>Who you voted for
>Your relationship status
I'll start
Happily married
>Who you voted for
>Your relationship status
I'll start
Happily married
Still single
Happily engaged to self hating negress who also voted Trump.
Baby in 2 months.
Still dating my high school sweetheart after five years. Going to propose after I graduate uni
cant marry cuzm im in retard home
>your ID
Can't make this shit up
yea, thats not going to work.
Young people tend to be progressive and then as they older, get married and have a family, they become more conservative.
So not only is your premise wrong, but you lost the election.
Girlfriend left me for a guy who then left her and when I tried making mends she just told me it wasnt gonna work. Feelsawfulman.jpg
>Getting laid left a right, in an open relationship with my gf
Pottery. Pure pottery.
>Having children seems to intensify views on both sides. Married women with children are even more Republican that those who don't have children; single women who have children are even more Democratic than those who don't.
Voted Trump
Engage to a hot Ethiopian woman. She's conservative.
Married nearly 18 years with 3 sons
Divorced 5 times
Turned out they were all feminists
Have kids with Two of them
Ex wived turned kids transgender father haters
Broke af now
kys Sup Forums is not for you
I didn't vote and I'm single. Commitment issues.
Saged thread
>Being cucked by his girlfriend
>Somehow voting in US election
Ask your girlfriend what rapefugee dick is like when tonight's gangbang is over.
Happily Married to a amazing woman, with 2 kids. Wife is my submissive... I do whatever I want with her.
Didn't Vote.
Engaged but not officially married.
2nd all
1 son
I think this is the correct example of toxic masculinity.
Hillary, married with 4 children. Funny how most Trump Voters are kissless virgin neets lmao
40 y/o virgin
that sucks dude
So if you vote Hillary you are twice as likely to be single, separated and divorced.
Girlfriend for 10 months almost.
Too mentally retarded to legally have consensual sex
I have a wonderful family with my wife, her son, and her boyfriend. Her sons boyfriend also stays with us a lot even though they're 12 and 19.
>Happily Married to a amazing woman, with 2 kids. Wife is my submissive... I do whatever I want with her.
Raising my wife's son.
No need, I will be participating in the gangbang of my gf, because I am an alpha male unlike you virgin drumpfers
Not married but I am with a woman and raising her sons while she dates her boyfriend
>Doesn't know about IDs
Top cringe
Kill yourself
nice id hahahaha
asian Gf of 5 monthsish I think
she's receptive to truth because she's a doctor in neurology. it's gonna last.
>open relationship is a relationship
you just wanted a Mommy you can have sex with.
Jill Stein
Single and lonely :'(
Married to the gainz
Holy shit the ID
>Happily married
the irony is eating my brain. Do you leave cum stains on random women not your wife also?
Shut it down. The goyim know
KEK is revealing himself through IDs now
Leave the country, go to El Salvador with all your money and buy a little house. Cheap cost of living, girls abundant, and no need for child support
In a relationship with the most beautiful girl I've ever met, who also voted for neither.
Gary Johnston.
Happily married.
ITT a bunch of faggots giving fake answers.
Here's a real one.
>Jill Stein
>married for 10 years
I'm sorry, I will vote Trump next time.
>To a man
Vermin supreme
Your step dad
Unkissed Virgin
>T.jealous virgin
Webb in the primaries, Trump in the general
Single and avoiding suitors
If I ever protest vote again it will be for Vermin Supreme. He is probably smarter than half the jackasses in politics too.
Happily married
Hang in there senpai plenty of other women out there that will make you more happy than she did.
Backed Trump.
Happily married.
I'm middle of the road but usually lean Dem. I didn't like Trump but really didn't like Hillary. Was leaning towards Trump, feminist girlfriend pressured me to at least go third party and even then was really pushing me to go to Hillary, getting pissed at me for not supporting her.
She dumped me a month before the election. Voted Trump and donated $100 to his campaign out of spite.
Gary Johnson
Not married, but I'm in a long term relationship.
Engaged but not yet married
>"I'm so happy I need to make sure my assumptions about people I don't like are confirmed to validate it."
Are you a moron? He clearly did it purposefully to be ironic.
stayed home
happily single
i dount now haw to spel it
>I can't make a decision or commitment
>same id
can you at least put some effort into your shitposts
My soon-to-be husband and I are both college students. Our marrying and having kids and the like has to wait until we are sone with school.
pleese help me haw too spel dronuld tump
Harper. Brad Wall
Sent positive energy down south for Trump supporters
Slide thread? Saged from orbit
Sounds like perfect retarded liberal utopia.
Thanks for helping destroy the nation.
too lazy to register to vote
still a kissless virgin
Abstained from voting. Voted for the communists and the Left Front once. Have a GF