Sorry, Trumpkins. As a member of the armed services, we'll proudly support our valuable and respected LGBTQP members

Sorry, Trumpkins. As a member of the armed services, we'll proudly support our valuable and respected LGBTQP members.

Other urls found in this thread:


*Until he gets an order from the POTUS and then he'll act as ordered or get fired.

What a non story

I honestly think it's a good idea that we allow transgenders in the military. They will have the chance to finally experience the real world. Maybe even get shot if we're lucky.

>marine gen.
Shouldn't this be in Spanish?


and get non-mentally ill soldiers killed. increase their work load. destroy moral. etc. etc. fuck off you stupid faggot

You are trying to make me sad again aren't you?

And as an NCO in the Air Force I say fuck off were full

Who the fuck says "as a member of the armed services" besides a retarded liberal who is unaware of the different branches

>I'm going to disobey the president

How the fuck are these slimes in the millitary

they're mentally ill. does the military have to accept every mentally ill person? Or are trans special because muh gender?

>Policy isn't enacted until it goes through proper channels and chain of command
Woah what tweets don't make laws? blimph btfo

Trump didn't formally make it an order as CiC. Military LOVES its paper

What a disgrace to the marine uniform. A general at that.
>Allowing trannies to poison your beloved Corps.
Absolutely disgusting.

Most of the military hates you

Well good they can use them on the front lines again.

This is the nu-pol redditor position
>Lol but they'll get shot

Best to not have them ruining their units and causing weird tranny drama. Guide them to a mental hospital instead.

t-take that back!

lol let me pre-empt the retarded Sup Forums responses
no, he cannot. this policy would need to be approved through congress and the pentagon
No, they (unlike 95% of Sup Forums) have actually served and know what they are talking about. Even the retarded enlisted marine faggots on this board can't speak to anything, they are welfare queen bullet sponges (too bad they didnt die)
No, you are a redditor who is 15 years old if you tihnk that, nobody @ the pentagon knew about this policy he only called Mattis an hour before.


and you know how? because you are some retarded enlisted who thinks you are important? I bet you were a marine, the dumbest of the dumb. Literal bullet sponges think their opinions count LOL

Norwegian Wood
it was so good
Norwegian Wood

>I bet you were a marine, the dumbest of the dumb
please say that to even just one bulldog's face IRL..
will send flowers to your (husband)

>they are welfare queen bullet sponges
>generals are welfare queen desk jockeys who get paid to say chicks with dicks are cool, but hands in pockets aren't allowed
You aren't even qualified to be either though.

Isn't your president in America also the commander in chief? I don't know how armies work very well but isn't it supposed to be pretty straight forward "follow your superiors orders or get fired"?

>as a member of the armed services
People who aren't in the military say this shit.

Are you all done with this mindless distraction now?

I hope so. I never understood why conservatives are against the LGBT scum of society serving in the military. Don't we need expendable cannon fodder?

Fire him immediately.


I can't tell if this is a joke or not

You got to fuck something, right faggot?

Notice how the leaf is using a meme flag.

Do you faggots think that being a transfag would work in the military.

>Be in fighting hole with A-Gunner
>Need cover fire and vision
>Need to get my 249b up and supressing Abu and his crew
>A-Gunner tells me he needs to dialate first so hid meat hole doesn't close
>A-Gunner is fucking his makeshift vag while rounds fly down
>Fire team leader gets hit
>Corpsman needs cover while getting your fireteam leader
>A-Gunner is fucking himself still for dilation
>I say fuck it and get my 249 up
>Get hit in head with 762 from 40 from my 2
>Fireteam leader is dead
>Corpsman got hit with a mortar
>A-Gunner is still dilating
Can't wait guys. Gonna have some great stories of Transgender war heroes

45% of trannies commit suicide
so liberals want to give them guns. perfect

Because this isn't the 1800s where people line up and march into artillery you damn fool. Why the fuck would you want some off-hinged tranny in the military? You have to ask, "how does bringing this person into armed forces benefit it?" It doesn't, you have to make special considerations to accommodate these fucking faggot freaks.

It is, but he will probably have to bully the pentagon so they stop being pussies about liberal backlash

republicans are trying to save gay people from themselves until liberals who tell them to go kill themselves

The US will win every conflict because the enemy will be laughing too hard to fight properly.

>There will be no modifications to the current policy until the President's direction has been received by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary has issued implementation guidance.

are you idiots totally braindead?

There are always combat scenarios where cannon fodder can be useful

>transgender folks have about 10 times higher suicide rates
>men veterans have about 6 times higher suicide rates

"Yeah no you're right, don't get any treatment, you're stunning and beautiful. Sure go to army, it's 2017 amirite. Oh you killed yourself, that's unfortunate. Let's blame transphobic Christians."

It's 4D chess.

drumpft btfo

I think that a Transgender veteran would have a 185% chance to commit suicide

>going against the Commander in Chief

Whatever you say faggot. You go to war when congress tells you to go to war and you obey the Presidents orders on anything less than that.

You only kill yourself when you can't accept yourself. trannies kill themselves because they can't accept what a freak they are

I'd much prefer they remove women from combat units.

A few nutcases sitting in supply depots and bleeding some shekels for their self-mutilation isn't as bad as incompetent bitches trying ti LARP as men and getting themselves and others killed on the frontlines.

my facebook feed full of military bros saying this is awesome says otherwise you slimey little kike.... go suck some trap dick and stfu

He can say what he wants but end of day POTUS can mandate things (hence how we got here).

I also couldn't give a shit what some lib shit or some E4 says. Officers will be the enforcers and especially in combat arms, the red pill is the religion now son. The sooner this crop gets to the top the better.

Whe should drop them off in ISIS controlled territory with bodycams.

Then libshits can see their peaceful muslims in action while we watch the trannies die. Kill 2 birds with one stone.

this tbhq f4m

The military is politically correct asf. I honestly think it's a testing ground for every faggot thing that gets put onto the public stage

And it's loaded with cucks who'll throw their own male troops under the bus while gladly promoting useless females and shameless ass kissers. I hated it toward the end. I saw the transition under Obama and years of traditions trampled on account of feminine inclusivity. Not that it matters, the brass at the top is rotten and couldn't win a war if it had no opposition. They'll war with themselves, it's the individual battles within the military that rules everything

Y O U ' R E


ALL citizens have the right to fight and die for the banker.
Step right up!

>incompetent bitches trying ti LARP as men

Nah the problem is that the dudes all want to fuck the women and hey get pregnant or raped and automatically create drama just by their presence.

That'll change when Trump replaces all of Obongos liberal implants that don't bend the knee.

Did Barrak Hussein get congressional approval when he let trannies in the military six months before his term was up? Oh no that suuuuuucks.
Stick to getting cucked by migrants good goy.

Spoken like a properly clueless idiot like the rest of this retarded board.

Trannies don't serve in combat to begin with and never will. If you show up to a recruiter and say "I'm a tranny, I want to serve", he'll say "no thanks". The military does not recruit people with medical conditions like that. Hell, they won't even recruit you if have depression or are too fat and those are far more manageable than being a tranny.

Secondly, this whole policy refers to those personnel who are already serving but haven't undergone transition. So, if you're already in and then you decide "hey I wanna transition" 2 things will happen. They'll pay for your medical and they'll assign you to some random desk job where you'll be out of the way. Then, when your term of service is up, they'll probably discharge you or put you in a some other dull desk job. The military has no shortage of non-combat jobs that can be filled by any idiot with half a brain.

This whole discussion is totally meaningless. Trump tweeted what he did purely to distract everyone from his fight with Jeff Sessions. As usual, he's playing you all like a fiddle.

Not anymore, it costs too much to train and supply them, not to mention the other non-mentally ill people they get killed.

You are wrong.

I just hope it is reverse-psychology to get the faggots to sign up for cannon fodder.

That's nice, as previously stated, you aren't the real military anyways, you're a glorified adult daycare for the rejects of society. All the real military men are in the real military which has a relatively hidden existence while simultaneously dwarfing muh aremd cervices in budget. So go dilate yourself.

Are you all fucking stupid?

This and the "beef" between Trump/Sessions Scaramuci/Priebus are diversions to keep the msm's eyes off the fact that the deep state is going down this week.

Show your flag, leaf

why risk your career over something stupid? of course he will back down. its a retarded hill to die on

So don't train them, give them basic equipment and send them out as diversions.


Make them all perform EOD duty when you find IEDs.

There are a lot of thirsty officers nipping at the heals of this guy. This MG just sacrificed his position and will be bricked out of service until his contract drys up. That is if he doesn't outright get dischared for this.


Communism has infiltrated our nation to the top ranks of our nation over the last minimum 8 years and up to 25.

>shill faggot gets BTFO in the last thread he posted this fake news
>comes back for a second assfucking

MSM uses stock photo of air force jet to illustrate story of this bulldyke.

Lesbians cannot grow penises even with gallons of testosterone

Transgender is bullshit

Found the fucking chairforce loggie

He's literally waiting for the official directive from Trump.

Fake news media is deliberately misleading again; using headlines like the OP to make it sound like they're refusing to obey President Trump.

Are we just adding letters now? P = Perverts?

This a million times this!!!

Men tend to have a longer ring finger while women tend to have ring and index fingers that are similar in length.

check the digits on the bearded lesbian


At first I thought you were talking about comparing ring finger to my middle and I thought "Oh fug". Then I put it together and I noticed you were talking about my index.

Are the fingers really longer, or is the alignment of the hand and the knuckles different leading to a different fingerprint profile?

when all out war with Norks breaks out we can send all these degenerate mentally ill faggots to be used as meat shields just because worst korea is worth it.

Do you think all these generals are getting whiplash? They had to get used to diversity uber alles as the way to make progress in their careers (per lots of ex-military on Sup Forums), and then, Trump snaps the whip back in the other direction. All the heartfelt love of diversity they had to talk themselves into, they now have to go the other way or find some energy-consuming knife-edge position they have to take and maintain now. It'll wear them out.

Fingertip I mean.

Pedosexuals. Love is love, user. Don't be a bigot.

Yeah that's nice, except it's bullshit. cf women.

I honestly believe this whole transgenderism thing exists because people have too much time.

nope, its pedosexual

American government works by granting absolute power over particular parts of the organization. The president is their co-worker - the president is the commander to resolve deadlocks during strategy.

The president doesn't tell the military that it's going to use AK74's now, or who they can hire. 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' was completely informal, and Bill Clinton had to have convinced a lot of people to go along with him.

Trump did this to create a wedge issue during the 2018 midterms - voters will now feel compelled to demand the democrats and republicans take stands on this issue, and if democrats side with trannies it'll cost them many contentious races.

A transsexual was once defined as mentally ill, meaning they couldn't even own a gun. When the AMA said it was no longer a mental disorder, the legal basis for saying a transsexual has one ceased to exist.

When someone changes their legal sex, the government has to treat them like their new sex. A legal female joins the military as a female. Transsexuals, as legal females, still couldn't join the military because they had mental illness, and any form of mental illness disqualifies you from service.

Trannies in the military were allowed in on a waiver system, but now there's nothing they need a waiver for - no medical professional will give them the legal status they need to require one.

So in truth, there's nothing anyone can do about trannies in the military.


Hang on a sec, is the president not the Commander in Chief? The highest authority in the United States military? But people lower than him can just disobey him? Is that correct?

Ah, never mind, I see. It's one of those things where he's technically the highest authority but his subordinates can just not listen to him if there are enough deep state shills in Congress saying that he doesn't have the power to do this or that.

China and Russia will (rightfully) demolish us. Please cleanse this shithole