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That's what they say when they try to bomb us and fail.


Inb4 based Iran

I piss towards space every day. Doesn't mean my piss or their rocket has anywhere near the delta V to get to orbit.

So they finally figured out you're not supposed to point them towards the ground? Way to go

>Iran borrow one of kimmi's polar orbital rockets >detonates in the upper atmosphere over DC
>major EMP
>during the chaos scaramucci knifes priebus, fuck that guy
>Dems get suicided
>lights come back on
>Trump has ultimate power of US
>Rest of the world bow down fearful of his wrath
>one world under Trump
>peace ensues
>whole world is made great again

Could you provide us with some proofs, sir?

The fuck is this shit? They launched a satellite into orbit all by themselves years ago, why would this be Sup Forums worthy?


Did it actually arrive in space?

Their logo looks like the StarTrek, someone ring that nigger Roddenberry and have him sue their sandnigger asses.

We're gonna discover that space was a half-truth

hopefully some day they actually hit

>Be Iranian
>Go to space
>Discover the Earth is a flat plane
>The Jews did Heliocentrism

You might have to eat those words, you too are a target.


Mexican contributions to the world

Fuck off, Kike.

Out of spice Amigo?

Soon expelled from Israel. Wonder what new name that clay get.

>winning in Syria
>Iraqs government signed a joint military cooperation deal like 2 days ago with them making neocons butthurt all across the US
>Qatar is distancing itself from the rest of the Gulf states and signed a joint gas deal with Iran
>Turkey is also cozying up to the Axis
>shot a rocket into space and will soon launch a satellite
>guy that was individually ranked nr 1 at the Math Olympiad with 100% correct answers was Iranian
>all while Israel is having another memefada on their hands and Jordan threw out their ambassadors and won't let them return, isolating Israel completely from the Arab world
>also, Israel ranked 35 as a team at the Math Olympiad
Is 2017 the year of Persian hegemony?

honestly, only jewsa and their masters are retarded enough to ally with saudi arabia


A threat made by the UN might as well be a one-thousand years insurance policy.


Don't you wonder where you will be expelled to?

I wonder what flag is behind the UN flag, and why it hides from the gaze of the oh-so-scary Jew.

>drop white phosphorus bomb on children
>But muh holocaust!

Bibi did nothing wrong
Israeli missile can't melt palestinian children

Israel won't exist in 10 years., I didn't say this, KISSINGER said it.

Notice how every country not controlled by international elites gets more shit done by being stupid than smart countries.

UN is still controlled by Jews. Just not Israelis. Basically pic-related.

they domesticated corn
what did israel do for the world other than be a rock in the shoe?

You mean except for our contributions to medicine, missile defence system, software engineering and agriculture.
Well we export alot of flowers.

SA considers Iran a threat due to regional influence in the ME world. Since if/when SA has a Civil War that causes it to fall, Iran & Turkey(Assuming they don't get destabilized) will fill that Gap interms of ME Influence.

[KB Threads: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/]

Israel(Zionists) just see Iran as a regional obstacle for eventual "Greater Israel". It's less about Iran funding groups(Everyone in the ME does it) & threatening/threat about Nukes(Israel has plenty of there own & the "Samson Option") & more of how they are in Competition with SA(Israel & SA have huge influences in the ME & abroad). and how they would openly try to stop "Greater Israel" from happening.

Globalists have plans for a MEU(Middle Eastern Union), but to do it they must neutralize all ME Countries & bring down both Israel & SA in a major conflict over Land.(Order from Chaos).

I don't understand despite all the Sanctions, Wars ,Internal strife and major international pressure and they still have a shit religion yet Iran still grows to dominate. How?

Well, maybe Jews aren't as bad as Sup Forums says

Iran has electricity?

missile defense developed by usa and stolen by israel and now used to scam other countries in times of war? medicine? hur dur everyone has contributions to medicine even mexico which invented contraceptives, software... HUR DUR... kekk. also mostly used for spying . a fucking cancer you are.
muh agriculture... mexico also has contributions in this field, from prehispanic times (many) to modern times

cmon jew , stfu lmao

Singularity of purpose

that's so pretty

Elaborate in context to Iran? Also Iran iq is 84 they should not be able to Dominate.

i think the last iq documentation in iran was in the 60's, their math team in the math Olympiad came 5th or 6th if i remember right

Good geographical position, lots of resources, a big population.

Did Iran declare jihad on space?

Iran uses (((Vector imagery))) in their rocket programs too?

Soon you demon...soon

now there trying to attack space.

Real target of Iranian rocket has been identified!

WestHunter had a blog post about this. He said that high achieving nations with low i.q. Could be an indicator of population sub-structure. Think of India, the higher castes are more intelligent.