Islam is the best religion out there.
Try to prove me wrong, I'm a Muslim scientist.
Islam is the best religion out there
Other urls found in this thread:
>being a semen covered goat fucker degenerate
islam is the religion of peace
Not on this place brother some people come blind with hate.
> muslim intellectuals
begone scum
Why would an Indonesian brother say that?!
I was thinking about joining Islam then I heard about semen stains.
That video is untrue and was made for the purposes of trolling.
Poland is for the gays
It's in your book. Anyone can go to and see it themselves.
Are you sure, because I heard about the semen stains elsewhere.
islam is cancer for the human soul
If you can convince me it is not true I would definitely join Islam.
no reason
Can you tell me why fucking boys is kosher?
No, it's not. If you could show me a verse in the Quran that says that then I'd believe you, but I am a Muslim Scholar and have never heard of something like that.
What's your solution to the goat fucker suicide bomber problem?
I dont like the idea that im a slave to allah
Heh oxymoron
Having sexual intercourse with people of the same gender in Islam is forbidden.
You are not a slave, but a servant to the most holy one Allah (saw)
It's in the video description, shit for brains. Try reading, you uncivilized dog.
leave my fucking thread you retarded kike faggot
shut up you nasty jew! you're worst than islam
There is plenty of evidence that proves that muslims enjoy the company of men more than any other religion.
Is it because mohammed had relations with boys that you guys do it too?
Your "Allah" is really this guy.
At this point I'm starting to like Jews more than Muslims. You get to sit at the back of the oven.
Are you just going ignored me or try to convert me.
That's still not a trusted source.
A memeth?
>Muslim scientists
Islam is the only true religion and there's plenty of evidence to support that. You're a stupid American so I'm not going to try to give you any more evidence because you most likely won't understand.
does that look like the quran to you, you fucking brain dead
What do you mean your own holy book isn't a trusted source? First result on Google for an online version of the Quran is Look up the stuff that's in the video description.
These are some Olympic level mental gymnastics you have going, goatfucker.
Why was the Quran edited?
My mom just told me dinner is ready bye guys!
>Muslim Scientist
Ooh-bi-doo, I wan'na be like you
I want to walk like you, talk like you, too
You see it's true, an ape like me
Can learn to be like you, too
suck a dick you fat toothless american
Don't go away :(
>more than any other religion
Catholicism and Protestantism plant the seeds of degeneracy
Easiest way to break the taqiyyah is to get an Israeli proxy. 100% success rate
more like put them in the oven
I'm an ex Muslim from a country near yours .
can you tell me why do you still believe in Islam. do you have a solid reason or your are Just following the religion of your parents
can you mention the names of scholars that you think are representing the right Islam, as you know Islam is divided and there is many cults
will you follow the truth even if it ment your religion is wrong ?
The only reason for circumcision is not to have shit in your dick, only mudslimes and kikes have it, coincidence? i think not, enjoy your gay sex heathen.
Explain this please...
I agree.
It's the best religion for murderers, goatfuckers, pedophiles and brainless manlets who claim to be mudslime scientists.
Wrong the best religion is Buddhism.