Frank is a disinformation agent, or a schizophrenic. Either way, its dangerous when Frank and his astroturfing campaign come into the board and start spamming disinfo. We have enough larpers from VOTL to "anon222" (I didn't know he was a thing until a few minutes ago)
ITT we put an end to Franks BULLSHIT
Daily Dose:
he said Niggers literally come from outer space I am off the Franktrain
How can birds be real if dinosaurs aren't real?
reminder that Frank was assigned to take people away from /ewo/ and he started spamming disinfo about "human trafficking" at bestbuy. He didn't even say which one specifically.
>Victory if larp, 222 fag goes down without shilling
>faggot5 always under hardcore attack
who the fuck is 222 and when did he start? Was his debut today?
>12 posts
Trying too hard causes rejection idiot
he has those threads titled "Answers" that started a week or two ago
I don't mind his threads and they get the noggin joggin but seriously, he's a guy named Frank. End of story.
Frank is involved in a disinformation campaign on par with flat earth. Read this to better understand how they operate. They flock to certain threads about conspiracy theories specifically. It's called "cognitive infiltration" and it spawned from Obama's jewish "information Czar" Cass Sunstein
thats because I can only post 1 picture at a time and I had like 9 different Frank images documenting his disinformation crusade
>A fucking leaf
so what, you expect me to like your larp over his? At least he makes his posts interesting.
You could have made an imgur gallery so you didn't look like you have an axe to grind.
to be fair on that "women were once feral" bit, a prevailing theory on how modern man came about was that we more or less "domesticated" ourselves, via stuff like agriculture and basic masonry, to become what we are today.
Not even kidding, look it up, its a really interesting theory.
>at least he's interesting
>Idk if he posts bullshit about the Jesuits and defends Jews
>idc if he his grammar is on par with illiterate negro's from Baltimore
Can Frank figure out which one to use? That is the question
there can be only 1 messenger...
Wow there is a lot of embedded CP being posted in this thread. Lurkers take note, this is a shill operation attempting to compromise Sup Forums. This op was a test run for CNN's dox that followed a month later.
Quick rundown please
I read some of his shit, but since I read here he's a freak I don't know what to think
/ourguy/ or /retard/?
Thanks fellow leaf, saved it all. I call out frank when I see him shilling in other threads. Never did save anything from his dox though.
You know that this is the exact thing that a couple of people say every time Frank's dox gets posted?
>At least he makes his posts interesting.
Word for word
Nice one Frank
Doesn't really matter what you think of that A5 guy, be careful downloading those dox images and memes though.
I dont know who Frank is but the idea of some Canadian, probably living in New Brunswick, shitting himself over some facebook poster called Frank is giving me shits.
He's just a huge narcissist. Think of it like someone who posts for (you)s but shitposting in threads isn't good enough so he shills for his shit threads where he can jerk off to all of the (you)s.
He said that the holocaust happened and the deathcamps were real.
example of the red-herring Frank and friends want us to chase after
It's the (((chinese))) remember that
Stop diddling kids
Your argument is illogical since it is commonly claimed that the CCP was infiltrated by "Jews" during the revolution. Therefore going after Triad groups (now CCP controlled) means you are going after Jews.
Your desire to keep people from targeting the lifelines that supply the mainland US with humans is telling.
This was the highlight of the night. I'm still laughing
This board is such shit hole.
Ban all larp threads
Ban all (((e-celeb))) threads
Ban pizza gate, adrenochrome dealers disinfo threads
Frank have you been ok recently? Taking your meds? You aren't even trying to hide your samefagging
this too
At this point I'm totally unsure if some of you are just mentally ill, suffering delusions from excessive drug use, or some combination of both.
I get called a shill for debunking franks nonsense. I get called a shill for talking about the Presidio and Franklin scandal.
Dat projection
I'm smokin' on that knowledgebomb, son
>Ban pizza gate
What's wrong with investigating pedophiles user?
>inb4 basement nonsense
lmao this can't be real, Frank is such a retard
apparently intelligence agents looks into Frank. The investigation took a few months but the CIA concluded that Frank was just a lil' nigga and (((anon5))) is someone else
pic related
good i can't stand filthy frank and his endlessly shit posting up other threads with his schizo delusions
How do we know that you're not A5 using another Proxy?
He is some retarded LARPer that started believing the shit he creates. You can see all of his autism on endchan.
He always feeds off of the investigation effort of other anons to create his LARPs, so they always read out as half plausible and half retarded.
I think it was pretty obvious he was a shill when he spent 3 hours bumping his own thread with no replies when Sup Forums was in shillcon 1 last December.
If you have paid attention to him you will have noticed several times where he would get stuff wrong, or would retcon information which he originally didn't have.
One of the more recent times this happened was when Trump issued the air strike on Syria. In mid thread A5 just suddenly realized that Trump was being manipulated. Wouldn't a figure with as much intel as A5 claims to possess know for a fact that Trump planned the attack in advanced, or know that Trump was in the process of planning it? If that was true A5 would have predicted it prior to it happening.
>deep digging CP hidden in Sup Forums images of frank
Frank you are fucking retarded. Just stop.
Or maybe I'm just a guy who thinks it's funny to troll you Shills and keep you in a state of agitation
Funny you bring up the Syrian strike, as Frank always makes his LARP consistent with what he perceives to be the most accepted opinion on Sup Forums. Perfect example is his constant shifting between Assad and Trump, almost exactly in line with the rest of Sup Forums.
He is desperately afraid of his post going unnoticed so he adjust them accordingly. It is hilarious seeing his reaction when his threads get no responses.
Get some help, Frank, this shit isn't healthy.
>i was just pretending to be retarded
Ok Frank
Yes, we're the shills. I brought up Laura Silsby and Frank and friends attacked me and said I was chasing a stale lead and it was taking away from their investigation into bestbuy human trafficking lmao
Say hello to the beetles!
He also larps as white house user. You can tell by excessive apostrophe's usage and poor grammer/thoughts.
Nice capitalization on that random noun like you always do, Frank. There are no shills here btw /retard/
I also noticed how Frank started using the
>call them a shill when they are on to you
tactic around the same time the discord shills started doing it too.
He really is quite unoriginal, isn't he?
All of this is not to say that people from high places have not posted on Sup Forums before...
This is all very amusing and entertaining.
I have to say, the process of breaking your Mental States down is really fascinating to watch. I have never gotten to see that firsthand before.
Stop posting CP
That guy's rationalization of what he was participating in was depressing
Yes goy, it's bestbuy and freight trains. Forget about the fact that billionaire pedophiles have the ability to move children around in limousines (like Bonacci said they did in the Franklin Scandal)
They literally post pictures/diagrams of train tracks in /htg/ threads, wtf are we supposed to do with that??
fuck off kike
Frank, you're lucky because I have to go to costco but when I get back I'm turning the gas back on and tn when /htg/ larpfest starts I'm going all out
>stop posting CP
Even your go to defense is unoriginal. Do you really think there are no oldfags who remember when that was an actual thing?
You probably don't even know how it works, because you obviously don't know that moot changed the way image uploading works to address that very issue.
kys leaf faggot
So why does Frank always post in those threads? Could he really be shareblue?
The timing of the start of his posting lines up pretty handily with them, afterall.
I also remember him posting and bumping his threads during the very first shillstorm Sup Forums
>ctr confirmed real
>all anons either stopped posting or stuck in one of the two generals to weather it out
Yet strangely enough, Frank didn't get the memo.
Really makes one contemplate.
You don't have to be an oldfag to remember that. Some of your friends were posting it in pizzagate investigation threads before you got people to focus on Comet Ping Pong.
In [Pic Related] is the Shill Operation being done against the KB Threads/Comments.
It was started on 6/2 & then on 6/3 the London Bridge Attack happened. The Shills had foreknowledge about the Terror Attack due to them being part of the same ISIS Network (That also did the Manchester & Westminster Attacks), which is why they did/started the Shill Operation a day before in hopes of discrediting the KB Threads ahead of time.
Bilderberg (which was going on during that Timeframe), IC “fingerprints” & those in CNN familiar with Doxing were also involved. CNN eventually made a deal with ISIS to hire that ISIS Filmmaker if they Doxed that Trump GIF Sharer for them. The exact same tactic of “doxing a random person (who then deletes accounts after seeing/finding out about the dox) in hopes to use that person’s information to attack someone/something else” was done in both cases. (The Shills really went “all in” after a Red Herring, showing desperation & paranoia)
The Shills put “Deep Drive” CP into the “Frank Memes/Images/Pics” they tend to post. It’s called “Deep Drive” CP because it’s still in the computer(s) even if the images are deleted & special/advanced tech/hardware/security systems are required to spot/detect it. (This type of CP is predominately used for Blackmail & Compromising. CP Distributors have access to it)
“Deep Drive” CP is how they are going to bring down Sup Forums (Hiro & Moderators take note) by “Poisoning the Well” with images/memes that have it. Pedophile Operatives inside Governments/Agencies/Military’s will use it to Compromise everyone (“Good Guys” & “Bad Guys”, Pedo’s are Evil that will spare no one) unless they are stopped beforehand.
They will also try to start War(while also killing Trump’s admin as “revenge” for taking down the Pedo Networks) by say “Russia” put the CP on/in the computers. Pedo’s will use the confusion to hide, escape and/or claim “innocence”.
What a sad thread with so many sad people in it.
We believe in you anon5. Fuck the shills.
LARP flag for a LARP obsession. Should have had better opsec, Frank, then you wouldn't have gotten doxed.
Stop being a faggot and get over it. Every tripfag that gets doxed like this always does the same shit.
Silly attempt to do a character assassination. It will never work. Just give up. Sad op and sad shills.
holy shit the delusion
gullible redditors
That's just Frank with a proxy. He isn't good at timing his fake responses at all.
Guy is a faggot.
Why not just, you know, filter the trip?
Noticed this too. His timed responses are literally within seconds of each other and he often forgets how to represent each semi-larp-proxy well enough to sell his larpy lie.
that attention whoring larper needs to fuck off already
Consitor suicide faggot
Exactly like that kid who claimed to have a car in elementary school, but nobody could see it.
I was lurking htg general last night and frank was shilling hard.
I am Frank.
How my I assist you?
Hey 6, what it do? Gimmie some juicy pasta.
Fuck kikenon5