Plus details on the Australian government jailing Christians in 2017 / 2008 for "religious vilification" of the self confessed 1) Satanic 2) Blood Drinking 3) Child abusing cult.
Case law for 2008 incident can be found by putting "legg devine" into austlii.edu.au case law database or seing presentation from Jim Fetzer PhD and myself here: youtube.com
Infowhores promised to cover this but Rob Jew has failed to do so:
OTO.ORG child rape cult's leader Frater Sabarius X says children must do sex magick orgies on camera
Other urls found in this thread:
Daily Dose:
As seen on the Christian Democrat Party of Australia's jewbook page. (4th of July 2017)
Sick people
Man jailing Christians for religious vilification of the OTO child fuck cult in Australia. David Bottrill Government employee ( ASIO / ASIS - Immigration Department cover ) see
Their own Facebook page admits they are satanists in Australia but they jail people for saying they drink blood yet you've already seen the videos of the US cult leader admitting they drink blood.
Here is the guy who's on Camera admitting they drink blood "aka cakes of lights" and saying children must be present in the Gnostic Catholic Mass Naked Priestess Oral Sex Ritual / Orgy.
He's head of the OTO in America. Same guy from the Video embeds.
"Cakes of light" are made of semen, not drinking blood.
The OTO is fucking retarded but at least get it right.
I distinctly remember reading the OTO book recomendation page when it was still present , 7 years ago.
Their literature was creepy as fuck
Very pedophilic and violent in nature.
Contrary to the good face shit of "we just enlighted individuels tryna widen fhd consiousness of humanity" shit they present to good goyim.
And pseudointellectual edglords fall for it (Styx being one of them)
Satanism IS in its core ritualized child abuse
Satanism is a different thing.
The OTO are a bunch of cucks who LARP as wizards and worship Aleister Crowley.
blood you stupid fuck OTO shill.
The Cakes of Light, traditionally composed of meal, honey, leavings of red wine lees, oil of Abramelin, olive oil and fresh blood as per the instructions in The Book of the Law is a perfume or incense when raw but also a cake when baked ("burned")[1]
Source book of the fucken law their satanic bible that talks about sacraificing a child after cattle.
This guy was in court today being sued by OTOAustralia org au / legal that brag about suing anti-pedophilia charities on their home page. the 2x4chan thread has got shitloads of intel btw.
Wait, you're right.
The next line also says It should be period blood. The OTO is fucking stupid.
when happening comes along you must bump it.
Isn't Augustus Invictus a member?
Does this mean Augustus is a child fucker?
I am disappoint.
You might want to investigate the 2006-2008 OTO court case that got two Christians jailed without trial and kidnapped by the special GLLO gay child sexxer protector police founded by the OTO (see the voat pizzagate post for all the detailed intel).
That court case got them tax exempt status we just found out. Persecuting christians for not respecting the religion of gay child rape and boy murder can make big money...
They are on camera saying we drink blood if you see the embeds, but their expert witnesses in court if you put "legg devine" into austlii.edu.au JAIL CHRISTIANS for saying they drink blood.
It's hate speech against a protected self-admitted minority that admits they drink blood on camera to say they drink blood.
Penalty 9 months jail. See the Jim Fetzer PhD interview for a walkthrough of the case law etc.
Blogs about this were censored from the current court case directly to google to protect the OTO pedophiles. You can find some of it on archive.is/johnsunol.blogspot.com
OP is going to bed. Back here tomorrow to answer the best questions and fuck up the lying OTO shills that are busy on the infinity chan (8) thread.
siht edils t'nac uoy
we dont know what its like to be old.
ever wondered why most pedos are old?
they probably already experinced everything there is to life, and this is the ultimate pleasure
This woke me up the the OTO
Avarius Luciferus
I'll dig up that documentary.
In the meantime here is another OTO child fuck cult lawsuit victim. She didn't even know who they were until the letter came in the mail saying she was being sued by them.
A gay rights activist pedophile suspect @garryburnsblog proven perjurer is going to the high court of Australia to defend the OTO pedo cult's right to kidnap and jail christians in NSW for a law that doesn't exist in NSW as happend in 2008 to Legg and Devine.
IN 2017 3rd March the NSW Supreme court of appeals ruled that no other state or territory can enforce it's laws on NSW citizens. So Garry Burns is working with the NSW Crown Solicitors office Gemma Namey (who worked for @PIACNews OTO's pro-bono lawyers vs legg / devine) to go to the HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA. Attached is the high court filing documents.
The state of NSW doesn't want to pay special GLLO gay police kidnapping charges for religious vilification extradition of pedo cults when no such law existed in NSW. Hence why they are fighting against their own states rights in the high court because they are liable to millions in damages as it stands right now.
gnostics belongs to the fire
One of 10 people sued by the OTO for not loving satanic child abuse. The most famous case is on otoaustralia.org.au/legal - the Child Sexual Prevention Abuse Centre Inc was sued.
@garryburnsblog is a patsie of the Jew controlled NSW Anti-Discrimination Board who sued John Sunol 82 (SAY AGAIN 82) times before the OTOAustralia org au sued him too and he was in court today in the ACT Tribunal. So gay activists and child raping pedo cults are working together - both suing the same person - and are helping eachother deal with the jurisdictional issue in high court of Australia - because NSW has no blasphemy laws.
How many oto child fuckers have been jailed already with Alistair Crowley's name being dropped in the trial? There is kid willy in wales and the 3 little boy rapists Johnny Depp supported. Know any more?
Johnn Depp OTO gay pedo supporting Alister Crowley linked boy rapists and murderers:
Reminder current leader of OTO is a member of the band industrial band coil. They are linked with people like Genesis P Orridge and Nikolas Schreck and the Laveys. Now deceased coil member Peter Christopherson was into Podesta tier (((artwork))). These are the culture creators that promoted (((goth))) subculture and are tied with others that began the Hip Hop subculture (Rick Rubin).
People thought that John Todd was a nut but he has been vindicated perhaps?
link to Chistophersons (((art))). archive.is
why does this whole thread read like a bot put it together?
The pedo shills are desperate. They are more desperate on infinity chan thread.
Organized pro-pedophilia child sex loving trolls are organized. Here's proof:
That video is interesting. Also proves Alex Jones is AIPAC.
infinity chan: pol/res/10297068.html
Shitload of multimedia embeds and OTO pedo faggot trolls who are coming here now too. I'm sure you'll like the imageboard fun.
Some cakes of light have feces, blood and other secretions(menstrual and anal), semen and other sorts of retarded things.
He is ex member. He is problably trying to make a less degenarate thelemite system or he is a disinfo-subversion agent.
You would be surprised with the amount of internal struggle and all the sorts of odd drama in oto and aa in every country.
By the way you can link them for the rise of trans, cuckold culture and black supremacy and white sissification (in special with their ties with the voodoo sect).
They responsable for a lot of retarded cultural shifts.
This proves what you are saying. They are the religion of gay anal sex black magic to open the gates of hell - and faggot loving channel 4 uk that ran those gay sochi olympics ads even says it on their doco.
Channel 4 uk doco - alister crowley discovers only Anal sex black magick can open the gates of hell in the egyptian desert whilst being sodomized around 22 mins onwards.
Alister Crowley called himself Balphomet XI . Balph is the devil and XI is master of anal buttfucking as exposed here:
>XI° – Rocket to Uranus
Anal Intercourse and the O.T.O.
Michael Bertiaux, William Wallace Webb, William C. Conway, Roland Merritt Shreves, Cecil Frederic Russell, Aleister Crowley, Theodor Reuss, Marc-Antoine Lullyanov, Oscar Schlag, Marcelo Ramos Motta, Kenneth Grant, Choronzon Club, Victor B. Neuburg, Patrick King, James Graeb, William Breeze, Llee Heflin, Hermann Joseph Metzger, Louis T. Culling
By Peter-Robert Koenig
I wonder why this was censored from wikipedia.
Sex Magic The degrees of the Hermit Triad are of sexual nature. In the VIII° degree, the initiate is taught masturbation magical practices, in the IX° degree magical techniques related to vaginal intercourse, and in the XI° a form of sex magic involving anal intercourse.[20]
This religion of child sex magick jails it's critics in Australia! Put "Legg Devine" into austlii.edu.au case law database or see the signed court document here:
Love your work.
I was a guest on there too exposing the pedo Garry Burns who's going to the high court of Australia to get the NSW government off the hook for illegal unconstitutional extradition and direct to jail with no prosecution for disrespecting the OTO child sex cult and refusing to comply with the court in Victoria's order to censor OTO child sex narrative from their website.
Also dailystormer exposed on scribd.com/luke_mckee did stories on Garry Burns before me but that was published by Jailed Jewish Terrorist Michael Slay aka johsua goldstien.
soundcloud.com/hojuruku also has a truthnews.com.au OTO litligated censored interview and me doing battle with David Bottrill leader of the oto child fuck cult.
Any questions you can also ask me here.
Genesis P Orridge initiation to a Vodun tradtion
Genesis is a spokeman for body modfication, gender identity and some of the bullshit trending in the humanities.
Like mentionated in the thread they will clain themselves as the pinacle and vanguard of every section of culture and art. Since art is a powerful magic tool and can be reached and absorved really easily, specially with the current technological adavnces.
"the vision and the voice", all the no effort untalented shock value modern, their really long, dumb and noisy manifestos. With words of power and magic acts messing with the human psych and them later manipulating their minds.
The dark priests, wizards are all infiltrated in the mainstreen and also some sections of the indie media.
It's really sad too discover stuff like that. I used to apreciate experimental music in special from the artists of the industrial records and their contemporanies.
I'm absolutely disgusted.
Did you discover anything related to Tool and their members?
Was really weird when I first saw Maynard James Keenan in a military combat suit hide in the shadows in some of the concerts.
Also his behaviours and opinions on many subjects are really weird.
u can't slide
Thelema is for faggots.
pedophilia is a mental illness and is affected by those who were either victims of it or being exposed to it
stop larping podesta
The wicked shall perish in fires unquenchable.
What horrible people.
It's been obvious to me Alex jones is a kike. He is always screaming about nazis and how bad eugenics are. He is a mega Shabbos goyim