What is your plan to fix the US
An invasion from Kim Jong Un is NEEDED
going galt
>tfw Trump decides to "give in" to Liberals by reversing his decision and sending battalions consisting solely of trannies to die in NK
Ethnic Cleansing.
Was does Kim keep making that annoying sound?
Paint it white.
You can only fix something so many times until you need to replace it.
Just stop all immmgration, deport illegals and visa/perement residents here. A ALOT of Mexicans are are legally but on prement reasdence
That's litterally all I would change. All the foreign students would be gone, fixing the schools. The wages would start going back up without an endless labor pool. Crime would go down freeing up the overtaxed police and jail system.
Communities would stop being so unstable and expoiktable so even the political parties would improve.
A civil (aka race) war.
You heard him boys. Quads is never wrong
looool!!! there are theories of genetic manipulation from other systems of life, aliens, some races were bloodthirsty and some desired to learn compassion and by this point all humans would have both types of genetics in their ancestral line... so while no one would be purely "good" or evil, one could make a conscious intent to act rightly and seek objective justice within our subjective emotional existence- and in THIS sense, ethnic cleansing is the only right action. praise kek
The longer we wait, the harder it will get.
I don't have one.
well then, it's settled
Explain your flag please
Fuck it up like they fucked the middle east. That means bombing it, and robbing it of its resources. You might not think this will fix things for the US, but it will definitely fix it for the rest of the world, and eventually will be a good thing for the US. The only reason we haven't colonized mars yet as a species is because the US and its incessant greed has been pushing people back for centuries.
Oh shit! Another sign
This. Legal and illegal immigration must stop. But how do we campaign for that? Even the right wing is cucked into thinking *legal* immigration is an imperative - especially for good jobs . Even the right will call you racists if you say shut it all down. How does one bring up this delicate topic with the normies without going 14/88
that's the thing about america- we are willing to accept the BEST of the world, in professions that increase our own wealth. we however should NOT be accepting of just whoever wants to come stumbling in. we rely on the import of the most competent and productive individuals in the world- we need to stop the trash from coming in with them
>Become Jewish
>Infiltrate Jewish Embassy
>Shoot up the place
>Kill yourself
>Save America
you could curb the hispanic population, but you'll always have niggers.
atleast having some spics are useful cause you can eventually breed out their shitskin features. something you can't do with niggers.
i mean even canada has stricter immigration policies- to move there from here at least you need to demonstrate you've had a job for 2 years and will continue to be employed by that same company for at least a year. try getting a canadian job while not living in canada...
it already is impossible when a new liberal administration can just undo everything
Do you think a liberal president would ever finish building a wall that Trump started? Voting conservative is just delaying the inevitable
I think it's fine if we import the BEST, but often times we import people who are skilled but not that special. Like the engineering company I worked for had a ton of run-of-the-mill engineers from abroad who were just meh. I would obviously support poaching someone from abroad who is very advanced and can do things that people here can't do, but we're giving away standard engineering jobs and positions in the medical field that our citizens could easily do. I think it's very harmful to give away jobs that would give our citizens upward mobility
Bet they'd take an Ethiopian in two seconds flat, though.
I hate to be a dick, but I don't think it is fixable.
I agree COMPLETELY!!!! it is so frustrating. to come here means you are doing something that we do not have the manpower to do. otherwise how are we ever supposed to accomplish anything as a populace that is constantly growing and changing??? there is no chance of ever being on the same page with anyone that way
>Open healthcare options across state lines.
>Prioritize white South African immigration.
>Entrust the rest to President Trump
exactly ahaha and that's why they're about to become new cuckistan! champagne all around, if we keep enough people out to see escape the same fate
What's the issue with legal immigration. How does it stop u from prospering?
They recently let an HIV positive nigger stay even after he pozzed someone
Yeah, you do that. I'm sure you'll be totally missed.
nice fag
Kill the stupid white trash? That can be arranged.
Let's say at one of the top cardiac surgeons in the world wants to come to the United States, and he is pioneering new methods that nobody here knows. Then I think it would be great to have that person come here. But what is happening is that we are also giving away, for example, thousands of entry and mid-level engineering positions that our university students could easily do. That hurts the prosperity of our citizens. If you are talking about me personally, then yes I understand there is enough opportunity in America that I could find my way into wealth, or a middle-class existence. However, I do care about the well-being of my countrymen. I am not only focused on myself . Maybe I can find prosperity, but if you give away enough good jobs in America, a lot of Americans will not find prosperity
in case you're not retarded, it means every person who participates in the vital functioning of a rigged system by working and providing means for it should leave the system and let the parasites die from a lack of sustenance- aka hard working people
tax the shit out of the rich and multi-billion global corporations
hire everyone for massive public works like infrastructure
everyone's employed and capable of affording to raise a family again
Looking the map again I can't help but notice some parallels between the possible future of North America and he interwar Europe. Should the USA lose land by splitting along ethnic lines it would find itself in a similar position as Germany after WW1: deprived of land it claimed as its own for centuries, with an hyper-inflated currency (once the petrodollar deal de facto fades), looted and plundered by a small international (((clique))), and yet still with lots of resources, technologies, and manpower available especially when compared to its nearest neighbors. And possibly with an angry, armed, and betrayed people.
Really activates the almonds..
Or maybe I'm seeing things that just aren't there, who knows.
It's mostly used as cover to lower wages, see here
The tech company's love to meme about the h1b genius visas, but it turns out like almost ALL of them are given in blocks to employment angentys for stuff like cheap Indian programming that recruit directly in India, the Indians don't have the student loans so they can compete on wage prices america programmers just can't.
Skill importing is mostly a meme, there really are very few jobs an advanced society can't retrain thier own people for within two years. This leads into the intangibles about importing a forgain culture, making communities more instable and distrustful,etc.
To put it another way, the US has some of the highest wages (but NOT Quiltynof life) in the world, so whoever you recruit, you are basically recruiting someone willing to work for a lower wage. Which effects EVERYONE in that industy at the least, so to say
>How does it stop u from prospering?
Is very primitive and bad economics, unless you already got yours and your captiol made, but then you will do well in any market. Yes economy is not zero-sum but it can and does have losers in the wrong policies
>have trump arrest have the corrupt dnc
>let the left sperg out and try to overthrow him
>the right easily kills off half the lefties in America
>demolish D.C.
>leave it as an example of the hubris of centralized power
>establish a new Capitol someplace in the geographic center of the country
>term limits for congress
>end most federal agencies
>voting only allowed for property owners
>make it illegal for judges to not strictly interpret the constitution
>fund the tiny government through import taxes and 1 small federal sales tax on excess items like alchohol, art, non essential purchases
>Provoke NK & China nuking the West coast.
>Send the niggers back to africa
>Send the Jews back to Europe
>Send the Catholics back to South America
>Revoke female voting rights
>Amend the Constitution to only allow Protestantism
>Amend the Constitution to only allow Protestant white men to serve in the military and make it mandatory from 18-24.
>Amend the Constitution to outlaw homosexuality
>Amend the Constitution to outlaw foreign ownership of land and influential media.
>Raise tariffs for all basic manufactured goods
>Institute a female pregnancy draft registration (similar to war time draft, but when birth rates are low, women will be pressured into giving birth)
>Socialized medicine for everyone
>Public education for everyone
>End usury
>End divorce
>End career politicians
There are more, but I don't feel like writing a book.
blacked threads
cuck porn
gay shit on max
The secret is you dont fix it you just make it worse aayylmao.
I'll just do what my ancestors did and leave the country when it gets bad enough.
I agree with you completely friend. I basically think that our definition of skilled is much too liberal. To have a skilled person come here, they should be the best and capable of doing something that almost nobody here can do. We're just too loose with the term skilled. Our citizens are capable of doing almost every single job. But I want to bring this back to my original question up above, which is how do we start broaching the subject that we also do not like illegal immigration? It seems like even establishment Republicans are buying into the meme of legal immigration being a good thing. So when you have even conservatives supporting it, what is a way that we can get this idea to have traction?
>end usury
Kk good job muhammed, please take your pre rennisance finances out of here
To go where?
>Restrict religion to Protestantism
>Gets called Muslim.
I don't know. Whatever is the least fucked up Euro country.
Ending usury is so retarded that sharia law says the same.
Don't be a retard loaning money is not evil
There really isn't any and you'll be moving closer to the very people who influence this type of behavior in the world.
I'm thinking South America might be the location.
Encourage massive migration north. Build a wall behind them and move South.
usury is slavery.
Genocide boomers now!
Since you can't go full 14/88 as a president because you'll get immediately overthrown, I'll do it realistically.
>reform healthcare to only benifit working members of society
>keep WIC for families who are shown to be trying to get out of poverty
>>These and more policies will get rid of welfare leeches.
>shill for one-way immigration to mexico and liberia
>>leeches screaming raysizm will be given the option to move to their home countries while denouncing American citizenship
>>citizen racewar can get rid of the rest of the minorities
>vast anti-corruption laws that can get convicted politicians titles stripped, exiled, or killed via firing squad
>rollback gay marriage law
>outlaw transgender surgeries and procedures
>outlaw usury
>abolish the central bank
>switch from fiat to gold standard
>after NK is dealt with, reduce military footprint on the world by getting rid of posts in Japan, Korea, Europe, and the Middle East
May be more but I just woke up and slow to think right now
Stop stealing Australian memes. We need ours to sort the Anglos from the riff-raff.
You have your own meme seppo faggot: le 56% face.
IQ test for people who want children. After their first child they get an IQ test. If they show bad results they both must get mandatory sterilization.
People who are poor need to be educated on how much a child cost and we should allow abortions. However if couples are abusing that we should then have them sterilize as well.
Let's start by nuking it.
Oh almost forgot
>end divorce custody bias towards women
Not sure what he meant but usury doesn't have to mean ban all interest baring loans, it can also mean just ban high interest or predatory loans.
Anyways it's not impossible to ban usury outright, for example, the government could offer government backed interest free loans for busnisses with reasonable busnisses plans.
I bealive the nazis did this with some succes (just becuase the nazis were evil doesn't mean everything they did was bad btw)
The Dutch also did this with great success at one time
>establishment republicans
that's implying that there really are two parties vying for control of america, when there is really only one force in charge of destroying it, ever so slowly...
Yes, also preventing women from voting is an absolute must.
yes, and ban men from implementing decisions so that if the the voters were retarded you could still just backhand the bitch
Solid point, I almost think that goes without saying
Technically the federal reserve is unconstitutional
I know, I know. It's all so demoralizing
Obviously we need usury, but do you think interest rates are too high? Or fine the way they are?
agreed. the american spirit has been battered by many wars that held little to no meaning for most americans and had little to no results. vietnam, gulf war, iraq, afghanistan. its time for a real war. also bring back the draft
Mine aren't that high personally
Highest interest I've ever had was on a credit card at 11.99%
>The strong Anglo male meme is ours.
>le 56% face is yours.
Welp. It's settled. Gear up fellas.
Sorry but we are commandeering this meme.
> What is your plan to fix the US
Activist liberals, Jews, Niggers, Spics and Chinks: ZB
Passive liberals, bankers, and other white people who tolerated white genocide: Gulag
No you fucking aren't!
It's our meme now you happa faggot.
Australians are pure Anglo-Celts!!!!!!
That meme is our baby, we nurtured him. Grew him up big & strong. Your country can't have him.
You just keep your shitty 56% face meme.
How about you settle down before I come and beat your ass?
Fuck off faggot, Straya is based and you are a shitcunt.
Well I’ve told these fucks that if they don’t at least give me private viewings of what I have told them to put all over the internet and to get me some money that amounts to something that they would experience bad things well these fucks have not been paying attention there are things happening that they are not putting in the news here and abroad take them one by one and they don’t amount to much however if you were to put them all together they paint a very bleak picture indeed. The longer you wait to capitulate the worse it is going to get for the rich the aliens have assured me that you will give me what I have asked for the longer you wait the more people are going to have to be included Trump the Rothschild’s Bannon or someone had better do something good for me or you people are really going to start getting fucked can you comprehend that I know that your analyzers are more than competent to tell you that I am telling you the truth
Well here is the big picture the macro if you will I personally don’t care if you grant my or the aliens request or not ever you people can go ahead and do whatever you want just don’t say that I did not try to help. Let’s see what happens
Honestly, it's just not possible at this point without rounding up all the commies into work camps.
>hurr straya is le BASTE xD
It's too pure.
You cunts. You fucks.