MGTOW - TradCon

MGTOW - TradCon; Political Alliance.
Both groups recognize the decline in the family unit as a net negative to western society.
Tradionalists encourage a return to marriage as the bedrock to a healthy prosperious living environment. MGTOW reject marriage at it's core and point out the raw deal it has become for the man.
If a political party was interested in scooping up the male vote, speaking to this issue would perk up the ears of both groups. It is time for a change in the family court system.
Family court has become corrupt, abused, and is having major negative consequences.
Lets put the bants on hold, the name calling on pause, and come together for a realistic discussion on how to repair the divide in the family unit. If this topic is picked up by a political party, it could bring in a wave of support from the young male demographic.
>18-39 Males report in.

37 married reporting in. Its true that the system needs fixed but giving up on it will not solve it, only prolong it.

stop with the fucking retarded anagrams and logos

Marriage reward system. How realistic would a marriage reward system be, lets say after 5 years of marriage you could apply for a single college grant for your first born child. A $5,000 - $10,000 credit to be given to the first born child to be used towards a college loan.

Those who give up feel powerless to change anything. Not participating is the logical response. If the topic is brought into the mainstream, and real change looked like a possibility, less people would be giving up.

After Rome falls, where will we rebuild?

Just because it is difficult to find women, doesn't mean you should give up all together. While you are young, it may be all right to be by yourself, but once you get into your 40's you will be seriously lonely.
One of the reasons why having a wife is so great, is that you have friend for life. Don't buy into those MGTOW memes. They are all bullshit and made by people who are just discouraged at the moment. You will find a marriage prospect at some point, and then you will change your mind surely.

MGTOW is not a Political Movement. It's a lifestyle and philosophy.
If tradcucks wants allies, they need to look elsewhere.

You wont be here to see Rome fall. Your non-existent kids will, because you didn't have the litteral balls, to have any.


We don't need you as allies. I want to help you. There is NO happiness in videogames.

33 and divorced.

Getting divorced in your 30s is like hitting the reset button on your life late in the game.

How do you mean?

I know what you mean. It just makes it all the more important that you choose the right person and keep them happy.

>le we need welfare for good families
Just end the welfare state and no fault divorce. That's it. If women wouldn't get a massive payout on divorce and be able to sustain themselves with alimony, child support and welfare there wouldn't be as many divorces. Of course to do that you would probably have to take women's voting rights away so good luck.

Noone you have ever met or ever will meet has the power to do that. You are playing your self into a position, where you can only lose.
Being without a wife/girlfriend, no kids, nothing but your job and videogames when you are 40... That makes you a loser, dude.

It's fine. Once the system collapses in on itself all of that will disappear.

Tradcons are mostly feminist cucks at this point, or are at least fighting for the same thing as them: men submitting to women through marriage. When tradcons start advocating for common law marriage, I will think more of them, until then they are a cancer that must be destroyed.

looks like my marriage is headed that way too. The good news is that I don't think I'll ever have to get married again. Been there, done that. Had 2 kids etc. Had my kids really early actually and got to raise them sort of. So that shit is all out of my system. Now I can just have fun.

Realistically if I reallllly wanted to save my marriage etc. etc. I could definitely do it--it's just that it's not worth it, ruining your entire life just to go to BBQs with cucky dudes you don't give a shit about.

I need to see the fucking world man. Go on adventures. Fuck this dayjob at office shit.

Don't hold your breath dude.
One thing is for sure. Even if the whole system collapses, you will still not be on the winning end of anything. you have to make a change in your life. I will help you, if you need it.

Also this. Physically remove government from marriage.

Im MGTOW, why the hell do so many MGTOW start threads here?
Why are you not on your yacht right now?

I'm good Schlomo thanks. Worry about yourself.

Divorcedfag here.
Here to tell you that getting married is the stupidest fucking thing you could ever do, unless your wife makes 10x as much as you, which she doesn't.
>wife got fat
>divorced her
>date woman half my age

Schlomo? How is it a jewish thing to want white people to live happy, productive lives?

>common law marriage

that would sort of take the Trad out of con there bro. But seriouisly, Christianity is like "cuck" the religion. Fucking invented by literally a gaggle of kikes to give them a priveleged position in society as banker jew usurers. And anyone who's seriously religious after age 25, say, has mental problems or is another kike selling this shit to goyim.

There's more happiness in video games than women. That should tell you something.

(((divorce lawyers)))


>literally every married man I know is divorced being milked for money by wretched feminazi cunts struggling to raise their kids right except the mother keeps butting in and ruining them

Why the FUCK would I EVER want this life?

Using the fact that daughters turn out to be like their mothers, and every single girl my age has a whore single mother, i'd rather die alone than watch my golddigging wife ruin my children with liberalism.

If you disagree, youre a JewKikeCuck according to all the paranoid tinhat stormfags.

Take that back. I have 200+ friends on csgo and we have so much fun.

>men submitting to women through marriage.
I advocate for the opposite. Women can submit to men through marriage but you must dominate them yourself.


It must be wierd for you to hit your 40's birthday, sitting in your lonely appartment thinking about how some random Danish guy on the internet had it right all along.

LOVE this. Women and tradcucks are two sides of the same coin. They try to force men to accept a bargain contrary to their self-interest and fly into an autistic rage when MGTOW tell them to fuck off.

Change the laws and it's no longer contrary to self-interest.

Why do you REEEEEEE against the MGTOW?
Why dont you stop no-fault divorce and divorce rape? Make the deal better for men and we will take the deal
But youre a beta cuck for the women, women get everything they want and men cant go MGTOW.

that's because you are delusional
try changing the law first
until then, marriage servers no purpose than to have men be ruled by women

No it's probably a good attitude, and completely your right to have it. It's just that when you get a group of people saying this it becomes cringe, like a cry-in convention faggotry that SJWs pull all the time. If you really didn't care about being alone all your life, you wouldn't need your 'bros' to constantly back you up saying 'yeah, those lousy cunts, yeah!' etc. Sort of pathetic in of itself, actually familam.

Do you honestly expect your tired, trite insults to change my mind one iota? It must be sad caring this much about what other men do with your lives because your own is in shambles

I rule my wife, not the other way around. Maybe you guys just don't know how to handle women?

>MGTOW - TradCon

But one romanticizes and fetishizes marriage, the other demonizes and refuses it.
What sort of alliance could there be?

Redpilled? I'll fucking redpill you idiots:

The major factors that determine a couple’s risk of divorce include:

- Cohabitation: cohabiting couples have a 50-80 percent higher likelihood of divorce than non-cohabiting couples.

- Race: the general lifetime risk of divorce is 1.5 percent higher for African American couples than for Whites.

- Age: those who marry after age eighteen have a 24 percent reduced risk of divorce.

- Age Difference: marriages where there is a significant difference in age have twice the risk of divorce than those in which the couples are close in age.

- Education: only 27 percent of college graduates will divorce by middle age.

- Family Background: having parents who have never divorced reduces divorce risk by 14 percent.

- Marital History: being previously divorced markedly elevates one’s risk of divorce.

- Income: having a collective annual household income of $50,000 or more is associated with a 30 percent lower divorce risk.

- Beliefs: going into a marriage with husband and wife holding a strong personal conviction that marriage is for life protects against divorce.

- Religion: those with a strong common faith have a 7-14 percent lower risk of divorce. However, having a nominal faith has no protective effect.

- Childbearing: having one’s first child after marriage reduces divorce risk somewhere between 24 and 66 percent.

- Desire for Children: a marriage in which the wife desires children but the husband does not is at a 50 percent greater risk of divorce.

- Sexual History: marrying as non-virgins is associated with “considerably higher” risk of divorce and “dramatically more unstable first marriages.”

- Smoking: couples in which one partner smokes and the other does not are markedly more likely to divorce compared to couples in which neither spouse does. Marriages in which both smoke were more than twice as likely to dissolve compared with non-smoking couples.

Their lives*

Good luck with that.

Working out so far. Has for the last 15 years. Again, you guys must be doing something wrong.

>Just change the laws brah

Get in a position to change the laws and change them if you want things to be different.

>I rule my wife
you are in for a rude awakening one of these days, don't say I didn't warn you

I don't think you really understand, but whatever.

Looking through these statistics it is pretty clear, that the reason 50% of all mariages break up is because of blacks, low education, low wage earners, children out of wedlock and a lot of other stuff, where you most certainly don't fit in.

You've been changing laws for the past 15 years? In that case go fuck yourself things have only gotten worse in the last 15 years.

Its not about going our own way.

As a Person I just want to have a life, Children, a roof and somebody to love.

The laws that challange and tax are horible.

I said my marriage is working out. But if things don't work out for other guys, and the system needs changed, then change it instead of bitching over the internet.

Im literally a medical student.
Im seeing every day the most beautiful women ride Chads cock while I work and study in a dark room. When im 30 you expect me to marry a 30+ roastie? She would only divorce me/cuck me and then I get to pay 50% of my doctor salary to a whore.

>a life - children, roof, love

Those aren't requirements for life, nor by far the only joy in life.

Both MGTOW and tradcons agree that marriage used to be a good system, but it's now broken. The difference is that tradcons address the problem the wrong way. They still participate in the system and expect it to change, which is stupid. The system has to be bled dry, it can't be changed from within. We need MORE men checking out of society and withholding their resources from women, not fewer.

>only islam
hang yourself

The alliance is fixing the horrible shit show marriage has devolved into. Since this topic is important to many young guys, it could be used as a wedge issue to bring voters in, and be a good way to spot light the obvious problem in our degenerating civilization.
Or we can wait for it to collapse, and laugh at the normies when they freak the fuck out.

Mgtow and tradcons should agree on one thing, taking away women's rights to vote is the solution.

The marriage laws are different in every state in the US. Don't get married in Cali, for instance (alimony). Get married in TX (no such thing as alimony, community property state, equitable distribution of property limited).

I'm not bitching much. Just saying that the law isn't changing anytime soon. I doubt more than 1% of women would support removing no fault divorce and with them being 55% of eligible voters there is absolutely no chance for a politician advocating that to get elected.

That only prolongs the problem. The answer is to get yourself or someone who supports your views into government and change the laws. Nothing else will change it.

No. Why would you marry a girl like that? I completely agree that those kinds of women are bad news! Why would you even marry a 30 year old woman when you are 30 yourself. As a doctor you can easily find someone at 23 or something. You are now an attractive man, so you actually have a choice!

> m- m-my marriage is working out.
TOPKEK! You already have reason to believe your whore might divorce rape you.

>Get a vasectomy
>Hoard your money in secret high interest savings accounts
>Tell some strumpet you want babies
>She runs off
>Sees you suddenly rich as fuck
>Will probably think you won a jackpot
>She kills herself when she realises that she left a rich guy

>get woke lad in government
>in every country more than 50% of voters are women

Good joke.

No, I don't. Thanks for insulting my wife, mudslime

I want society to crumble.

Absolute insanity.
>We need more men to check out of society.
How is that going to change anything?

So change the minds of them women. Women are social chameleons. Nevermind, you guys don't want anything to change. You don't want to actually take action, you just want to bitch.

How would that prolong the problem? If enough men opted out of women or only used them for hookups, policymakers would be compelled to recognize that the system is broken.
Also it would be hard to run for office on an anti-marriage platform and almost impossible to get reelected. Too many cucks who think the system is fine.

>dude, just change female nature, lmao

i just told you what female nature is.

Lol, dude. You are the one wanting to change female nature in the first place...

Such a jewey argument. By then there will be no white people to make of the West anything other than a zoo. If you guys advocated something like "go fuck every white woman you can get your hands on and steer clear of them to avoid being stuck with the bill" that would be one thing, but you niggers go on and on about LARPy kike shit like artificial wombs and whatever the fuck doesn't exist in reality, with the result that only niggers and coal-burners mate and the world turns to Brazil tier hell. A jew's dream come true.

How am I wrong?

>How is that going to change anything?
Did you not read my post?

That still means she gets half your shit (well almost half) and child support and you sometimes still have to pay "spousal support" which can also be permanent. That's bretty bad my dude.

Women hit the wall in their 30s and realize they fucked up. Some of them will jump on board changing the system that is keeping them single and childless. Career women are not happy and would rather quit and become a mother than keep going to their job depressed every morning.

you're a bitter cuck and your toxicity stops young men from doing something with their life

everyone should understand that MGTOW groups are support groups for crashed men.

>How am I wrong?

22 here.

What is there to say? I will marry an asian or a muslim or another woman from a culture that has some femininity left.

I will have to threaten to kill my future wife if she wants divorce, I am not proud of it but it's the only thing I can do to avoid losing my children because of her whims.

You are the only cuck here, dude.
Giving up on women, so anyone else can fuck them doesn't sound too alpha to me. And policy makers aren't compelled to do shit. They love that you fuck up your life. If you could just lay down and die while you are at it, they can tax all your enheritance.

This guy gets it. Right on the point, cohesive argument.

Ramblings of a mad man

Yes policymakers just love when society's social structure collapses and birthrates plummet, they definitely won't address it at all

>implying I wont spend every dime of my assets before I die if I end up not having kids.

Think of me when your whore rips your balls out through your asshole in divorce court.
Think of me while your wife is fucking Abdul and Tyrone in your bed in your house while your children can hear her scream his name from their bedrooms at night.

>Hurr I want to justify the fact that I can't land a decent woman by projecting my problems as a problem in the entirety of western society

You fucking idiots are like faggots - you think because you live one way, everyone else does too but is just in denial.

I just want to spend time on my hobbies, do some tourism, do ecology stuff locally, charity when I have money saved.
Which I am already doing, without needing a hole as a pet.

I don't even get what you're implying--white people don't exist? lol Fucking kike detected.

you need a woman in your life at some point or you lose your shit. That's how Trump won so many loser votes. Men left to their own devices consume themselves. What you're left with is an angry shell. Sure, you could be a pussy-slayer not yet ready to settle, but I'm sure MGTOW are made of a tiny minority of such guys. You could lie and say you are, but you'll know it's a lie and that'll only contribute to your downward spiral. There really is a partner for all of you, it's just your standards have to go below previously acceptable levels; sometimes WAY low. But you'll drive yourself nuts being alone. It works in your twenties, but thereafter it becomes worse than work or divorce. Even a divorcee who lost half his shit is happier than a bitter, lonely man

you can't lie to yourself, most of you are just jaded virgins or near-virgins

Don't go to the bar or club to find a woman. Pick the type of girl your mother would want you to be with. Divorces happen much less often to people like you, than you may think. Referencing the point i made earlier.

>Unironically spouting bullshit about "muh j00z" is a """"cohesive argument""""

That would just give her incentive to hire a hit man to get rid of you. The threat would have to be you kill yourself and not allow a free ride if she chooses to leave.

Yeah, that's not going to happen. please go aloha snackbar somewhere else

>MGTOW-TradCon alliance
It's like Nazi Germany allying with the USSR.

Do they address it now? We have a population crisis in the entire west at this moment. We are far beyond the point, where the government would have reacted if they cared.

I'm curious

What percentage of American women do you suppose are still virgins past the age of 20?

There is no alliance, MGTOW are the male version of feminists. They are men have yet to grow up and realise that they, like women, also have a responsibility.