Keep your eyes tuned to trumps tweets and fox news today. Also, "Share Blue" and their paid "agents" will be purged. That's all I'm going to share for now. You have been warned.
White House user
>no trips
Theres like 100 WHanon right now. Which one are you? A, B, C, D or LARP?
Day of the rope
Truth is told
How many of you are there?
Where's the Politico article you promised?
Let me guess, that wasn't the REAL WH user...
I've saved myself some time by smushing all the whanons into one majestic unified theory with Barron as the avatar.
bit late faggot
it was supposed to be happening on the 27th not the 28th, keep up with our digits please and thank you.
Pics or if didn't happen.
Tits or gtfo
I feel like I've already read a post similar to this, gonna call this post a false flag
Washington DC dosnt revolve around your timeline dumbass
Just like the >le Shemitah, nothing is going to happen. This WHanon shit is the biggest troll since then.
Oh fuck off. Yesterday you said the world was going to end. Nothing is going to happen you stupid cunt.
>Shareblue will be purged
I hope the executions are televised.
this, i need to masturbate
stop falling for the non tripcode WH user
jesus you people are stupid.
Now we must wage war with our enemies the Young Turks
that was someone else attempting to slide , not WHA
Do you even Sup Forums bro ?
I am the third strongest White House user
make it habben
The only tactic is walk away and don't sage or bump
Fire up the happening engines
Will there be a Happening today?