Why are brits so utterly shameless on holidays?
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It's in their genes, the eternal anglo genes.
work hard, party hard. get on our level.
the lower and middle class Anglos have inferior genes
It's our culture.
I don't think I want to be on a level where I come back from holiday with stds, sunburn, damaged kidneys and nasal passages.
As an aussie it makes little sense to engage in open classisim. IIts heavily discouraged here, especially in rural areas.
It's just limiting anyway.
>battle scars from having the best time of your life
whats wrong with you user?
We show our true colors when we think we won't be held socially accountable. If the outlet seems somewhat unfortunate it's because we don't know any better
I heard stories from people who travelled to Zakyntos. Anglos are suposedly the most degenerate scum. They fuck in public, puke on the streets, drink until they passout...Agressive and drunk Serbian cunts beat the shit out of weak, skinny Anglos every day over there, so that's breddy based :DDD
Your entertainment and food venues have been assimilated to service us.
Brits are even worse than American college students
t. American college student
Please tell me more about how much better Serbs are than Brits. Delusional retard
The British are incredibly insecure. This is why they OD on booze and go crazy.
Think about it, Brits and Americans (European ancestry) are the only West Europeans who don't know how to platonically kiss a woman. They have no fucking idea.
>Brits and Americans (European ancestry) are the only West Europeans who don't know how to platonically kiss a woman.
I don't think he was making that point.
I think he meant to say, Serbs know they are not as advanced or civilized as Brits. They're okay with that fact, because it means they get to beat up UK tourists.
they know how to party, what's wrong with that? please, if you wanna keep your dignity, when you party, you're at the wrong party
You Americans hug women all the time, even worse than Brits.
Didn't these faggots also ruin Hvar in Croatia?
Americans act the same way on Spring Break.
>platonically kiss a woman
What does that even mean, faggot?
>GDP equates human and social worth
Nope, shekel-worshiper!
They've earned it.
I think he means the kiss on a cheek to say hi thing.
because we live in a fucking police state here where fun is almost 100% banned
>Think about it, Brits and Americans (European ancestry) are the only West Europeans who don't know how to platonically kiss a woman
I wasn't aware of this fact but it's true I guess. I don't know.
First they have sent their religious nutjobs over to America. Then the have sent their criminal scum to Australia. Then all of their best and brightest have died off on the battlefields of France in ww1 and later in ww2.
All that was left of the natives is self segregates upper class and sexually depraved animals that is their lower class.
>Then all of their best and brightest have died off on the battlefields of France in ww1 and later in ww2.
You know we won, right? That only applies to Germany you retard. Plenty of ours came home, that's why I'm here.
At least I'm not a Croat
Pretty accurate. Islanders are scum, period.
Oh look, it's a Brits are terrible but everyone else is perfect Thread!
Limey scum internet defense force out in full I see
Coming from a spud this shows the usual amount of self awareness. I've been all over the world and only got in punch ups with 2 foreigners both of them Irish one in New Zealand on st paddys day and another in Las Vegas. Ironically I go to Ireland to visit family every year and the Irish on the west coast are a fine people. As soon as you ship a spud outside of Ireland and the UK they think every Brit they meet is a direct descendant of Cromwell.
Anyway you'll see Americans, Germans, spics, spuds, kiwis and aussies all act like this if you go to the right places.
>6"1 ft tall chad with the most handsomest face, perfect white teeth and muscular Klokov like ass/legs to die for
Woe is me.
It's you who always say how subhuman slavs and rest of europe is.
Beautiful. That will be someone's mom one day.
We're probably the most psychologically repressed people on the planet, it's no wonder the plebs in our county go full retard when they go on holiday.
Pray for us.
You are showing yourself up Patrick if you don't know the answer. It's our teeth. Once we realise how irrevocably fucked we are in the eyes of the world we have no choice but to commence the reduction of our gene pool and begin that slow beat down of our collective livers.
The torrential rain each week just makes it that much easier to invade a sunnier place for a week or two, each year.
>6"1 ft
when will manlets learn?
Going on holiday so you can party and be a drunk faggot makes you scum and i wish more of these cock suckers got crushed.
Its a celtic thing. We love having lawless fun. You can look at ancient history, medieval and modern to find the same thing.
I'm in love with that picture. It's like a degenerate modern renacentist style.
Fuck you lazy cunts, you can hate us all you want but you fat autists are no better than us Anglos. At least we do shit unlike you withering fedora tipping neckbeards.
>b-but i can use my noodle arms to beat up pigdog anglos
You can't do shit with your hands apart from wank and shitpost
>i'm so perfect but anglos are not
If you're perfect then why are you on here shitposting with your filthy acne and skin diseases rather than out there trying to make a family you pathetic jews
Caravaggio would have loved Hackney.
Also you bitch boys should take your posts to /trash/ where they belong
Where's the uncensored picture of this
I'll never understand why brits go on vacation to get drunk with other brits at areas full of brits where prices are like in their home towns. ..
Id Just skip the woke trip and do that back home.
Also the older tourists are fucking walking stereotypes of a tourist for the most part,except for the occasional pedophile/sex tourist.
I've only once met a brit i thought was s art and he turned out to be a south African exile.
Because 45 pints for breakfast
I always thought 'drunk brits' were an internet meme until I stated working with Brits in the Northeast. They were all educated, so that only made it worse. A couple anecdotes:
>British intern (who was a postgraduate student) gets drunk in a bar, passes out in the street, wakes up with her phone and money clip missing.
>Senior British client gets piss-drunk at a company event, takes a wine bottle and a bottle-opener from the bartender, pours wine into every wine glass he sees.
The men were polite and the women were all very bitchy. Barely any of them had any concept of pacing their drinking, nor any tolerance for alcohol. But the men who weren't complete alcoholics (all the women were) are impeccably polite and fun to hang out with. You almost feel sorry for them.
It's chavs...
Honestly, a large part of the British people are lower class people. And unlike most of continental Europe, British schools for the bottom half of people are awful. As a result, these Brits never learn proper English or how to behave. They are the ones who pay for cheap vacations in Spain, Italy, Greece or Turkey and behave like animals.
Germans also have a lower class, but because our school system is a lot more communist egalitarian, our Germans are just humorless, while not shameless.