Jewish people Sup Forums genuinely approves of.
Jewish people Sup Forums genuinely approves of
Other urls found in this thread:
Oven roasted ones
Gassed ones
hanged ones
these qts
4th from right isnt bad.
All of them
Jared Kushner
dead ones
Kat Dennings tits
Stanley Kubrick
Peter Hitchens?
What's are jewish people anyway?
>in the EU we have separation of state & church
legally true, but nobody cares about that any longer
honorable mention
Cohen was right
>EU has separating of church and state
Then why do they import so many rapefugees who actively try to carry out sharia law?
Somedays I wonder how much of Sup Forums is just self-hating Jews
60%, except most of us just do ironically.
Ben Shapiro
Norman Finkelstein
Gad Saad
Jerry Coyne
Jonathan Haidt
And of course the countless Jewish scientists that are not involved in politics
Michael Savage
Stanley Kubrick.
I don't think even the most diehard skinhead actually hates him. They have no reason to, he spent his whole life trying to expose the same things Sup Forums wants exposed.
many EU countries literally have state churches (nordics, UK et) or are dominated by a church (poland, italy etc). so kind of bullshit. and worshiping god does not imply government = church.
t. secular.
Bobby Fischer
Stanley Kubrick
the one who saved helped pinochet save chile from allende
only 5% of jews are people
I'll give the Jews this- they're damn good scientists. Bohr is among my favorites.
also based jews:
- barry goldwater
- ayn rand
- murray rothbard
- most of israel's political right
- many many more.
These are jodekager.
These are sold every christmas practically everywhere.
They're made in ovens and a direct translation is jew cakes.
So these are my favourite jews.
Tara Strong
second post also good post
third post right up there aswell
segregationist who got LBJ elected
Ultra-capitalist materialists, the peak of all Jewry. They literally prefer the market to their country and people.
Benjamin Netanyahu
LBJ would have been elected even if republicans had nominated lincoln, country was in mourning after kennedy assassination.
also right-wing libertarianism > national socialism.
Mel Brooks.
The original based Mel
There are about 4 gorillazion Jews in this pic alone these are the ones I respect
i hate that fucking jew
>Adolf Hitler
His mothers maiden name was Hinzler. She was jewish
Brother Nathaniel
Bobby Fischer
Lol Drew Carey isn't a jew.
He's obviously Irish, and he's a libertarian.
The only one I care about.
Milton friedman
Albert einstien
Sigmund frued
If they aren't soap or lampshades, fuck em.
The only good jew in history.
Sigmund Freud, Ayn Rand, and right now, Ben Shapiro.
Take out the "Israel can do no wrong" shtick and Shapiro is great.
Judah P. Benjamin
Isidor Strauss
Moses Jacob Ezekiel
Max Frauenthal
Sidney Shachnow
Eyepatch Pirate-looking Israeli
Uriah P. Levy
Haym Salomon
Jesus Christ
Francis Salvador
Maurice Rose
Andy Breitbart
Mel Brooks
Gene Wilder
Arnold Resnicoff
Also, pic related
>a pervert
>a soulless witch
>a reddit-tier neocon
Terrible, terrible choices
I actually really like jewish people, I just want them to stop fucking with us and especially stop fucking with our traditional morality
Hahahahaha I love Larry. This is quality. Him and Jerry are definitely top tier Jews
Not sure if this counts since he only had a Jewish Nana but I always felt a great deal of sympathy for Gunther Lutjens. Poor fellow was raised in the finest German military traditions and was forced to follow a fool into a war that ultimately cost him his life.
amazing movie
Gene Wilder
Natalie Portman
A few I know personally
Jews aren't the problem, it's the jewish nepotism that floods influential positions with people of shared ideology (jewish marxism)
I like the three stooges
Unirnoically like this guy. He had way better delivery than all the shitty talk show hosts nowadays.
IF you approve of any jew, then YES you are the goyim that deserves to be treated like cattle.
Jews are perverted, pedophile murderers.. even jesus said they are the spawn of satan.
That would make Christ the spawn of Satan.
came here to post this
>He's obviously Irish,
You don't own NOTHING goyim!
John Stewart hasn't been remotely funny since Obama's second term tho
My grandpa unironically idolized Goldwater
Any idea where I can order some from?