Japan's population decline 300,000 per year

>Japan's population decline 300,000 per year
>Sup Forumstards think accepting 200,000 immigrants per year is bad

seriously why are you so moron?

Imagine economy that lose 300,000 consumer per year.

Industry, daily life will be damaged due to shrinking demand and thus shrinking supply.

we need 200,000 immigrants to maintain our dayly life.

>we need 200,000 immigrants to maintain our dayly life.

How about you stop being top of a planet?
There is no need to be the most developed country ever. Chill, decline and build again in 100 years when there is enough air to breath.

Industry is a tool, not a purpose of life.

>Japan is overpopulated
>the population adjusts accordingly
>instead of the government adjusting accordingly as well, they should insist on the ethnic replacement of their populace in order to maintain the bloated and increasingly vestigial bureaucracies

Nah, you're a fag

Stop posting this thread.

go to africa and live poor life. moron

Money is everything, will you be happy when you can not eat burger because you are not afford to buy it?

Money is everything.

stop consuming, faggot.
make your own food.

Japan isn't overpopulated Tokyo is tho.


when will this meme end?

our rural area losing population so tradition and local village lost its history.

In tokyo, yes it is over populated, but not in rural area.


when? in 2500 or something?

our economic standard will be third world tier.

stop being such shill and trying destroying Japanese economy. MORON

this is the 50th time i see this thread, everytime the same

Poor Japan its demography is the equivalent of Eastern Europe.

Gps spoofing shitty fake broken english

I've seen this thread before.

slide thread fuck off.

>Money is everything, will you be happy when you can not eat burger because you are not afford to buy it?

You are one of the richest countries on a planet, being 20% poorer does not make you Africa level poor. More like France poor.

Also when population drops rent will drop and food prices will drop and parking spaces prices will drop.

80 years ago you had 50% of today's population remember?

fuck off proxycuck

Imagine the Argentine.

It was first world in early 20th century. now it is third world

our world had 30% of today's population.
our technology advanced, not same in fucking 80years ago or something.

food price doesn't drop because it also decrease supply.

WTF you moronic bastard, you are dumb shit.

>this is the 50th time i see this thread, everytime the same
50th? Check 4plebs, this is the 837th time this exact thread, has been posted. Eight hundred and thirty seven. That's beyond autism, it's some kind of schizophrenic obsessive compulsive disorder.

sage again but what's the point. He's going to repost this thread for 838th time in a few hours.

Just go back to population from 1945, you live on a rocky island, there is no need for 128 million Japanese people there. You live on top of each other due to a lack of space, no one wants to live that way, in Europe your kids would be taken away by social care if you lived like in Japan.

Pregnancy conscription.

If the military didn't have enough men what would they do?

So why isn't their a pregnancy draft?

Fuck off fake Japanese.

It's not happening.

>Imagine the Argentine.
>It was first world in early 20th century. now it is third world

Yes, thanks to socialism not population drop you idiot.
You can comfortably half your population and still live like kings of a globe.

Same money in USA will buy you 20 times more, because there is more square km per person.
Worst thing you can do is overpopulate a country like Europe did in 18th/19th century.

The small island of Java in Indonesia has 141 million people living in it. That's more than how many people live in japan. It has the capacity for population growth.

Because immigrants are bad, they don't know how to dispose of litter in Japan and they do crime. Japanese people also hate immigrants.

>Akron, OH

since i'm sure you've never been there, realize that this is a cross between memphis and detroit


>small island of Java in Indonesia has 141 million people living in it.

Yes but Java is almost flat, Japan is one big mountain.






Reminder to stop responding to shill threads.


>Japan is in economic decline.
>Japan is irrelevant.
>Japan is heavily indebted.


>Japan has a current account surplus three times what it was in 1991.
>Japan is the sole producer of some the most important high-end materials in electronics manufacturing (semiconductor-grade silicon, high-end nickel-hydride batteries, high-end transistors that can survive at extreme heat).
>Japan's declining population will make the average citizen wealthier in the long run, as real estate prices decline and homes become more affordable.
>Japan has always maintained an unemployment rate The only reason the US has posted higher GDP growth is because it artificially inflates its population with niggers and spics, and this has no net positive effect on per capita GDP.
>despite talks of "Japan collapsing", it has the third highest GDP in the world
>Japan's debt is indeed large, but it is largely owned by its citizens, Japan has massive FPI holdings of foreign countries treasuries, it's the second largest holder of US debt, among other things. These holdings can be shifted about if necessary. If Japan wanted to it could issue 10 year bonds at a rate of 1% to foreign buyers tomorrow (market rates), this is even better than Switzerland. This is the faith that investors have in Japan.
>There have been reports of Japanese cops "not knowing what to do" recently because there's so little crime

The entire "Japan is collapsing" and "Russia is collapsing" narratives are being pushed by globalists and Jews who want to wreck those nations (and also shill on Sup Forums every day) like they did with Europe and America.

Infinite growth on a finite plane cannot and should not exist

Copy and paste this in all threads involving immigration and neo-liberal pyramid schemes.

200,000 muslims and nigger isn't what Japan needs. Unless your plan is to end Japan and replace it with Japanistan

I'll gladly cuck your country and impregnate 100s of your women. Get it done, hanzo.

Then the government needs to spend extra tax money to help families have children, not to import alla

Now kys


>Having 120 million people living on a bunch of volcanic rocks is desirable and sustainable

>seriously why are you so moron

Saged and disregarded


Banks keep their power by imposing more and more industrial growth, which is what will result in the destruction of the planet, not refusing muslim migrants

Culture stability is more important then economic stability.

(((You))) the shill tho

Immigrants never go to rural areas though you dumb nip.

I am learnig your language and will work in an skilled engineer position.

In return I will only ask for a qt 3.14 traditional nip gf so I can breed with her tons of sons and live a comfy and peaceful life in homogeneous japan.

can I ?

People like you will have blood on their hands when the first Japanese person is murdered by an immigrant. I have witnessed a murder on the streets of multicultural Canada... An Indian was shot dead by a Vietnamese guy. Would either of these people have ever come into contact with each other if they had stayed in their own country? They would both be alive today, wouldn't they?

>what is automation

Japan has a couple of questions that need answering, but importing shitskins is only an answer to the question "how do i increase gang-rape and reduce community cohesion?"

>Implying you need immigrants - fucking proxy nigger

Less pollution
More higher paying jobs
More automation
Lower housing costs

Where's the problem?

You again with the proxy.

Argentina is also at replacement levels of reproduction. Not exactly what I would call demographic decline.

Accept good immigrants. People who will integrate and help Japan. Don't accept people who want to take over, force you to submit to their foreign and inferior customs and then rape and kill your people if you refuse or don't do it fast enough.

why can't you and the hero academia shitposter just fuck off
you offer nothing of value to this board and only start up the occasional thread to farm easy (You)s


just import white or chinese weebs

I know you want (You)s my king retard but try something new, only newfags fall for this.

Faggot if someone's population is declining it's the big cities. The rural areas almost certainly have a stable or increasing populations.

Japan can have ours, problem solved.

Enjoy your sharia

kill yourself proxy kike shill

Holy fucking shit, you have no one to blame but yourself.
Not only that, but you'd wonder why Nips are getting their women taken by white men, because they know white men will put out.

not in Japan. and your nation too.

people tend to move to big cities.