews.
he specifically asked for evidence of graves and I gave it to him, now you are trying to use this as an example of you being right? lol
notice how you have no argument and can only post silly images? Its because you know Im right, which is why you wont even answers my questions.
kill myself with the pistol
too weak to work
try actually studying the holocaust user. I'll give you a hint, look up Aktion 14f13
Rat out the other Jews in the attic like the little Jewish rat that I am.
Might be too late.
I'd warn him about the Russian winter and Stalingrad!
Steal a car. use the gun if neccesary
I'm a blonde male with blue eyes. I join their side and rat out every other jew.
>reverse image search
>image is supposed to be from at least 4 separate mass grave ''locations''
really made my vocal cords go hmmmm
>why would the nazis threaten to kill anyone caught feeding these inmates?
gee iddunno maybe because citizens and soldiers come before literal kikes in a fucking war?
>Why do you think people lying about being part of a historical event means the event didnt happen?
because the accusers still haven't shown solid proof
>Do you also think the vietnam war never happened because some people lie about fighting in it?
nigger what
>I'm a blonde male with blue eyes.
You don't really have that leadership look, but you'd make mighty fine cannon fodder/worker