Don Jr's last two retweets are highly suspicious
Don Jr's last two retweets are highly suspicious
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If the right brings down the Hillary wing of the Democrats, they're doing our job for us :)
*smacks lips profusely*
*takes deep breath*
Why didn't the bernouts ever go after hillary?
Fuck, half of them may as well been sucking her clit after their boy bernie got played by the corrupt witch, and /their guy/ seth rich got murdered for exposing the corruption in action.
There are several critical pieces in the Trumpening and one of the most important is by an outraged Berniebot who explained why he voted Trump: reason number one was him actually bothering to read Wikileaks and seeing that Clinton and DWS cheated to steal the California primary from Bernie.
Bernie is an idiot. Please let him take over.
Doesn't matter if they try to bury the story. Spread it on social media like a plague.
>using social media
I'll take "already been discredited" for 500, Alex! Wow, the guy who was caught redhanded colluding with Russia is now throwing a tantrum over muh DNC computers again. Its almost as if this entire narrative was debunked over a year ago! The walls are closing in. God, knowing how much the Trumps are shaking gives me such joy; nirvana. Aww, poor wittle Donny, maybe you should catch the next pwane to Afwica. I'm sure shooting another endangered elephant will make you feel better. Hmm...elephant...endangered...almost seems like an omen...
I unironically think there is more common ground with the bern outs than with Hillary at the moment. Better middle class living, infrastructure, America first and no stupid foreign entanglements. After that it's Bernie's an idiot. But there are a few battles I would join bernista's on.
Thanks for the bump
That's what we always wanted to do. Now... let us back in academia and shit of that nature so we can stop the pozz.
There always has been, and always will be more common ground with them. They aren't neoliberals who bow down to bankers and anti-sovereignty agendas. Neoliberals are literally that, they are the worst of every contemporary ideology.
Ya but look at her tits
Your hairs on fire
10,000 of them did at the convention, but Cernovich was the only one who noticed them.
*robs stores*
.....35 years ago
liberals are retarded. if a jew was raping them they would bend over and say they like it
You are mentally retarded. Thanks for the bump.
my god those are hideous. I can't get hard and I watch futa
Get a grip you idiot, beanies age would have made him the oldest president of all time, and you believe tacking four years on will be acceptable?
Yeah I woulda nutted in her.
can we just admit that like every other day nothing is happening?
i've been here since Sup Forums was Sup Forums in 2006. What the fuck is futa? What is shota?
wtf is up with her stomach/belly button area
>watch futa
Anime videos are cancer you dunce, and that's coming from a guy that faps to image hentai every other day.
Also, futa is gay and weird, you should take the patrician route and go for normal natural boipuccies.
nigger semen is highly acidic
> kekistan flag
> shilling for Bernie
Most Bernie people are well meaning folks, but they unironically believe the 'free shit' meme.
Free Helicopter rides for them all!
Growing up in a pedo cult must've been full of feels.
wont this guy be like 90 in 2020?
Fuck that commie juden and his supporters.
I honestly dont mind Hillary voters nearly as bad as berniecucks because at least Hillary voters arent out to steal all my money so they can get "free college" because they are too fucking pussy to just go sign their life to the military for 4 years.
futa -> gay
shota -> gayer and also pedo
But it won't because as expected media coverage of this presidency is a constant stream of vitriol to shape public opinion against it. And Trump makes that easy.
At this point it's seeming like there will never be a republican president again, and why should there be? Have you seen the budget they decided on?
There's no conservatives in washington.
Assuming we won't be coming for you people next....
>better middle class living
>give niggers more money!
Bernouts are all idiots who attempted to distance themselves from the corrupt left, but continued to suck that blue cock after Bernie bent over for it.
Neolibs and Neocons are just two flavors of post-modernist charcoal.
They both need to burn. The whole of modernity needs to be trashed all the way back to pre-Marxist thought.
The Awan Brothers(Pakistan IC) got Intel on India from the DNC(Who is working with China).
[Pakistan vs India vs China] is how WW3 is likely going to get started. Keep track of Military Movements & Border Clashes.
(KB Thread Archives: archive.4plebs.org
The DNC can add "Potentially starting WW3" to there long list of Crimes(Working with Islamic Groups connected to Terrorists, Trafficking, Pedophilia, Voter Fraud, using "Clean Up Crews" for Wetwork & Paid Protests).
>Neolibs and Neocons are just two flavors of post-modernist charcoal.
>They both need to burn.
yup, new modernist party forming based around rejecting slavery and monopoly
>“I swear, [the Office of Management and Budget] just went through and whenever there was ‘grant,’ they just X it out,” Collins says. “With no measurement, no thinking about it, no metrics, no nothing. It’s just incredibly irresponsible.”
Butterfaces are the best lays tho
I dunno, why didn't trump go after hillary?
Ironic faggotry is still faggotry, faggot. "I was just pretending to be retarded" isn't going to save you from the rope.
>When you've been up for 23 hours now because Sup Forums said it was happening and you really want to go to bed but you can't because Sup Forums said it's happening
they're all globalists and they all should be arrested
>Smacking lips about Clinton corruption
>Supports a Jew who is under investigation of Bank Fraud
I wonder who's behind this post.
did you like your thread frank?
Exactly as we were warned
all according to keikaku
Its always happening. Go to bed
Those tan lines. 2/10
You alt-right fucks should burn too.
Leftist and Libertarian master races for the win!
money and brainwashing.
>bernie gets scammed by the DNC
>instead of standing up and calling bullshit he keeps his mouth shut
>gets a third house
looks like another nothingburger been serving those the whole day guys its nothing im going back to bed pretty sleepy zzz...
If bernouts still support this old cuck after letting hillary step all over him then trump still wins
>nice tits and body but still a butterfaced jew
No wonder why she grew up to be a total cunt.
they did. search for sane progressives on yt. they exist.
bernie was a cabal sheepdog.
Bern scammed you and then sold out (on top of already being retarded). Why don't you see that?
she isn't arrest yet
they're so slow
SHe doesn't have tits any more.
In her 40s she got breast cancer and had her tits cut off.
I hate to break it to you buddy, but Trump would have smoked Bern by a larger margin than he beat Hillary. I guess it's always fun to dream though, so go ahead little buddy. DREAM BIG LEAGUE.
>beautiful green eyes and tressled hair
mfw you will never be exsanguinated by a heartless DNC-insider demoness
Thanks for the quick rundown frankie
1. ur gay
2. if ur gonna use a semicolon like a fag, at least use it right.
I did swap to President Trump after seeing the shit show that lead to Hillary getting the nomination and disgusted by the dumpster fire that was the Democratic National Convention. I've had people questioning my sanity for going from Bernie to Trump.
Fuck them all, all the friends I've lost because how dare I vote for a misogynist, racist, asshole that wants to protect America instead of virtue signaling and voting a woman in despite all her crimes. I will have the last laugh.
Bernie couldn't vote himself out of a wet paper bag.
I like the people who say it isnt her. Unusual eye color plus the teeth and the fact it looks just like her but young. The funniest thing is how she never changed her 'look' in 35 years same hair and horrible eye makeup.
>My name is H.A. Goodman and I'm author, columnist, slow-loris & Bernout
Still pretty good desu. He has a deep hatred for Hill.
If this is correct and provable isn't this like balls on fire treason straight to firing squad? I've been trying to figure out which shoe is first to drop there are so many possible crimes.
1. Awan / DWS / Democrats - Awan was arrested and Trump tweeting about it so this pretty much be it at this point.
2. Muller announces results of his investigation and turns it on the democrats.
3. Pizzagate breakthrough of some kind / arrests
4. FBI CF investigation results announced
Example for Clinton she could go down for one of a myriad of outstanding crimes.
- Murdering witnesses / leakers
- Illegal foreign influence (pay for play)
- Benghazi coverup / weapon running in Syria
- Election related illegal behavior (voting related, rigging, etc)
- Uranium scandal
- Evidence of a hidden health condition she lied about during the election (not a crime but a scandal)
-many many more...
The cunt is going to get away with everything and Trump isn't going to do shit.
Are you sure that's her?
The real Wasserman-Schultz has Baal branded on her midriff; this gal has Asmondeus. (See pic).
An obvious forgery.