Reviewbrah Stalking?

Numerous times, (Mostly last year) Reviewbrah has mentioned in his videos that he is being stalked by men in a green van, etc..

He mentions it at the 1:18 mark in this video:

So Sup Forums, do you think he's actually being stalked, or is he crazy?

Other urls found in this thread:

He is swallowing pills we don't even know of. Obviously ((((they)))) want to get rid of him

there never was a green van in any of he's videos.




Bump, something strange is going on there. Kid seems too innocent to be faking this

Oh no... He fell for the gangstalking meme, didn't he.

Are you honestly trying to bring this back almost a year after the fact?

He wasn't just being stalked he also had his house broken into and photos of him and his family stolen. They posted the pictures on Sup Forums as proof. Basically, everyone on Sup Forums was disgusted at the degeneracy of these people, so they reverted to a defense of "n-nothing is happening, reviewbrah is losing it..." and promptly stopped their campaign against him once he contacted the police with the new info they posted all over Sup Forums.

Fuck off.

Well, that explains it.


maybe someone who fell for the gangstalking meme is thinking that reviewbrah is stalking them

they posted no proof other than pictures that were already found online, dumbass


>mocking reviewbrah

WWIII when?

He would never do such a thing.
Even if that's true, why would he keep making videos?
Look, I think you're talking this a little too far.
People don't even believe your post probably.

> Autistic fuck makes up a meme for views on his shitty YouTube channel
> Stupid enough to fall for it

why don't you get fucked you giant faggot

I don't think he's gangstalking somebody, I think someone is tripping that ROW is stalking them, when they see him on the parking lot filming something inside of his car

Reviewbrah is the product of generations of inbreeding. He's genetically unsound and is more than likely experiencing schizophrenic symptoms.

heres the thread of the guy claiming that he's stalking him:

First letter of every senten-