Whats next for her ?

Whats next for her ?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hopefully the chamber.

Real? Nice.

Puffy ass nipples, would still smash



Now that's the spirit of 1776!

Escaping indictment and evading justice while Trump conveniently does nothing and let's her brother prosecute her case in court

Whoa I was not expecting her to look that good.

Would grind her pussy to dust and cuddle after/10

She's so fucking ugly dude she looks like a lizard

Gang rape then gas

hopefully my lampshade


this is pathetic

pretty much. its all just a big game.

did anyone ever find out that woman on the left's name? i'm assuming she's not a pornstar?

Why would he bother doing anything? He's a big supporter of nepotism

probably this

Greg Lansky literally swims in shekels, because inferior fucks love being infernal cucks.

Nice bait. Have a (you).



Her boobs are solid

Boobs are gone. Multiple breast cancer surgeries.

That's a shame, now she's just a jewess

Further physical & psychological decay

good example of do bad stuff and it drags you down

Textbook example of butterface.

Damn she had a nice rack.

>ITT people thinking that's really her

Any proof that he's actually a jew though? I mean I don't doubt he is. But still, proofs?

What's wrong with her belly button? One pic looks saggy as fuck and the other looks like there is an eye looking at me.

What's the source of these nudes? Looks like she was at Woodstock '94 or something.

Are you retarded?

Someone's tweeted this to her, right?


No. Now post proof.

she has some pretty nice tits really

Holy fuck I didn't actually consider these were real

That reptile face

> Wonder what it turns into if someone spills a little human blood in it's presence

milf porn

-ski is polish but -sky is jewish

The rope

Lansky is a Jewish last name you fag




He couldn't be more Jewish even if he was named Shekelstein

(((Deborah))) (((Wasserman))) (((Schultz)))

Martin (((Schulz))) -> turbo jew of the EU.
They're probably related.

I tried making it easy to understand.

BTW wiki says this:

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debbie_Wasserman_Schultz

"She is the first Jewish congresswoman elected from Florida."


Do you supppse he's a pole, born in france, who had a job in french tv and then pornography? If that doesn't set off your heebdar, you'd have to assume he'd be dumb enough to say that he's a kike making porn about defiling shiksas.

Are these girls related or the same person?


The sequel

debbie does tokyo

Square broomsticks

I'd fuck that demon humping whore.

She will do 8 years prison before being paroled. She will be so desperate and destitute, she will resort to doing granny/incest porn for money$$.

Her and Podesta are literally demons

her hair looks disgusting

Is it just me or is her greasy hair indicative of poor feminine hygiene, particularity in the vagina region?

Didn't Milena Trump pose nude? (maybe some has pics) I suppose that would at least qualify her as First Lady.

Fucking seriously...?
