So a 12 year old kid a few houses down from me got a drone. For the past few days there's been sporadic points where I'm in my backyard and notice it hovering over my residence, on top of that issue there's a skylight in my upstairs bathroom that me and my girlfriend mainly use. I just went over to discuss this with the kids parents and they kept hiding in the house pretending no ones home. I said I was going to call the cops and walked away. She came sprinting out the front door extremely defensive and angry saying I was threatening her kids while she was in the shower, emphasizing repeatedly that her husbands a cop and they have all the required permits. Is there any legal recourse I can pursue when I see it again? could i get in trouble if I shot it down with a paintball gun?
Drones and Privacy
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I'm in NJ if that makes a difference
just shoot it down with your 12 gauge like a true american
Kill one of their pets, let the air out of their tires, lite their garbage on fire.
He said was in New Jersey.
Liberal states are not American.
Skylight in your bathroom and you're worried about the drone you can see flying but not the umpteen satellites recording 24/7
Go to wall Mart.
Buy a slingshot for about $10, practice for about 30 minutes. It's silent, and leaves no evidence, unlike paintballs.
Shoot the thing down, and claim absolute ignorance.
The legality depends on where you live, I'm not your secretary, so you can look up the laws in your county and state. Just shoot the thing down and move on.
NJ here. Gustapo state for sure (not in the good way) take it out with something that cant easily be tied back to you (like your paintball gun).
BB gun is probably your best bet because shooting a 12 gauge (which would work the best) is gonna get you in trouble. shoot it with a BB gun and try not to be seen on the camera- use cover
oh yea, and deny deny deny
>not getting your own drone and having a drone dogfight
Shot one down over my yard a few days after last Xmas and tossed the remains into the street. Nobody said or did anything, and if they had I would've shot them as well (in self defense of course).
t.cop in CA
Not gonna lie that was my first thought, just because of how hilarious it would be to watch and my lack of desire to ever really own one.
But thanks to all you, even the sarcastic posts, ya atleast brightened my day a little as I sit here fuming, I called the cops just to have it documented since she looked like the "can I speak to the manager" type. They were willing to immediately send someone out to scold them which is a little reassuring, I'm gonna wait until I see it again before I have them send a car out though
Drones may ne where ever they are.
You dont own air space just like you dont own mineral rights.
Go to the Comptroller and ask to get the breakdown on who owns what for your property.
Then buy it.
Or posses it given said owner has let it fall into disrepair.
Add hepa filters to show you are improving the air.
First off, there are no permits required, o ly registration with the FAA. So she's already fucking with you. Second, if they're recording you in the privacy of your home or in a place that you'd otherwise have a reasonable expectation of privacy, they're breaking the law.
So here's what you do, if it flies too close to your house and it's obviously recording you guys, hit it with a slingshot. If the parents come over claiming you were trying to shoot it down, record the confrontation and ask them for evidence that you were attempting to shoot it down. If they say that they saw you doing it from the drone's video (which is the only way they could've seen it), then you have evidence that they were recording you without consent in a place where you should have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Just woke up and wrote that so hopefully it makes some sort of sense.
Phantom pilots are literally the scourge of the earth.
I build racing drones for fun and literally everywhere fun to fly has banned drones because of those retards. 90% of them don't put any time into learning how to fly them, so they usually end up crashing into a building, going into restricted airspace, or annoying people with them. fuck phantom and any other "cinematic" drone pilots.
OP, if you live anywhere near an airport, govt facility, or state or national park, record the drone flying, call the cops, and have the FAA slap them with a $3500 fine for violating the airport's SFRA.
Or alternatively, your property extends to 400 ft of airspace above your house, shoot it down
They should only be allowed in certain places like RC planes. All other use should require permit.
>If they say that they saw you doing it from the drone's video (which is the only way they could've seen it), then you have evidence that they were recording you without consent in a place where you should have a reasonable expectation of privacy.
That's really fucking clever, user.
You own the first 50 ft of airspace from the ground up on your property. If the little shit flies in close you can shoot his drone down without legal repercussion.
Also, this
Get a little Alien 250 quad with FPV, take it and hover it over their drone
Chances are your propwash will kill it since Phantoms have shit response in angle mode when something goes wrong
Climb on your roof and shoot it with the hose
12 year old kid will get sick of it in about a week... I wouldn't even bother doing anything
Shoot the drone and say it was a theat
Thanks user, that's actually far better of a recommendation than I thought I'd receive, I figured she was fucking with me too, does anyone know if it's legal for a 12 year old to be flying it, especially over residences, without adult supervision?
No problem. And you have to be 13+ to register with the FAA. So it's iffy. I'm not too sure on that one. sUAS laws are still in their infancy because of how new and fast growing the drone industry is.
There's a very high likelihood that the kid got it as a present, the parents didn't look into any of it and said "go fly kid"
In this case, the kid probably didn't go pay the $10 to register the drone with the FAA as a small UAS which will get him into trouble if he's caught flying
>complains about privacy
>on a site which mostly focuses on facist ideology
sure hope this time there won't be a secret police :)
Ha, NJ, you have no rights there. Accept or die.
If you have to be 13+ I'm assuming his parents would have had to register it, and that that registration doesn't carry over just because he's their son. Does this mean if I actually sent the po po there the parents would be fucked? Cause that seems pretty tempting being what a defensive bitch this woman was and that she was clearly trying to threaten me by repeating her husbands a cop (in which case he should know better)
Buy a drone and attach a broom to it and use it to shoo away the kids drone anytime he fly's it over your property.
I accept and I'm fleeing to somewhere with concealed carry and less liberals the second I have the financial stability to do so.
Most drones are too light to need registration. I often fly my drone over 1000ft. It's actually safer for my area. Also I get to be a cool Federal Law breaker.
my suggestion is to stop being a such a pussy
Well, like said, it's probably not even registered and if it is, the registration number is probably not clearly visible as per FAA regulation. Cops generally won't know that shit, so you can't really blame the husband. But if you file a report to the FAA on their site, they might take it a little more seriously. Just document everything with video if possible.
Fucking sick dude, badass, I never thought about it like that! You're cancer, go fuck yourself, when tyranny comes to the US it's not going to be the kind you want, I hope you're the first to get tossed in a gulag.
Good to know, I'll keep that in mind, thanks user
Dox the pigger and make him move, pigs live in fear of the people they fucked over coming for them
Buy your own drone
Strap it with firecrackers
Hit the other drone with it
I'm OP just phone posting like a fag so it keeps refreshing my id
Sure thing. Good luck faggit
Scared it will film into your bathroom? Try getting curtains/shades/blinds for it. They do exist you know. If you live in a glass house, what do you expect? It's your responsibility to cover whatever window, skylight from the public.
But I agree with retribution using vandalism. They want to fuck around with your home, fuck their property right back.
I got your solution user.
>Go to local sex shop
>Buy the freakiest most fucked up shit you can find
>Confirm drone over skylight
>Turn on light in house
>Proceed to have or pantomime the most sorid fucked up freaky sex with your gf
>Like so fucked up that their kid will be scarred for life
>Parents can do noting about your sex life
>Parents will not want child to see this shit
>Parents will forbid child from flying over your house
Alternatively you could cover your roof with pornography or something else they don't want their child to see.
Assuming you can't use an actual firearm, just buy one of those pellet guns. One hit should be enough to make a frail drone go down and the crash will do the rest
I suppose I should just open the front gates of gardens with dogs in them because they didn't have lock
Mounting motion detecting lasers to blast at the camera would be fun, but a slingshot is cheaper. Since they run on wifi you may be able to spam a competing signal on the drone's channel and incapacitate it or hack it altogether.
i think your gonna need a horse mask.
>her husbands a cop
Have you told her it's irrelevant? That you don't give a fuck if her cuck boy is a some state's dog? That it doesn't make him above the law? Or above fucking good manners between neighbors?
>they have all the required permits
Lol what permit? Have you told her to go fuck herself, her husband and her kid, repeatdly?
Take a 12g and shoot down that retarded toy when it's hovering over your land, but only do it after you've gotten plenty of video evidence that it was doing that.
Fuck off Europoor.
Unlike you we dont run in terror at the sound of aircraft.
except the finger print on the rock
You're in NJ, smash it with a brick!
In a less crude way I did tell her it was irrelevant she kept repeating it though clearly intending it as a threat because I look like a smoke pot, but I'm a law a biding citizen and on top of that he works two-three counties away which she didn't know I knew so she tried to leave that part out. I don't like people trying to pull that card so I made sure she knew I wasn't intimidated.
As if they'd ever find the specific pebble in a residential area in NJ. And even if they found said pebble, would be able to pin it on me.
Fucking this. Just Kamakazi your drone into is. Record it too for extra profit
I actually have just the thing
Was watching drone videos when this video shows how you can disable a drone mid flight for about 10$
Have any of you ever had your house broken into? Seen crimes committed? How many times you see a cop bust out the old finger print kit?
Ever? Know how many crimes have ever been prosecuted based on fingerprints? Almost never.
It will also be a mean trick for them to find the exact rock that hit the drone. I think dudes' plan is sound.
You assholes watch way too much TV...
Glue their windshield wipers down
the only right thing to do is to wait for it to hover over your window then to ferociously masturbate in full view of the drone. Either that or shit in your hand and rub it on yourself.
Then go confront them again that the drone was watching. If you get weird looks from the parents that means they are the ones using the drone to spy.
Burn the little motherfuckers house down and shoot anyone who runs out.
Drape a bunch of long strings from a kite and try to tangle the little cunt up.
Nice larp, faggo
Don't kill pets or your no better than a soulless chink but do the other stuff
Fuck. Yes. Thank you user, watching now, you're doing gods work. I've never wanted to spend 10 dollars so bad
You probably can't legally shoot it down, but what you can do is get your own drone and hover it over their house and backyard until they ask you to stop, at which point you say you will so long as they do the same.
post picture of girlfriend
IKR...someone fed antifreeze to a Rott in my neighborhood recently. I would punch the dude who said that shit right in his fucking mouth.
You can destroy any drone that is a nuisance to your home and on your property.
OP just get a net or a net gun.
This is a violation of the NAP. Shoot it down.
buy your own drone, dangle something from it like strong stringy stuff, not quite a net.
Fly your over the top of his, it'll get all fucked up and tangled and basically go dead, now you just fly your back with his hanging below. Jump straight in your car with his and just dump it in a river
fuk u im not 12 im 14 and no one wants to see ur fat ass hamplanet gf naked in the shower gayfag
That is fucking genius...did you come up with that? Beautiful spatial reasoning my friend.
Next time you see that drone, nuke your neighbors house in self defense
Would the drone be strong enuff to carry both though? You may need a payload drone...I duuno shit about tech...
get your own drone record kids mom showering
He'll need something of a breaking point in the sting in order for it not fuck up his drone as well. You over estimate the payload capabilities of most consumer drones.
Not all drones have to be registered. Depends on the size IIRC
wew lads
So I found a website where you can actually look on a map that shows airspace restriction, turns out my streets a solid 7 blocks from only being restricted use due to helicopter traffic, and instead is also restricted due to airplane traffic. They're supposed to notify air traffic control every time they fly it, which obviously this poorly watched kid isn't doing. So I guess they're fucked if they try to escalate this, for once New Jersey being such a cesspool of air traffic pays off.
over 50 grams i believe
Get your own drone and engage into drone dogfight, upload footage, profit.
Eyes gots da dronez... serious note i use it to scout my land out for hunting. Its awesome!
Just watch out with firearms. My knowledge on US law is meagre to say the least, but I remember something about not being allowed to discharge a firearm in a domestic area without being in danger
just *accidentally* hit it with fireworks or something
c02 Pellet gun + silencer. If I can this in Cuckmany you can get them in nj too
Yes, but I would assume that if it's big enough to be annoying, it's within the weight requirement.
>Low energy
>Pellet gun
Hans what are you doing?
Please, im a hunter kid. Its a $60 drone..lets compare guns now
Maybe she was actually in the shower and you yelled at her kids like a sperg.
Build an RC jammer, shoot it down with that.
Just buy two of these and put them on a gun carriage. They cost only 45 dollars each and got a 40 round magazine. They are full automatic and got enough power to kill a drone
Fuck off, worry about the big drones in the sky, and the CIA listening to you through your TV. Don't worry about little Timmy playing with his RC quadcopter.
No bully pls. Co2 pellet guns are pretty loud
OP I would first file a complaint with the FAA. Or whoever the fuck is in control of this done airspace shit.
Then I would write a letter to the parents stating you made several attempts, inlcude dates if you can, to peacefully and respectfully resolve the situation with them as neighbors; as well that you've notified the police department on account of an invasion privacy. I would be sure to include any transcripts with the FAA, like the complaint form, and police department to show them you're not fucking around. If this does not resolve the problem then immediate action in the court of law will be the next and only option. As always, include a bit where you would be more than happy to engage in a civil discussion to resolve the issue with a non-partisan third-party present for both parties sake. Be sure to deliver this through USPS with a certified signature as proof, if you go to court, they received the letter.
Lastly I would shoot that sum'bitch out of the sky in with a fireball.
If you happen to talk to any neighbors I would ask them if they've seen the drone, and that you would like to take their names in accordance to file a complaint of privacy. Of course any recording you have of the drone flying in over ANYONE'S property, I would show the homeowner and then continue ramming threats down the drone parents throats.
Best case scenario you win a law suiit with some money, someone goes to jail. Worst case you lose and have to pay them for 'stress' damages.
Well my gf's grandfather was manning this. At the end it wasnt even matter, cos you guys sold us to the kommies.
Anyways we are adults so my advice is this:
If it happens again, go to your neighbor and ask it stop. If you get again into an arguement with mommy, than talk with the husband.
If it ever happens again, than repport them to the police, if it happens again call the cops.
Honestly, this would've been OP's best bet. It's too late now, though, since he's complained to the mother and the police to no avail, making him the prime suspect if the boy's drone were to suddenly get shot down over his property.
I fucking hate drones. The only people who use them are horny teenagers and middle-aged fags who get a kick out of infuriating others, only to cry "it's muh constitutional right" when they get caught infringing the privacy of others.
I'm sure that 12-year-old has fapped to your girlfriend while she's in the bathroom, OP. That's only going to continue as long as he flies it around your property while his mother cries about how he dindu nuffin.