Why do liberals pander to minorities so much?


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Because they outbreed human voters

We wuz Romans and shieet

>Roman was ethnically diverse
>It fell

>one or two existed so it makes sense to portray them as the average Roman
lol @ liberals inability to understand the concept of averages and proportion

we we already the romans were diverse. they were conquers n sheeeeiiittt

These idiots are unknowingly supporting the colonization of Africa by Europeans.

White people were brought to Africa by Arabs during the Barbary slave trade, therefore we have an entitlement to invade Africa and steal from the natives.

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it
Rome and other lost empires collapsed when they catered to minorities
Successful empires are based on majority rule

>Why do liberals pander to minorities so much?
because they're racist


Guys like him are the reason UK is so cucked.

So wait is he proving Sup Forums right that the development of the skull is different/distinct enough to tell that it's negroid?

It was widely known that romans used auxillary forces to do their dirty work for them. Its not like they were high society romans. That was never the case.

If Roman Britain was so ethnically diverse, then that makes us people of colour, right Mike?
Either this buffoon inexplicably believes that modern Britons are white in spite of being so "diverse" back then, or he believes that this diversity continued in the population in which case we are people of colour.
In the latter case, he might argue that modern Britons descended from these people of colour but became white again, as per the "whiteness is an oppressive social construct" (let's ignore the latitude we live at).
If this is the case, then all attempts from the left to attack and end "whiteness as an oppressive social construct" are futile.
Dude, this happened on the Indian subcontinent too. Not just with the Indo-Aryans, but with the Mughals. Distinctly non-European peoples, still formed a social order where more fair complexioned people were of a higher caste than the darker people.
The schizophrenic leftist logical hydra would of course ignore this fact, in spite of the fact that it corroborates their "whiteness as an oppressive social construct" theory, because they like to blame the rigidity of the caste system on the British Empire, which is bullshit. It pre-dated the Brits vastly.
And it just goes to show that no matter how many times you try to destroy a white herrenrasse, another will always arise in due time from the ensuing environmental pressures exercised on a more primitive population.

>Telling the truth is pandering

This is why people take liberals seriously and the alt-right is considered a joke.

He has the most punchable face.

because minorities provide an easily acquired voter base that can be persuaded to vote for your party their entire lives as long as they can live on gibs, which they all do, because they're poorshit minorities
t. country where votes are bought with sandwiches and bus trips to paid shill rallies

basically this, 100% right

as you can see he is defending africans.


I wonder if these liberal fucks realize that they've become the creationists.

[citation needed]

He looks like a heeb, not surprised. Who remembers when the lying press tried to convince us the statue of liberty was a muslim woman.


>Ever year we dig up new remains that suggest that roman Britain, anywhere larger then a military outpost was an ethnically diverse place

LOL thats a nice way of looking at Slavery










Neither of those quotes are proven to be said by LBJ

As a minority I hate it, plus I'm ignored cause of skin color.

>>thinks Sup Forums is only about politics.

What the reason might be...


Why doesn't he link to the evidence and what is it? Is it skull shapes? Or is it people being from north african colonies and then sent to britain

North Africans are hardly niggers, look at Remi Malek.

What a bigot race is skin deep!

What is the point of living anymore, every fucking day I wake up and see western civilization is even more cucked. I hope global warming wipes out the entire planet.

if race is a social construct how were they able to tell someone's race by only their skeletal remains?


Why do you find it difficult to believe that johnson was racist?

because the man they used to usher in civil rights as a massive racist who just wanted their votes, now they pretend to not be racist

We had nigger tourists as far back as 7000BC, why is this news to liberals? Doggerland was world famous for gold working.

We even had Red Indian tourists at the court of Elizabeth 1st. But that doesn't mean Shakespeare was Hapi. Naval Trading Nation = foreign tourists and merchants.

I think it's because liberals have only ever seen black people on TV.

We're talking about ancient haplogroups here, not modern ones as the twitter faggot misunderstood.

Genetically every non-congoid person evolved from North Africans. in a way they're essentially proto-caucasoid

I love you Japs. Want to conquer the world together and build great societies?

That's how they get votes you fuckwit

And the KKK endorsed Trump in 2017 so in short you're a fucking moron kys

Graduate 10th grade and then we'll talk.

>There was once a person from North Africa in Roman Britain so half the cast should be sub-Saharan African and you're racist if you disagree

LBJ also likely had a hand in JFK's assassination which would explain why he never ran a second term and spent the rest of his life deeply depressed.

He got played by the zog- hard.

>low IQ
>easily triggered by a word that rhymes with trigger
>easily weaponized against the "patriarchy" Translation: Jew tools doing the bidding of social and cultural Marxist who atomize societies in order to destroy them, then control them
>in turn get voted into office searing that they will "fight for the rights of minorities"
>give more gibs
>get to ride the gravy train all of the way to the Golden days

>Race is only skip deep! It's just melanin!
>We can tell that Britain was always a black country based on ancient skeletal remains!

What are slaves

Do we know the pop. of rome at its peak?

because their (((leaders))) instruct them to

These cucked whites have no group. They were born into a world that worships mammon and financial services and makes profit a larger priority than family, tribal bonds and nationalism. These people live in britian, are called british, but are so disconnected with theyre neighbors that they are really just individuals. Not a family. In the past people had tribes and clans to devote themselves to. Now they devote themselves to money. There is still a void where that tribal instinct used to be though. So when they see how most minorities actually do feel tribalist about they're race, they are desperate to also feel that way. Pathetically they pander to these brown people so that they can fill like they have a poeple or group to devote themselves to.

TLTR, they lost they're racial and national pride to individualism and corporatism, so they now desperately cling to any other group in hopes of filling the void

Obsolete farm equipment.

Same reason commies used social democrats, anarchists and downtrodden peasants to get into power. They're useful idiots. Once the neo-Marxists seize the means of production they will purge their followers more quickly than their enemies, mark my words.

Funny how race doesn't exist and skull shape research is discredited until you use it for forensic anthropology to justify liberal revisionist propaganda, isn't it?

Mental illness, or perhaps more sinister; demonic possession.

The future and only hope for the west is to allow it to die. Form enclaves and build a new world. Hopefully preserving it's racial and historical records and basing the new world on race and pride.

>there are actually people who believe LBJ gave gibs because he was a kind man

His Senate voting record says otherwise. Not even the lib cucks at politfacts can hide this...and they tried spinning it all the way to the end of the article. If you believe people can just flat out change after 20 years, you'll be kidding yourselves, he clearly had other intentions when he opened the gib floodgates.

Fucking liberals don't even know the words they appropriate from us
"Edglelord" isnt whoever hurts muh feewings

I want to beat your fucking ass so badly you cocksucker

1 post by this ID

To attain privelege through proxy


North Africa was part of the Roman Empire you idiots. It's not a WEWUZ. North Africans are different than SubSaharan Africans.

Liberals pander to minorities because they believe they are better than everyone and when they get that approval from idiots it makes them feel better about themselves like a moral high.

I agree. At least in America and mainland Europe you have a strong conservative current, even if the media in those places is heavily against it.
Here in the UK people are almost-universally apathetic, devoid of any personal responsibility or sense of identity, and most of the time poorly educated (beyond a few titbits of pseudoscience or ahistorical history that they've picked up from Twitter or Huff Post).

When someone interprets as derogatory almost anything that is said about him (or about groups with whom he identifies) we conclude that he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem. This tendency is pronounced among minority rights activists, whether or not they belong to the minority groups whose rights they defend. They are hypersensitive about the words used to designate minorities and about anything that is said concerning minorities. The terms “negro,” “oriental,” “handicapped” or “chick” for an African, an Asian, a disabled person or a woman originally had no derogatory connotation. “Broad” and “chick” were merely the feminine equivalents of “guy,” “dude” or “fellow.” The negative connotations have been attached to these terms by the activists themselves. Some animal rights activists have gone so far as to reject the word “pet” and insist on its replacement by “animal companion.” Leftish anthropologists go to great lengths to avoid saying anything about primitive peoples that could conceivably be interpreted as negative. They want to replace the world “primitive” by “nonliterate.” They seem almost paranoid about anything that might suggest that any primitive culture is inferior to our own. (We do not mean to imply that primitive cultures ARE inferior to ours. We merely point out the hypersensitivity of leftish anthropologists.)

Those who are most sensitive about “politically incorrect” terminology are not the average black ghetto- dweller, Asian immigrant, abused woman or disabled person, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any “oppressed” group but come from privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors, who have secure employment with comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual white males from middle- to upper-middle-class families.

t. unabomber

Entities need to expand a printed piece of Paper.

They have nothing to do with Nationalism.

Every thread that redpills gets "You cannot post here any more"

Why do lefty threads stay up?

>roman britian
do you see the Romans still in Britain

>roman soldiers kept slaves from all over the empire

>Race isn't real it's a social construct!
>Look at these skulls you white devils, they show that blacks were in Britain 2 thousand years ago!

600 million blacks

They also recruited from all over the empire. Roman citizens came from provincial aristocracy in the African provinces too.

Liberal "piety" (although it is practiced mostly by atheists) is worshiping multiculturalism, and the new original sin is being white. The same sort of religious people who fought the crusades and burnt heathens at the stake hundreds of years ago haven't gone away, they've just (on the whole) lost the plot and become liberals ever since the cultural revolution in the 60s. So liberals pander to minorities so much because it makes them feel good in an entirely modern, satanic and corrupt form of spirituality.

The same forces that we used to build ourselves up (philosophy, art, morality, piety etc) are now being used to destroy us.

Leftists are so pathetic when they try to act "hard". Go to his twitter. Spewing leftist cuckery and posting roman soldiers. He would have hated living in roman society I guarantee it.

>we found remains of north africans in britain
>we pretend sub saharans were egyptian pharaohs
>therefore sub saharans were britain romans

Patrick speaks the truth.

Holy shit you telling me the ATF and FBI is on the Trump train? Deep state doesn't have a chance
