Cyber nuke CNN


How to further discredit CNN in 5 simple steps:

1.) (CNN's internal url shortening service)

2.) Clone a CNN article and replace the contents with something ridiculous (Example: "The United States has just launched a nuclear strike against North Korea")

3.) Use to give it a real URL

4.) To make this appear more realistic use a URL Bar spoofing trick (Example:

5.) Spread the fuck out of the shortened URL

Have fun Faggots

Courage! Why because they chose to live like that and we should be grateful or something? Man, this whole new culture of tranny ass kissing is disgusting.

I like the idea but how about we DONT make fake news about a fucking nuke....

Good ideas

Spreading lies is CNNs job, not ours.

You must be new here

>propagating fake news
>becoming what you claim to hate

Yeah i agree on not making news about a nuke but it was just an example, altough it was over exagerated.


B u m p

jake paul

>being this new
You have to be a jew to defeat one

That tweet is some top-tier virtue-signaling like-bait.

Look at me. We jews now.

Today you are an honorary white. Well done friend.

Make fake news about Trump becoming god emperor and gasing the kikes and tranny's

I'm more amused about trolling (((CNN)))'s IT department so hard they have to shut down an entire server. They can't just change IPs. Sup Forums tracked down LeBoof using astral navigation. Finding a new digit is nothing.

This will break their entire service. Eventually they'll put it behind a password making it incredibly annoying a unfriendly for their own users... and that won't work either, because those passwords will keep leaking.

Fuck (((CNN))).

>spread lies
Fuck you.

Right now spreading TRUTH is the most damaging thing to the media and the left.

Why lie when the truth is much more damning?

red pill people using cnn

Why lie they discredit themselves? Why discredit our cells when the tide is turning? Are you just stupid or is this controlled opposition?

> posting real nonsense from them is good enough
> if you want to do it for the lulz that's fine then I would be on board but this is nonsense

LOL jew detected.
>Winning is what the left does, not us! Stop trying to win, ARE YOU TRYING TO BECOME LIKE THE LEFT!!?!?!?!?

Then use this to spread truth.
Although we both know you're just a leftypol faggot

Seth Rich and pizzagate articles?

yeah just redpill them using this technique, just do whatever you want

I have no idea how to do what you just asked me nigger.

Show me an example and won't people realize it's fake when they click the link?

Well they certainly show more courage than CNN did when they threatened to dox that 10 year old mexican girl for making that CNN meme.


Spread racial crime and tranny suicide/mental illness statistics.

Spread stories of black on white violence and rape statistics.

Spread real news that destroys their narrative.


>no no let them win at least we'll still have the moral high ground


Let the comedic value rise to the toppest of keks


How about doing this to spread news the msm refuses to report on, like the away arrest

I mean awan arrest

Why do liberals love using 'fucking' as an adjective so much? What's up with that?

>the ability to do something that frightens one.
So according to that faggot people who are afraid to go outside are showing more bravery than somebody who gets more shit talked about him and his family than any president in recent history?

this is why trannies can't join the army

if getting out of the house is a struggle for them, how can we expect them to deal with war?

URL spoof doesn't work under Chrome anymore. Google fixed that almost immediately.