Hello Sup Forums. It's still happening. All hell is gonna break lose very soon.
Just pay attention to the president's twitter, as well as Trump Jr's. The happening is going to start there.
That's all, thanks!
Hello Sup Forums. It's still happening. All hell is gonna break lose very soon.
Just pay attention to the president's twitter, as well as Trump Jr's. The happening is going to start there.
That's all, thanks!
Other urls found in this thread:
No trip code nice LARP
We shall see...
Pretty happening day but we shall see...
fuck you, LARPfag
Any info on press briefing today?
Let us know you are legit.
kys and go and jack off
t. Trump Jr
give actual facts or fuck off... this place is not your rumor mill...
Muh happening
NSA user here...
We've tracked OP's IP address and are sending agents to OP's basement dwelling ASAP.
Is this the HAPPENING?
Bumping just in case. Some real interesting shit's already been RT'd by Trump and Trump Jr.
The amount of you stupid motherfuckers who've not figured out yet that this is the new Shareblue tactic is utterly astonishing. Stop posting.
If I had to guess, this alleged happening would have to be about DWS, the Awans and potentially the DNC. It could theoretically be the first domino that goes all the way up to Clinton, Podesta and anyone else implicated.
Believe me, it's just the start.
Nice flag faggot.
I think the happening is the Republicans finally growing a pair, and gutting the Dems plans with their own and passing that amendment to investigate Comey and Hillary. How coincidental there's reports of shootings in D.C. now suddenly.
Tripcode user is fake.
Fuck off with this larp bullshit. Even if WH user is real or any other faggot user who claims happening is going to happen, what the fuck does it matter? What is the point in telling people something is going to happen soon or on some arbitrary date? Something will either happen or not, your existence is fucking meaningless. Go fuck your dad if you want attention.
Remember, be careful of what you pay attention too. There's gonna be a lot of distractions.
When will Trump do a public address about all this? Will there be shootouts in DC?
This has been pointed out before.
Thanks, Don Jr
Keep us posted.
I understand, but the amendment and investigation I'm speaking of was already confirmed.
>Go fuck your dad if you want attention.
That would get your attention? Faggot.
If we are to believe you, could you perhaps offer some further insight into what will be happening? Ideally something falsifiable, e.g.,
Will there be any relevant information in the WH press briefing starting shortly?
Will the DOJ respond to the House Judiciary Committee's request by appointing an Obama-Clinton Special Counsel -- is that going to happen today?
Or will we have an immediate indication that Mueller has been pardoned and/or that his investigation has been "flipped"?
Yep. Niggers killing each other is nothing new. For it to suddenly be breaking news is. That tells us a lot.
Give a tough time of day EST. Some of us have work to do.
The president plans to make an address about this tomorrow if all goes according to plan.
How do we know it is you? There have been so many LARPers.
Ban OP
I see your father already fucked you first, eh
You're not even using the right pic, you dumb nigger larp.
what excactly is a "trip code"?
we can already see theres a lot going on and I want to thank you for giving us these breadcrumbs. It's been fun.
4 to 5 PM EST. That's when it should start.
With you mother fuckers
Will we finally enter the age of Aquarius?
WOW a lot of Larping today, Frank came back too
wh press briefing. prepare for nothing
Why should I fly the flag of a superfluous "nation" instead of the one for the only true government?
To my knowledge, there won't be anything special in the briefing.
I want to see some big name arrests, user.
All hell is gonna break "lose"
sure thing buddy
Anon5 has been here for a year. Are you afraid of his information being legitimized?
Everyone calling LARP is just butthurt from previous let downs. But it is apparent to me that the shit is about to hit the fan. DJT this morning teased that he is aware of the Awans. So did his son. He deliberately has not pressed the issue though--just a RT--helping seed the story into public consciousness. All the dominos are queued up: he just needs to give the most minimal tap.
that's a jtrig thread.
>some of us actually know who anon5 id
>it's not frank.
No turns out its its just nigs nigging.
Can you give us a hint as to what kind of happening will it be? News drop? Military action?
As I said previously, there's gonna be a domino effect. It's already started with Awan.
>Remember, be careful of what you pay attention too. There's gonna be a lot of distractions.
WH user, do you know Victory of the Light?
nah this is all shilling. anon5 might be onto something.
OP, it's really hard to believe you. I want to, but we've been taken for a ride so many times. Can you give us any other meaningful clues?
Fake as fuck. Its T O T A L L Y happening this time :^)
WH user
Can you get an upskirt of KAC
It's for my friend
Make all of our dreams come true.
Is there going to be a headline that's full blown 0-100 happening tier or just more of this puzzle piece stuff?
i agree. it's time for a grain of proof.
FBI are arresting Debbie aren't they
Somebody's lying
lurk more
debbie's dunnzo
bumping for interest
you must be new
trip code user was fake you degenerate
Were this a distraction?
You faggots are all sheep. You follow the words of some fuck who calls himself WH user. He's obviously looking for attention otherwise he'd say 100% what was happening. kill yourselves.
yup shes fkd.
the first to talk will get the best deal. Guys screenwrite this, make a movie. You're gonna be rich.
No, just admittedly desperate to see some progress in DC.
Seriously, every time you post it's a double decker nothing burger
This. Fucking murdering pedo.
im bored
in that order?
Just give it time. It's all gonna fall into place.
Why do all the shills use this flag?
Is it cuz yall are from /leftypol/ or because it's easier to figure out who to attack and who to help out?
fuck you nigger
Thanks for the tips! Hopefully you make another documentary about these happenings to tell the true story! Sorry about ur gold farming business!!!
if it smells like pizza? what do you think?
Shut the fuck up syrup nigger
If President Trump can put those pieces of shit he will be remembered as one of the greatest Presidents in the history of our country.
Mooch, you're doin' a heck of a job over there in the WH. Keep it up, and keep us posted.
VERY IMPORTANT(Just like the KB threads:archive.4plebs.org
1) [A "US Spring" into Coup/Civil War is planned for the US.]
Leftist Networks(allied with Islamic Networks), Deep State/Shadow Government forces(Some of the Black Budget funds have went into an Army, designed for COG(Continuity of Government) situations) & Globalists(such as Soros) plan on doing a "Color Revolution" inside the US.
Learning/Researching how the Arab Spring & Ukraine was done is going to be quite helpful in the future.
2) [Awan Brothers(Pakistan) got Intel on India from the DNC(Who is working with China).]
[Pakistan vs India vs China] is a very likely WW3 scenario.
I believe you, but why post here at all? As you can clearly see, most of us are retarded.
ur not the real one larper
Will it be news headlines.
Will we know its happening when it happens?
Stop shitting up our WH LARP threads with your raging autism, Frank. Your shit is so last season.