What are your thoughts on Quebec joining america and becoming a state?
Quebec a State
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No, instead, purge you fucking disgusting French shits and anglify the province.
Triggered anglo canadians as soon as I post Quebec
do americans want another louisiana?
Quebec is a disgusting shithole infested by filthy frogs. Hurry up and separate so we can watch you all starve.
The Eternal Anglo reveals itself once again.
hey, go nuts. you'll be their financial burden instead, and i won't have to learn your janky language to have a government job
saged for other happenings
Why should we join the US and become the French version of Mexicans
Quebec libre tabarnak
I have the pleasure to announce you your opinions doesn't matter because you're not the one who the question was asked to.
Stie caves.
Let the ignorant frenchies separate from cuckanada and become a us state, then they amerifags problem
>what are your thoughts on this?
>>i didn't ask YOU
ahahhahaa, fuck off retard
Thank I was waiting for a reply, so yeah, clearly the question is what do Americans think about that, not you Jean, we know what you're thinking about it and its lame and uninteresting to hear about because you know jack shit about fuck all you contrarian chuckle fuck
I leave this shit here ... m.youtube.com
And this
And thisss ...
Fuck now I need some selenium and water filters
Works for me. Get those slug eating demi-niggers outta here.
And if you looking for a puzzle...find 9 crusifiction nails on this picture..
Have a great day Twinks
Why are anglos so tsundere toward us?
No, 90% of them will vote blue.
pretty sure the only person that could make this happen is Gary Bettman
Yes you do
I'm actually all for it. Canada,Mexico, Iceland et al. Manifest Destiny required for any NAFTA deal
Actually, our blue is your red and our red is your blue.
Ok later chumps
I'm ok with it
If cali leaves you can be the 50th
Way cooler than Leafrican Americans.
Much better food than maple syrup and moose dick
Nationalist as fuck
Speak fucked up retarded version of french
Incredibly liberal
Everything that isn't Montreal is mostly snow and beaver dams
Nationalist as fuck... but just about Quebec.
You will never escape you fucking frogs
why would the fucked french matter to youm you dont even understand it one way or another, I bet youre with the nsa and mad that theres no english to quebecer translation machine
yes please take them. Seriously, you guys could call them "GibMe".
Can someone please explain to me why Quebec hates the rest of Canada? Canada in general is a very good country so I don't understand why they want independence.
I speak regular french, not the stupid snow-creole that is québécois
Cuz you talk to us in English when we speak french to you. French are also told when in first grade that their better than anglos (I know this cause I have full french school education up to grade 8) and that's what the teacher was telling us. Then there is the fact that no matter where you go in Canada the signs are all English AND french, but in Quebec all signs are french ONLY no English anywhere. Then there is the fact that Quebecers don't want to learn English even though the rest of the country MUST learn a certain amount of french in their school curriculum. And that's just a FEW of the reasons why the Frenchmen are very disliked
Canadian from outside of Quebec. THIS is the greatest idea ever. I am excited for Quebec and the USA. Canada would be an Alt-Right Paradise without QC shifting everything extremely socialist.
Seriously we'd have conservative governments for the next century!!! :D:D
No you speak with a terrible accent and get lost in paraphrasing.
But I bet it's cute to watch you trying tho
Louisiana is the sportsmans paradise so yes
America is in a turn up...SO qubec should turn american is they want jobs.
>I am american.
America is doing alright so qubec should just go be american.
Kind of why Lesotho dislikes S Africa, and why Palestine hates Israel, and why Ireland hates the U.K.
In all these cases, the ETERNAL ANGLO circles a big part of a map and says "ok this is a country now", and there is a group in there that is not ethnically or historically linked to the rest and they're like "um wtf we aren't part of those guys you just made a country", and Britain and the new country's ruling class are like "yes you fucking are now shut the fuck up."
For the memes, it's worth it.
Also, You must not forget that the original initiative of the French Canadian patriots was to become a republic, like the United states, and postulate to join.
>TFW louisiana has more guns then canada as a whole.
>TFW hunting and boating and fishing and shoot and ATVing are all things they do and better because you can just do it instead of asking the crown for permission.
I would rather die than have the 51st state be one that doesn't speak English. The Samoans or Guamanian deserve a state more than the frogs will.
Quebec is a hinderence to the Canadian economy. All they have ever produced for Canada is SJW, s and Liberal PMs.
The running joke is if the rest of CANADA were allowed to vote in their seperation referendom. They'd be gone.
Why not make it a thing? QUEBEC FREE NOW!
Running joke? I personally moved to Montreal in 1996 took up residency just to vote for sovereignty. Independence from Quebec would be the start of Canada's golden age!!!
Are you sure you'd want it? Quebec is gayest place in Canada. If Canada was a faggot (visualize Justin Treudeau) Queeerbec would be canadas butthole region.
>posts on Sup Forums
>dislike the most nationalist and and racist people in canada
Montreal fags (the liberal fags) are not québécois btw
Nah, That's toronto.
They have BLM, We don't.
Escape from Montreal
>implying im from that shithole