She was raped after she got away, she asked for help and the fucking Muslim who she asked help from raped her too.
Fucking savages.
She was raped after she got away, she asked for help and the fucking Muslim who she asked help from raped her too.
Fucking savages.
Get in here niggers
Isolated incident. Nothing to see here.
>Asking help from muslims
Lol she probs deserved it
There it is again.
I want to kill liberals so fucking much
I wonder how actual Asians feel when a muslim sandnigger is referred to as Asian in the media like this? Probably similar to the "white hispanic" phenomenon in America, I'd imagine.
Damn chinks
now they will never be caught because everyone is looking out for asians instead of bearded muslims
They are a part of Asia you stupid cunt.
Very specific. Much nuance. No agenda.
How would you feel if a muslim was referred to as white?
Oh please every group has bad eggs this proves nothing.
>British news
Citation needed. British newspapers are tabloid tier journalism.
So why do they call it islamaphobia and not asiaphobia?
insulted probably
The average Britbong doesn't care. They are absolutely fine with open borders and tranny sex changes.
Fucking chinks
intentionally misleading.
I've heard of this happening once before- to a 16 year old white girl in Atlanta.
Rapefugees are worse than niggers
Because fuck nuts can't tell the difference between Sikhs and Muslims as it is, imagine claiming it's a Muslim and it isn't a Muslim and the liberal media and social media will crucify them for daring to assume it's Muslims. It's specifically done to avoid that kind of logical fallacy.
Because Islamphobia is nothing to do with race, but a religion. People are Muslims from Cyprus to China. Japan has Muslims. Specifically saying it's a Muslim when it might be a Sikh or just a dark skinned faggot will result in the media being SHUT DOWN.
oh you cheeky libs
Not really. Are Filipinos Arab? No? Well they're a Muslim country. Are people from Brunei Arabs? No? Well they're Muslims. Are people from Burma Arab? No? Well they're Muslims. So on, so fucking forth. Gook looking fucks could be Muslims. Dago looking fucks could be Muslims.
>Because fuck nuts can't tell the difference between Sikhs and Muslims as it is, imagine claiming it's a Muslim and it isn't a Muslim and the liberal media and social media will crucify them for daring to assume it's Muslims. It's specifically done to avoid that kind of logical fallacy.
what a load of bullshit. all they have to say is middle-eastern.
>large build
must be londonistan
>6ft tall
We all know were talking about mudshit here, not japs or genghis khan.
But was it somebody from the middle east? Look at the description, fuck nut.
>Asian with LIGHT skin
That sounds like somebody from Gook/Chink/Nip land, not from Middle East.
The 2nd guy? That could be a Muslim Arab but no mention of skin colour.
Its part of their culture we must respect it and change are evil ways to make them feel comfortable.
At this point in time I feel I can only meme.
Fucking hell.
I never said they should call them muslim because you are right there is no fucking way to know what religion they are. Using asian instead of middle-eastern is intentionally misleading. When you use the word asian the image that comes to mind is not an Afghani or an Iraqi it is a Chinese or a Japanese person.
It was a sandnigger and you fucking know it.
If you are white and born in Japan you arent a fucking asian you retard.
Asian=mongoloid race
Middle easterners and north africans are not fucking asian, your retarded country is literally the only one who calls them this to be misleading.
Philippines is chiefly Roman Catholic
I saw more white people there than anyone looking like they worship rocks or wear ninja gear
Sloppy seconds
Lmao I don't care anymore. I hope Muslims conquer this country sooner.
>Rapefugees are worse than niggers
Gotta disagree with you there, Bob.
If it was an actual east Asian, they'd have said Oriental. We all know they were curry arabs.
Who remembers when stuff like this was shocking? Now its just another statistic. I hate how i'm numbed to this shit
>light skin
Have you ever met somebody from north africa? alot of them are pretty light
Are you sure you dont just want bloody war regardless of the outcome?
Found the shitskin arab
You think orientals like being lumped with you subhumans?
It's always these yellow, sqinty eyed, rice munching chinks that go around town and rape uncontrollably.
leftist paradise, everyone.
White Brits will never fight back. There won't be a war.
I live in Aylesbury
A highly muslim area, comparable to big cities
every Friday night the pakis come out of their club, and the whites come out of our club
We have brawls in the middle outside the kebab shops
Shit is so glorious
It's a generic term which isn't really a problem. Britain has always differentiated it via Middle-East and Far-East. Gooks et al are Far-East. Calling them Asians is to cover their asses, we all know media is liberal, they don't want to offend their customers so they use generic terms. How is that bad?
Light skin sandnigger? News to me. Second one sounds like it. Dunno what your problem is mate, a Muslim is a Muslim and has the same mind set no matter what country they're from.
I never said that. And no weren't not.
Then if we know what it means, what's the problem? Could call them Turltecunts and people would know what it means eventually.
Mongoloid is rayciss
Use Celestial instead
This sad brit is a perfect example of how misleading reporting can fool the weak.
It would require government collapse. No point in waging war against the british state and muslims while they are united.
I don't think I've ever read about as many rapes i have in the last two months. Feminists really shit the bed on this one
because they only use generic terms to protect the minorities. you can be damn sure that if it was a white british man that commited these crimes, there would be no ambiguous language.
>attempting to rationalise the rape of white children
fuck off
Talk about bad luck! It reminds me of a joke:
There's a young boy at the edge of the Grand Canyon, slightly scuffed up, and bawling his eyes out. An old man comes up to him to ask what is wrong.
The crying boy explains that his family's car skidded out of control and dumped into the grand canyon. He got tossed out before they went down in the car.
The old man says 'so your family all died in a car crash and you're here all by yourself?'
The crying boy said yes.
The old man pulls down his zipper and says 'Aw kid, this just isn't your lucky day!'
>Get raped by Muslim
>Ask Muslim for help
The brainwashing is strong with the yuropoor
It was a pasty muslim or person of muslim heritage and you know it.
t. (((asian)))
wow an arab with light skin.
Why do non-British, especially Americans, say this every thread? In Bongland "Asian" means Indian/Paki. It isn't some kind of psyop.
They wanted diversity and enrichment, why should we care?
teach your girls to shoot.... oh wait...
are you starting to see how retarded the EU is everyone.... dont fucking make us come save your asses again
Yes, that's what I said. It's obvious. It's misleading to say "Asian" instead of "Middle Eastern".
We have always been at war with eastasia
Islam isn't a race, and white Muslims are the worst.
>It isn't some kind of psyop.
But it clearly is, dumbass
he said what
He probably meant worse than American niggers, which is probably true, but nigger rapefugees are the worst of all
Why did her parents allow her out by herself in the middle of an active war for control of the country?
Arabs are semetic people from Asia yes but not asian, intentionally misleading. You say asian you think of chinese or Nippon. You say arab you think of fucking arab.
saved to muh russia folder
Oh since you are american I should explain. Asian means muslim in the UK.
There is no ambiguity. Its so synomymous that you would even accuse them of trying to deceive.
I'd have given her a hand... or two. :^)
>"Europe" appears from an arbitrary border
What are we gonna do about the gook rape epidemic of our female kin, pol?
Jokes aside.
In germany they say southerner
Thx for not foing full orwell and sparing us thd courtesy of mentioning their ethnicity, like the sweden where they just say "swedish men".
>Philippines (5.6% Muslim)
>Muslim country
Every second a kekistani doesn't admit that shitskins rape because they are gentically inferior, a child is raped.
Every Muslim has their own patented rape techniques.
She learns slowly.
No it isn't, you mong. It's a difference between British and American English.
Post yfw your country is not cucked
In what fucking country coul-
>it's us
oh, well of course it is
Jordan Peterson "We need to establish a dialogue with these people even though they are too retarded for conversation, they definitely don't rape because they haven't evolved for delayed gratification and empathy or anything like that haha. Only one race the human race peace and love."
But they're not Asian. They're arabs. That's like saying Russians are Asian because the majority of their country is in Asia. Calling arab rapists "Asians" is disingenuous because actual Asians (I guess you would call them orientals???) do exist and tend to assimilate well into western culture without raping.
Fuck it, not only did a girl get raped twice, now Sup Forums eats my post and I waste doubles.
you fucking bongs are retarded. asian means jap, chink, gook. middle eastern is kebab. I guess it takes the colonies to school you on your own fucking grammar
Your country is actually cucked by the Narco, your people is kidnapped and beheaded everyday.-