ITT: times you revealed your power-level

ITT: times you revealed your power-level
>me, gf, her brother, sister and cousin drinking
>not super liberal family but on the left side
>some crack head nigger starts yelling at us
>ignore him
>later on talk to the brother and cousin about how much i hate black people like that
>not really on board with the racism but w/e
>keep drinking
>keep drinking
>wake up next morning and go home
>gf calls me up crying
>says i blacked out and was being racist as fuck
>shes mad and her family now really doesn't like me

Hahaha dumbass

Crying because you said some racist things lol wow

Cool story, bruh!

>drinking poison that causes you to be unconscious but active

this is why I smoke

>burning cancer sticks
>high grounding on alcohol drinkers
pic unrelated

This is a very Finnish post. I like it.

>smoking, drinking, doing drugs
Hello degenerate. Teetotaler masterrace

Not really the same, but I'll give my story.

>be me 23 year old veteran
>lolbertarean ancap degenerate
>already didn't like niggers and spics but never admitted it
>meet qt3.14 nip in class
>beats my 101% on our first test
>beats my 102% on second test, etc
>Fall in love, start to date
>Meet super traditional christian parents
>I have to go back into church to date daughter
>rejoin church band, learn christian philosophy and apologia
>start discovering more about European history and tradition
>realize I love this shit
>but I start noticing it's only white people
>it's only ever white people
>and jews are always trying to tear it down
>bring concerns to sheboon pastor
>it chimps out, tells me to drop this racist shit or kicked out of church band
>don't bring it up again, but keep looking into it
>slowly become more and more redpilled on everything
>slowly realize that race mixing is bad
>slowly realize that my girlfriend is actually half-chinese
>my self-disgust grows with every passing day.
>A year into relationship, I reveal power level to her after holding it in.
>She tries to understand, but can't.
>I realize our love isn't meant to be
>Break it off with her
>She tells her family
>They're horrified at their creation
>Tells church
>I leave the church band

>MFW I lost the love of my life for the love of my people
>MFW Everyone in my life now knows I'm a NatSoc
>MFW I wouldn't have turned out this way if it weren't for her Christian parents
>MFW I never got a piece of dat booty

Sieg Heil.

The redpill isn't easy

Nope. But it is worth it.

In your head:

>I hate black people like that

In reality:

>Said some derivative of 'nigger' 721 times in the course of 2 hours

Don't fret OP, at least the know how you really feel now.

>half Chinese
Words have meaning user

Pls dont die thread

>Me, co-workers, at an outdoor party
>Play drinking games
>Drink lots of shots after lots of beer
>Someone calls someone else a Jew
>I go into tirad about how Jews hate Christians
>How Jews push degeneracy
>Ask if peoples mothers were Jewish
>Jokingly tell everyone with brown eyes they are humans
>Start yelling "Faggot!"

....the next work day.....

>Worst feeling of regret
>"Did I say nigger?"
>"Did I say Hitler did nothing wrong?"
>Random Co-worker comes in who wasn't at the party
>"user, I heard from some people you totally changed after a 30 min into the party"
>"Like a switch flipped and you were someone else"


Dude, your kids would've been 3/4 white. Thats white enough according to the NSDAP.


I am usually very secretive about my beliefs and only tell those who I trust immensely about them. I also have an astronomically high tolerance for alcohol so I have never blacked out and started screaming racial slurs.
I almost scared away a friend once though, but I reeled it in really fucking quick.
>at work
>have a really good buddy, he's like 30 years older than I am
>we always have discussions about a bunch of different shit and I always go to his place to drink beer
>he says something about how the Jews run the media
>thought this was an in for me
>say to him "and why do you think there is so much sex pushed onto children in the media, kind if makes you think."
>he awkwardly nods his head
>realize that he found out I'm a natsoc
>he doesn't care much about it but realize he doesn't have much interest in it so I drop the topic completely

Sucker my gf is more racist than I am

> Talking to father in law
> One too many beers
> "Not every Jew is in on the global conspiracy to destroy the individual Rights of US citizens and reduce them to slavery under totalitarian rule of a political global elite, but there is a reason it always gets laid at the feet of the Jews"
> He just stares at me
> Not yet sure if I burned a bridge or gained a Fuhrer in law

My money is on the latter.

do i share board with these type of people?
you are all retarded, christ.

>be me total neonazi who has been hiding my power level for 40 years so i could live a normal life.
>son in law starts shitposting about jews irl.
What do pol?

Alcohol is bad yo. On weed you wouldn't have time to be mad while this shitty drug pronounces your ego.


it's a good thing i have no interest in drinking because i already have an autistic urge to correct bullshit when i hear it

The closest I came to revealing my power level was with a friend at a party during the presidential campaign
>be me
>at party with friends from work
>friend and I get Drunk as Fuck
>Someone stole a Trump sign and brought it to the party
>They're about to burn it
>I yell "Schtuuuumm!"
(German for "Stop, enough")
>Room goes silent
>everyone is looking at me
>"was that German?"
>"I-I don't know haha"
I saved the sign from being burned and blacked out a couple of hours later, but I still get shit on at work for it

>drinking too much wine over steak dinner while with girlfriend on holiday
>revealed full power level about European invaders and mudslides
>gf is Russian, and so agreed with me 100%
>ate steak, drank wine and spent evening talking about how shit Islam is and all mudslides are terrorists
>great holiday

Getting old, seeing literally closet cucks posting muh big strong black men in their memes. It tells me you probably have a soft weak body. Also you post a mongrel that doesn't have nigger features and call it black. Good job feeding into that Jewish pro-black agenda.

Fuck, "mudslimes". How the fuck does that autocorrect to mudslides? What the fuck is a mudslide supposed to be?

you did good not making a hapa kid. If it's a guy they hate themselves and are not highly desired by good white women

Nigger loving white women crying over blacks are unbearable.

Blessings to you brother

>really close with coworker
>her boyfriend is turbo leftie
>she shares his views outwardly
>usually talk politics for a bit when she comes over
>keep feeding her red pills
>eventually she's flat out agreeing with me
>when I go over her boyfriend talks mad shit on Trump
>I always respond with "so when's that impeachment coming?"
>she rolls her eyes and just looks at me as he struggles to answer what Trump did wrong, etc.
>got a feeling me treating her boyfriend like a joke is why she sucks my dick

It's worked out well so far. Actually, all the times I've revealed my power level has worked out shockingly well considering I live in California.


Fuck, thank god.

That girl dodged a bullet, imagine being a 135+ IQ asian and having kids with someone as retarded as you.


If you can't remember the night before, then I'd suggest you reconsider whether it's good for you to be drinking alcohol or not.

Btw, drinking alcohol is a character flaw. Intelligent people don't drink to excess. Think about that, too.

Another instance.

>work in health food grocery
>coworker is some 18 year old mexican leftie brat
>mid election, Trump is already the nominee
>she starts asking people in the department who they're voting for
>everyone is wishy-washy, it's all guys
>she asks me
>other guy coworkers hate her already, see her freaking out
>"What's going on?"
>they can see how fun this will be
>"Ya know he's got some good ideas..."

Was a really fun time. Once she left a lot of them came up and talked. A number of them already intended on going for Trump, some needed some convincing. Fairly sure we all voted for him.

I don't drink anymore because I inevitably show my power level. You should consider stopping completely, or limit yourself to one drink

I've dropped redpills on race and IQ and even on the JQ to my brother and mom but luckily my brother was always really drunk too. I'm pretty sure my mom knows my beliefs now though because she gets nervous whenever I bring up politics

Also I did a Roman salute in the middle of a crowded bar and shouted "Heil Hitler" but luckily it was dark and crowded so only my friends saw

I love being drunk and racist!

>MFW I never got a piece of dat booty
you seriously dated A YEAR without fucking?

started talking about the holohoax at a party once


there's no escaping this autism

Bringing up Jews when you're drunk period is a recipe for disaster, because then if people are curious and receptive you'll open up way too much.

Beautiful story brother. I know these feelings well. Most don't have love of people and an idealistic mindset, so it confuses them and angers them. Its why I find it impossible to get along with very religious people. I find they are so damn backwards and void of any actual thought in most cases. I am a believer in a creator, but I could never follow a religion or join a group. It isn't me, and these people are the antithesis of who I am.

You did the right thing with your Jap girl. Most beta cunts on here would say you fucked up, but that's obvious coming from weak men. It is certainly possible to find "love" in any race, but that doesn't mean that's how it should be, or that's its special. I enjoy the personalities of many different ethnic women that I have met in my life, but I respect them and their ethnic difference enough not to breed and create mongrel children. A true love is bettering yourself with a mate that matches you, and can continue - while also adding to your genetic profile. Learning to care for yourself, and most importantly your future children is what love is all about. Not differing ethnic lust. Ourselves, our children and our kin are all intertwined, they can't be separated.

I know I could post with you for hours, but basically I just wanted to say I am with you in spirit and understand your feelings brother. It makes me happy to know there are other that care just as strongly for our people. Bless you, and much love to you.

I once asked my jewish friend why jewish girls always had such incredible tits.

god damn her tits were amazing. Too bad I only ever saw them in a bikini when we went on holiday as a group.

never but i also dont have any friends so never had the chance

Found the 91 IQ "superior" proud white man.

But really, its probably just a Jew.

>Muh dick


>have bar in my grandparents basement
>friends brothers and his friends are all over
>we drink and talk politics
>tell people there's parts of the holocaust stories I don't think happened
>nazi masturbation machines
>joking and laughing the whole time
>friends and senpai the nest day laughing about it
>cue a few weeks later they come back and say I didn't think you were being serious about those books user

It has begun
They'll all be red pilled by the time I'm through

>my jewish friend

The concept of friends is alien to you huh?

>feeling empowered that you helped convince your coworkers to vote for a charismatic ideological turd.

Cool dude

>not sick, not injured
>go to hospital emergency room
>stand in middle of waiting room filled with poor people
>are all poor cucks who deserve to die
>laugh my ass off

>friend with a half asian guy
>we make fun of our races and family all the time (I come from an italian and polish background)
>meet up with him and some (white) people I barely know for dinner after a year of not seeing each other in college
>he mentions getting a B in calculus
>I make some harmless joke like "you're a disgrace to your race"
>he looks horrified
>rest of the group looks horrified
>go on like nothing happened but that's the last time I saw any of them and my friend cut contact a couple days later

Lot of my old high school classmates have gone the same way, it's sad watching them turn into lib drones. There's a guy who was the bully in middle school who always posts rainbow flags on social media, makes me shake my head.

>talked about how I think there is a child sex trafficking ring in the upper echelon of the US gvt. to my liberal democrat cuck friend
>he looked it up for himself, agreed, renounced the left and the Democratic Party
>he started putting pieces together on his own about Israel and the Clintons and other topics we discussed
>stopped being a SJW and supports race realism

and then

>started having these conversations in front of my roommates
>they started off laughing at us
>now they agree and join in

Feels good being the "leader" of your normie friends and being able to convince them to do or believe anything I want

I always feel bad about reading these threads because anons just don't know how to reveal their power levels correctly. Maybe I've just gotten lucky, but I've only ever told people I know I can trust. Family, a coworker who has a death head's keychain, and a guy I've met down here who's a total /k/ommando. The only person who isn't very fond of my views that I've told is my wife but she's blond hair and blue eyed, she understands that (((communism))) is the worst and where she wishes I was a little nicer to people she's also been with me for ten years so she isn't about to leave.

Nice digits and
>Feels good being the "leader" of your normie friends and being able to convince them to do or believe anything I want

Completely feel you there.

Jorge Ramos posted on FB about how some clothing company (American Eagle Outfitters I think) had a Mexican themed party and how it was offensive that the staff were wearing sombreros and shit like that. Of course, all the lefty Hispanics were outraged and reeee!ing as you would expect. But one thing thats peculiar was that people who were writing in Spanish didn't seem to take offense. In fact, they thought it was hilarious. This one guy wrote in Spanish something along the line of "He who gets offended first, loses." Like, who says that immigrants from Mexico don't assimilate? That's blue pill assimilation right there. I bet that if we're Chinese or Ethiopians that we're throwing that party, they would've thought it was hilarious but no, we're taught to hate the white man. Fucking Mexi-Lefties, they're a special kind of dumb but unlike niggers, they have enough work-ethic to be high enough in the work force to make devastating changes in this country.

I did this to my buddies. Theyre all asian (silicon valley) but its non stop oy vey jew jokes.

2 yeara ago they were leling at john oliver. Normies are so malleable

When it rains so much that a cliff or steep hill turns into a tsunami of wet soil, that is a mudslide

WTF user? You went through all that shit and didn't even bang? I'm glad you grew up and realized the error of your miscegenating ways, but damn. I hope you're not still going to that church. It's run by a nigger who tells you to worship a Jew. A religion created by Jews & Arabs. I think that should tell you all you need to know.

>barley reveal power level
>went from party chad to no friends at uni
>lost super high-paying/ no effort modeling gig
>mum upset

I'm still 100% happier than i was before. Material shit doesn't compare to actually standing for something real.

Its like an avalanche but instead of snow its dirt.

That should clear it up vlad.

That's a legitimate question

>What the fuck is a mudslide supposed to be?

It's like a tidal wave of dirt. jewtube it.

Hmm, the only ever jew i've seen in my life (half jew) also had great tits :S what's up with that?

>What the fuck is a mudslide supposed to be?
Immigration into the West.

My brother slowly started revealing to his coworkers that he doesn't really like Jews. Because they didn't really fight with him, he was under the impression that they agreed with him, or that he was red pilling them. Eventually HR showed up and fired him, people had been reporting him. Sometimes people get too comfortable and think it's OK to share that shit in public

i have revealed my power level during a family meeting father was talking about people in africa going around with swords and eating lizards and being lazy and i started talking about IQ and race

This. Gotta be careful at work. I always tried to save politics talk for after work, or with people who i knew i could trust when no normies were around. Got into a heated argument during my first couple weeks a few years back at my work with a standard nigger loving, coal burning, leftist SJW bitch about Islam. She got so salty she complained to my boss, but luckily he didn't really care because she was quitting soon anyways. Learned my lesson after that.

>work in one of the worst ghetto cities in USA cuz money is good
>99% of co workers are niggers and illegal immigrant niggers
>I'm childhood friends with owner of the companies son and very good at my job
>I hold nothing back, everyone knows my opinions and I call the niggers niggers to their faces when they piss me off
>I even text a xmas card giving the nazi salute calling everyone niggers to everyone at work, which ends up getting forwarded to the boss who thinks its hilarious and forwards it to bosses of other companies we do business with
>coworkers refer to me as hitler
>all the nigger coworkers love me for some reason and try their hardest to be my friend
>I save up money for 4 or 5 years quit work and move away from ghetto shithole city, take a paycut, and move to conservative countryside of a nice state
>2 years later and ex nigger coworkers still call me to talk, and try to convince me to come back to the old job

Stop reading at
This is Sup Forums people don't have a gd here

I'm always whistling the horstwessel lied when i'm in the streets, hoping someone will recognize it, no one does..

He's lucky it was just some shitty warehouse job he had for 3 months, many years ago. Imagine that following you around your whole professional life

jews dont have friends they have ledgers

>I come from an italian and polish background
So you stick a fork in the spaghetti and your parents spin the table?

Fuck you for polluting the air around people who want no part in it! Have you ever considered the little kids, the elderly, people with asthma or just other people who aren't aware they might develop respiratory diseases because of the effluvium you so selfishly spread?

when I was a little boy, my brother and I would always complain to my dad about our chores, and he would say "arbeit macht frei!" And we would be like "what??? Huh?" And then go do our chores. Many years later in high school I'm learning about wwii, open textbook and see a pic of the camp with the arbeit macht frei sign and the joke clicked. My dad is not a funny guy usually, so when it all hit me that he had been making such a dark joke to his toddlers, I started laughing my ass off while the teacher is telling us about the holocaust.
>user what's so funny?
>my dad ... well actually nothing sorry
>room goes silent
>"that's funny to you user?"
>sorry I thought of a joke on tv. I wasn't paying attention. Sorry

Good on you user

don't take drug.

A girl that can withhold for a year is a godsend. Get your priorities in check, user.

>Have some friends round for house party
>not long after the Manchester attacks
>we start talking about politics and brexit
>there all pretty left voting Labor and anti brexit
>some point I get super fucked and decide to reveal my power level
>say all Muslims should be put in camps and shot
>everyone agrees
>one by one everyone starts talking about how much they hate the cunts
Generation zyklon is no meme folks 18 btw before I get banned by mods


>Mom calls me, hey user meet me in big city
>get drunk, cause i hate big city
>mom see a spinner seller on street
>ask spinner seller, if he have one with a swastika
>go home
>send her a picture of Adolf and doggie

>get invited for drinks at a coworker's house
>he's from Panama but white
>see a MAGA hat on a cupboard in the living room
>ask him about it
>he says "we really need a Trump in Panama as well, Venezuelan and Salvadorian panchitos (derogatory term for dark skinned South Americans) are taling all the jobs and fucking up the country"
>spend hours discussing subhumans and how much we hate them
>bringing up the jews being the biggest problem
>"b-but user jews aren't that bad, at least they're white and they integrate, plus based Israel kills lots of sandpeople"

I guess the "muh holocaust" narrative gets pushed really hard in Latin America as well.

Your generation is humanity's last hope to save the white race & western civilization. We'll be with you in spirit. Godspeed user, godspeed.

Have a (you)

> be me
> Summer camp aid
> Red-pill bunch of gen Z, on JQ, race and white decline..
> They become 14 words promoters in Schools
> tfw

> be me
> Summer camp aid
> Red-pill bunch of gen Z, on JQ, race and white decline..
> They become 14 words promoters in Schools
> tfw

>be me, native american, 15 years old
>jews come to my school
>they show us holocaust shit
>nobody in class cares at all
>jews ask us what we think about that
>i tell them the jews were a disease in germany and hitler was trying to clean up europe when he fried 6 gorillion of those guys
>teacher starts laughing hard as fuck

Meet me IRL.

>He still is slave to the coitus jew
Top fucking kek lmaoing @ u, u fucking retard.

Was with my girl for 2 years.
Never let me fuck, even after lots of trying.
I looked past it though, whatever


>He fell for the christcuck's "premarital sex is bad" meme
>Is still a slave to the jew worship cult's dogma

toppest of keks lad

nu/pol/ is full of degenerate cucks, don't even try m8.

That sieg heil at the end made me laugh.

Ok, but how?
Jeg er på djævle oen.

this is partially the reason i dont like drinking around my family.

Denmark happening imminent.

>have friend who is venezuelan
>makes a game for a campus game jam
>main character has a sombrero (it was supposed to be day of the dead themed)

>lefties get all butthurt about it
>"but im Venezuelan"

I live in Norebro