Murdoch Murdoch Pure 100% Bavarian Phenotype

Other urls found in this thread:!ISpQ2bra!SrChK-PIrDRIx9mxV5jP4gx7qSqVq3JwVoyBjXegusg

Bavarians are French-Celtic you shit stained American

"If white people had a country of their own this wouldn't be happening"

Harold Covington

Radio Free Northwest

This is the funniest episode

heres an archive of all of their videos

stop posting your cringey shit here

but i cant the autism is simply too glorious to look away from

You're not really getting it if you think this is cringey.

official thread theme

>Le kekistani meme war top ten things leftists do ancaps helicopters!!!!!!!!!!! Rate and subscribe!

"Look, we have to start populating the savage lands with our mongrel offspring."
top kek

you need to really stop spamming and advertising your shit cartoons here no job nigger.

I love Murdoch Murdoch desu

fake video, this is their real new episode

That new vid, genius. The flawed beliefs of civic nationalists skewered, eviscerated and pulverised.

this is cringry as fuck. fuck you gen z

Loved it when all those Austrolpithicus got wasted!


I like the one with castle cracker barrel, the last stand of implicit whiteness.

The sceptics will move against their own but shitskins get a free pass.

Civic Nationalists are delusional.

Pretty sure Murdoch Murdoch was around way before the kekistani shit.

It's their best episode, warning of the dangers of purity spiraling.

Murdoch Murdoch is a reverse plebfilter that attracts only TRS crazies with horrible taste, such as

Why am I in love with a female wojak?

Hes just an idiot, ignore him

Because she's hot-tempered and enjoys standing on mounds of her dead enemies.

that's it, she's also a virgin qt3.14

hi kike

hows the shilling going today?

You like hearing your own ideas coming from a female voice.

She shows girls what it means to be woman.

>your own ideas
I wish

"If anyone's going to gas a weebo; it's gonna be me"

i never watched one of these all the way through but that was pretty good.

wtf is this shit even

cartoons by Sup Forums for Sup Forums

did bavarians migrated from the caucus. the king who led his people to the region was named bavar, hence, bavaria

Mr. Socko says to the former president

" Run, nigger, Run".

literally everytime

Ask him to show his real flag and watch it be an americuck flag, you dumb fucking burgershit.

Irish mog detected

Red Pilling the Beatles was good. John to yoko:

>fuck off you gook bitch

Murdoch Murdoch is try hard try hard.

Cringe shit for the larping do nothing alt right.

dont forget its a reddit honeypot.

Because if he catches you, you will get the dental examination from Hell.

murdochchan a cute

>reddit invader actually thinks this
MM is well written and intelligent.

Anyway, the former president doesn't really have to worry about a sock, eh?

How about those Soros funded NGO's and human rights lawyers getting a ships captain arrested and made up charges?

I really like how despite being for the alt-right, the main one isn't the brightest example, just one struggling to become a great example while still having all this flaws a nazi will consider unforgiving. Is a down to earth character and one that remains in the middle of both sides while the other two are full one sided

False you mong. We are Alpine Celtic and Germanic

They got good strong characters; that's the main thing.

Fuck off with this plebbit kekistani shit

election is over

using barbara palvin in that clip triggered me

i just flagged the video :)

no racism in my youtube

get fucked. its funny

>valuing phenotype over genotype

Why do you do this Sup Forums?

you do realize we archive them on other sites and share them here. You literally cant stop it.

They say the same about crime, but that doesn't mean you can't reduce it to the point it becomes meaningless.

Now only true fans will be able to watch his videos and you won't able to redpill normies.

>tfw people like this unironically deserve to be eradicated from the human genepool for their unethical, destructive views and behavior

Thanks for sharing

>can't reduce it to the point it becomes meaningless.
>hundreds of his archived vids are still on Youtube

Good job

This is war my friend.

If the white race gets genocided that's good to me, because that means there will be a vacuum in power and we latinos are more intelligent than arabs and africans.

I hope the UN has a plan to genocide the gooks too.

OP is a fag, here are the new videos

>>hundreds of his archived vids are still on Youtube

Doesn't matter, they barely get like 100 views. Only people who know what they're looking for come across those videos.

I'm gonna report every video that gets posted on Sup Forums and popular twitter accounts.

I want to BLACK murdoch-chan.

>"Northern Cyprus"

That's a nice way to say "occupied Cyprus". Frankly this is what we get for allowing the Turks to take 1/3rd of the island and backstabbing the greeks. All become a jew US state department sec (kissinger) wanted to empower Israel's then-ally to ensure Turkey's loyalty to Israel at the time.

The Chinks will fill that vacuum before you can blink.

Is that why your country is almost admittedly socialist and thinks you should racemix with them because you're mixed Indio as well? Top kek

>Doesn't matter, they barely get like 100 views.
lmao some are already reached a thousand more

good luck trying to combat the Streisand effect because you've done an already shitty job at it

>The Chinks will fill that vacuum before you can blink.

They're smarter than us I admit, but they're also introverted and meek.

Why do you think europe dominated them for so long?

We latinos are extroverted like europeans too, so we're gonna find a way to subjugate them to our wills too.

>If the white race gets genocided that's good to me, because that means there will be a vacuum in power and we latinos are more intelligent than arabs and africans.
But you aren't even in the same galaxy as Jews and they will exploit you so badly you will fantasize about the day whites ruled over you.

>Is that why your country is almost admittedly socialist and thinks you should racemix with them because you're mixed Indio as well? Top kek


There's a lot of racism in latin america and people just don't care. The concept of "white guilt" is unknown to us.

>good luck trying to combat the Streisand effect because you've done an already shitty job at it

Murdoch Murdoch better pray there's not a streissand effect or CNN will dox him.

They say the same about illegal immigration, but that doesn't mean you can't reduce it to the point it becomes meaningless.

Covington is a shitter who likes to fling shit at natsocs to stay relevant

>But you aren't even in the same galaxy as Jews and they will exploit you so badly you will fantasize about the day whites ruled over you.

Jews are smart but they're also self-loathing and tend to shoot themselves in the foot with their schemes.

When the white race loses its power no one will be able to defend them anymore. They're still white after all, no matter how they might see themselves.

I think that's the reason why Netanyahu is starting to get worried.

Their efforts have been for nothing.

It can't be that MM doesn't release anything from now on right? Surely he must be able to realize some download channel under his name.

True, true my amerifat friend.

Problem is... how do plan to expell the 13% legal latinos that already live within your country and that have more childrens per family than the rest of the races?

Its a lost war my friend. You better be nice to us before its too late.


Because you're an omega male who wants to be dominated by women.

Basically you are everything wrong with society.

waste of dubbs

Treat them like shit, ostracize them and not accept them into our communities.
Same old same old really.

>When the white race loses its power no one will be able to defend them anymore.
See, this is how stupid you are. They won't "kill off" the white race, they will simply milk us for eternity. They will keep us in a perpetual state of crisis like a bile-bear and continue to feed.

You will never be anything more than ditch-diggers and "the struggling class" that whites shamefully give unlimited GIBS to.

Dude your shitty education told you in Mexico that WE WUZ AZTEKS N SHEIT and how you should be proud being some bastard Indio mix. Your people is taught to hate on people who welcomed whites like Porfirio Diaz.

On top of that half of your region is encompassed by shitty Socialist governments who wouldn't hesitate importing immigrants to improve your shit economy. I know this because back in Venezuela, our Socialist government is welcoming fucking Arabs because of the oil business and we're getting more by the decade.

Your country is going to be China's bitchboy if you don't helicopter a third of your politicians!ISpQ2bra!SrChK-PIrDRIx9mxV5jP4gx7qSqVq3JwVoyBjXegusg
Murdoch Murdoch archive [July 21, 2017] Youtube DL original quality [MKV + SRT].7z

Is Putin watching Sup Forums?

How predictable.

amerifat coming from from mexico. bahaha.
Turning off the welfare
giving them a check of 2 years welfare if they go back.

>Treat them like shit, ostracize them and not accept them into our communities.

And meanwhile they start families while you play dungeons&dragons with your polack friends.

You're all controlled by the cartels and they don't want to be a superpower. They'll just need away too sell to the Chinese and that's where you come in, mule.

We Americans are more European and of a better breed than most Europeans.

At least we have something to be proud of.

Nowadays, western world's highest virtue seems to be homosexuality and trannies fighting in your armies.

You're gonna be pieces of cake once we take over.

Facts don't lie my ameriobese friend.

A swing and a miss there pablo

>You're all controlled by the cartels and they don't want to be a superpower.

The mexican cartels are already the most powerful in the entire world.

Of course they crave for power.

And who said anything about "first world"? that's a white concept. Truth is that power is power and whoever rules makes the rules.

We will be a traditional empire.

>he doesn't know
>Mexico has now become the world's fattest country with a 32.8 percent adult obesity rate, surpassing United States' 31.8 obesity rate, according to a study released, June by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). About 70 percent of Mexican adults are considered to be overweight.

MM said he'll be moving to another content-friendly platform and keeping the youtube channel to link to it. Relax, aquafresh, they're not dead yet.

United States is part of Mexico too.

You just don't know it yet.

Can you not also try to be like an alpha and omega? An Uber Christ man if you will. You serve her in the bedroom sheets. She serves you in the societal streets. We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue.... Then we take it higher. Basically we will rock you and her. Alpha'D and Omega'd.

Does this have the Kekistan episode? Because that one truly needs to be immortalized for all eternity.