Seems a little bit harsh, doesn't it? I mean, liberal protesters don't even spend a day in the can...
Seems a little bit harsh, doesn't it? I mean, liberal protesters don't even spend a day in the can...
Thats the sentence you give a kidnap rape murder felon.
Rape? Murder? Kidnap? Where???
land of the free amirite
>(((goveenment))) versus gentile landowner
Have to make an example to make sure the rest lick the boot too
Play stupid games, win stupid prices
Turns out libertardianism doesnt actually give you license to obstruct law enforcement with threats of deadly force
>Gregory Burleson, a participant in the Bundy Standoff, has been sentenced to 68 years in federal prison. The sentencing is particularly harsh given that no shots were fired, nor anybody injured.
>Regardless, the judge decided to sentence the 53-year old what evidently will serve as a life sentence. As he sat in a wheelchair during his hearing, Burleson is already in poor health, and even if he makes it through his prison sentence, he wouldn't get out until he was 121 years old.
>Judge Gloria Navarron, the judge in Burleson's case, defended her heavy sentencing, citing that charges against the 53-year old included "intimating a federal agent", obstruction, and extortion.
Defend this burgers.
That's what happens to those who are all talk.
i guess he should have shot those police. in for a penny in for a pound
Not the police fault, it's the prosecutor
This just confirms that he would have been better off actually using deadly force, seeing as he will spend the rest of his life in prison either way.
At least then he would have had a fighting chance.
Hindsight is 20/20, I guess..
>le fake newwws xDDD
>He also told an undercover officer posing as a documentary maker: 'I was hell bent on killing federal agents that had turned their back on we the people.'
>Federal agents had given him two alcoholic drinks prior to the 'documentary interview'.
>leddit phrase
>leddit spacing
leave now
How the fuck were they extorting anyone by protecting the guys land?
>Judge Gloria Navarron
If I'm going away for life, might as well kill me some pigs.
Tfw you call someone stupid, but don't know the difference between "prices" and "prizes."
well at least his kill death ratio would be good rather then just rot in prison 1-0
police will enforce those laws ...
Well at least he wont feel anything when he gets buttfucked by tyrone
Well if they want to teach the rest that, this is the way to do it. Like those places that have life for armed robbery - no incentive to surrender, fucked anyway, might as well start shooting...
Don't you have guns so you can rise up against the government?
what do you have when the government systemically imprisons anyone that stands up against them?
All they would have to do is imprison any important figures in any movement to crush them.
how does it feel that you are just as cucked as we are except you have guns which gives you the false sense of security that you could do something if the government decided to fuck you.
How do we get Trump to pardon him?
Seriously this virtue signalling from the bench needs to stop, we need a purge of our judicial system
How many years did those black panthers in the 60s get for taking over a courthouse with ak47s?
"I won the war against America. 168-1"
When a thief receives the same punishment as a murderer then why should he not kill his victim eliminating potential incrimination? Bad move (((ZOG))).
My thoughts exactly.
Doesn't this set a precedent for, say, antifa?
The federal government has the ability to execute. I know your country is so cucked that you're unable of grasping the concept since Breivik has a PS2.
leftists will get a pass as always
Jeff "I Cuck Myself" Sessions can't arrest the Clintons. He can't even look at Obama or Mueller. But he can persecute the Bundys, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and pot smokers. Shameful.
It's time for President Trump to step in and micromanage the Department of Injustice. Pardon the Bundys and Sheriff Joe.
I don't really see the big deal. I'd sooner die than spend the rest of my life in prison.
Guess a Communist such as yourself don't know anything about that, huh?
what are you, some Walmart tier nigger ?
Leave back to memedit you niggerfuckin trap
Should have shot some pigs before going to the big house.
Fuck those shitheads
They're not usually armed though, that's what escalates it from breach of peace to terroristic threats.
Terrorizing(the charge is actually called that) is a felony, I don't feel sorry for him. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
But its ok when leftist and antifa do it,right reddit?
that's not a reddit phrase, that was considered old on cuckservative blogs before le redditors started using it
>>Judge Gloria Navarron
Wow, it's great we have spic bitches on our court, they really know how to deliver injustice!
Only faggots and failures wear polo shirts.
I've seen rapists and murderers get lighter sentencing...
>spacing shit out to make it more readable means you're a redditor
stop this meme
Can't wait until we get another Timothy McVeigh out of this.
Also, (((Navarron)))
you did that on purpose
I knew a White guy who was ripped of by Hispanics and provided ample evidence, all the female Hispanic judge did was make the Hispanics refund him. No punishment whatsoever.
I hope you get mugged by a crazy nigger
I think blocking a public road should be a felony because it could cost someone his life if he couldn't get to the hospital ER on time. Instead the media finds a way to blame it on Trump, this actually happened in Arizona...
I think this is some kind of judicial terrorism against white people.
>I know your country is so cucked that you're unable of grasping the concept since Breivik has a PS2
Didn't Breivik claim cruel and unusual punishment because he didn't get a PS3? What a fucking legend.
stop shilling your blog, faggot
You're more likely to be excecuted at a traffic stop than by a court in this shit hole.
The Bundys are tax-dodging white niggers and the Oathcucker faglords are literally worse than Antifa.
>play stupid games
>win stupid prizes
tfw you realize that without cops, (((they))) would have no power over us.
You are thinking of the TV show Married With Children.
The judge might as well be a prosecutor.. Reid appointee
Seriously, he should be near the top of the list to get a pardon from trump. Hell didn't Obama pardon tupac shakers mom.who actually killed a cop or something?
>OJ Simpson got off for double murder and evading the police
>this guy gets life for holding a gun near the police
fuck the government, they're just a bunch of kike thieves and liars
I checked the Bundy family and some other involved, they all have like 9 children each in average. White race is far from extinct.
Naturally they want to send a message to the rest of White men. They executed McVeigh almost immediately even though people often spend decades on death row.
>They executed McVeigh almost immediately even though people often spend decades on death row.
We couldn't risk his programming being broken while in custody and having him start telling the truth, goyim.
Don't forget a jury found them guilty. Probably a rich and diverse group of people
Spic judge being spiteful, plain and simple. That's my defense, your honor.
>We couldn't risk his programming being broken
What came of the Oklahoma City bombing, though? Or were they just seeing how much they could make a former soldier do?
like 15
>be a male defendant
>get imprisoned
And the Canadian government just gave a terrorist $8 million.