>Sup Forums is the false prophet of Revelation
What does Sup Forums think?
>Sup Forums is the false prophet of Revelation
What does Sup Forums think?
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>predicted Trump
You're thinking of the MSM.
Senpai, bible stories aren't real.
Schnauze Jude
How many happenings did Sup Forums get wrong? Way, way way more then it's got right. A broke clock is right twice a day, as they say.
>happening thread every day
>never a happening
Schnauze, Christ-Hahnrei.
Is that from the book written by dromedary fuckers some 3000 years ago ?
>bible predicts something
>it doesn't happen
"maybe it's happening later, or we're misinterpreting the message!"
muhammad is the false prophet of revelations that prophecies about the mahdi.
pasta incoming.
in galatians 1 paul actually warns of a false gospel that would pervert the doctrine of christ, and after warning of false prophets and false teachers he goes into ARABIA to warn them and returns to damascus.
"8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."
This is also fits islam, muhammad and gabriel preaches a gospel that is different from the christian doctrine and directly antagonistic towards the christian doctrine, declaring jesus is not son of god and preaching a new gospel in place of the bible claiming it has been corrupted.
Where did muhammad come from/launch his caliphate from? Arabia.
"16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:
17 Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus."
That's a clear warning to arabia, something is happening with regards to false teachers and false prophets, that is not good. Just go read galatians 1 you can see this warning clearly.
Muhammad also confused miriam sister of aaron in old testament with mary mother of jesus in new testament because he was illiterate and couldn't know the scripture and god ordained specifically that miriam and mary is the same in arabic.. the testimony of lies.
But it goes further.. Hinduism follows the same "sleeping god" imprisoned within the cube
Hinduism destroyed youtube.com
Where's the connection user?
Well watch the video but the discombobulation around the black cube is of hindu origin!
Kek (means death, the embodiment of chaos) return to no material conciousness, the holy spirit.. and the frogs are the punishment of god towards those who want to go against him and his will.
>Look up the frogs of egypt.
all these little frogs are running all over the place destroying the corrupt people and the deep state, and exposing them and they don't know what to do, the frogs are coming from all directions!
the flood out of the dragons mouth is mass migration from turkey the head of the dragon (caliphate).. it has 3 distinct directions.. across north africa and towards spain and italy. and from turkey and towards eastern europe into europe proper and western europe by mass immigration, where it previously failed because people like jan sobieski called the savior of europe with his winged hussars and the rest of it.
Pic related.. And this flood will be found out and will inevitably be swallowed up by the ground..
So satan tries 2 times to conquer all of earth before he establishes his empire and tries an overt time where there is no question that this is satan because he is then head caliph himself the mahdi with supernatural powers. First attempt.. the caliphate launched.. by warfare.. that failed..
Second attempt, what we are seeing now.. mass hijrah along the same pattern.
3rd attempt.. he comes himself the dark lord is thrown into a body of a human being and that human being whatever it was is at one point consumed completely by this dark entity.. and then tribulation engages for 7 years.
So the good news is.. this mass migration will eventually be found out as fraudulent and end, the bad news is, the worst is yet to come.
My ass is the false prophet. It spews only shit.
>My ass is the false prophet. It spews only shit.
Love you forever norwaybro.
>Sup Forums is one person
>i didn't know about this isn't europe or the US a new world order trying to create a singular ruler
Did you know that a singular ruler is exactly what 1.6 billion muslims wait for to change their laws and rule with justice where it was otherwise ruled with injustice.
It's pretty clear he destroys islam and replaces it with a very different islam and unifies all their factions. And revives the mortal headwound that the caliphates had when they before that walketh about like a roaring lion seeking whom it may devour.. it recieved a mortal headwound in 1924 when the ottoman caliphate was dismantled.. the warning to christians, it's coming back! The islamic empire covered more territory than the roman empire at its peak, totally irellevant.. i mean them waiting a singular emperor to rule them not important. It would make him the most powerful emperor in the history of mankind.
He comes, he creates a massive empire massively powerful, he builds it up then makes peace with everyone and rules with peace for 7 years.. and then islam doesn't know what actually happens, and they ADMIT they don't know this..
Read the bible it's pretty clear what happens then!
"the first one!!" The one who was imprisoned inside the cube has come out..
The jews tell some of the kaballah that if you try to find out the actual understanding of it it might drive you crazy.. they're funny that synagogue of satan, why because the kaballah or the tree of life is actually symbolizing the infinity cube that houses this dark entity as it awaits punishment, it's the angel of the abyss because it's trapped within a construct where infinity expands in all directions maximum security prison, associated with saturn and saturns north pole where there is a storm raging a hexagonal storm wherewhich all "satanic" symbols are directly derived from, 5x the size of earth this storm is. youtube.com
Both muslims and jews follow satan trust neither.. one is a synagogue another is an empire. Both follow the god within the cube. The luminous being entrapped within the bottomless pit. The angel of the bottomless pit. The greeks modified this and called him chronos.. entrapped in tartarus for his murderous ways. Saturn has always been referred to as something sinister some even called it the great malefic. But few have made the connections that it actually is a gateway to a prison trapping a supernatural entity or a being of great power.
At mecca where the oldest shrine to saturn is, they venerate it as "allah" or simply the deity or the god. It's a cube with a star meteorite fragment/comet fragment that fell from the heavens down to earth symbolizing what the cube is.. a prison that he was put in. It is literally the image of the beast. The fallen angel in his prison. Previous commander of massive worlds of space. Perfect in all his ways till he became a murderer and was imprisoned. Pending judgement upon his kins arrival to our planet.
Confirmed, kek is a secret agent of God
Television or the Internet; potential candidates to be the image of the beast.
The false prophet is a person, singular.
Is why when god returns to earth they are mocking him saying "you say you are a god, but look you are a man, will you still say you are a god when we send adversaries against you" Because he's cast eventually into body of a man to be destroyed, no longer in his cherub form after being imprisoned for god knows how long inside the cube. Let's put it like this those who built that and put him in there, are the last you want to fuck with.
what are his adversaries, as satan rebuilds his empire an overlooked thing is happening in scripture.. god builds up 7 kings and 8 princely men to in particular stand in alliance against the antichrist who has many nicknames one of them being the assyrian, another wicked pharao of egypt, cedar of lebanon and many others signifying areas under his control, and his empire. To bear the brunt of the first blows. micha 3 joel 5, god never left you defenseless you've been fed a pack of lies that somehow the antichrist rules the entire world and there's nothing you can do but die.. nono.. if he rules the entire world who does he declare war against? No, the mark of the beast and the rest of it is WITHIN HIS EMPIRE. It's a middle eastern decree, when nebuchadnezzar said come all the entire world and worship this god of mine or be destroyed, did the eskimos come? no.. it's a decree of INTENT like "all the world i wish for this to be the case this is the intent". There will be many people that stand against it and is not wanting to be part of it.
And ye shall hear of happenings and rumours of happenings: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Ding ding ding
Pope Francis is the false prophet. He is the only one with relevant religious authority.
Crypto-Jew-Jesuits-infiltrated Illuminati is planning New World Order. The Pope is pushing for a one world religion while the Jews are pushing for one world government and currency.
Pope uniting all religions:
How they wage war: libertyforlife.com
I very much believe this is true
>And ye shall hear of happenings and rumours of happenings: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Exactly the countdown only begins when this man is identified, the man of sin, the son of perdition the last evil emperor, Only THEN does the real countdown start, this is why not even jesus knew the hour of when he is appointed to return, but only god and the holy spirit knew this hour. Like a lock and key. It's his move, once he moves, they move.
>why johnny ringo, you look like somebody just walked over your grave
>fight is not with you
>i beg to differ sir, we started a game we never got to finish, play for blood remember
>i was just fooling about
>i wasn't, and this time, legal!
>say when
>you're no daisy, you're no daisy at all.
>poor soul, he was just too high strung, i'm afraid the strain was more than he could bare.
About North America
The conversation was stilted, as one might expect with the struggle for the possessed person’s soul, but the gist was that Plinio was randomly “breaking people's computers so that they can’t go on the internet” and that he is changing the climate and was “therefore the author of the climate change, and the increase of heat. It is Plinio who does everything,” according to the devil as channeled through the exorcist. Then, the devil predicts that a meteorite will crash into the Atlantic ocean. “North America will disappear,” he warns.
About (((Pope Francis)))
The devil then turns to the fate of Pope Francis, which Tornielli was able to transcribe and translate from the somewhat distorted video. “The Vatican? It's mine, mine!” the devil says to the exorcist, according to Tornielli’s transcript. “The pope does whatever I want, he's stupid! He obeys me in everything. He is my glory, he is willing to do everything for me. He serves me.”
Then the devil, again as channeled by the exorcist for the Heralds of the Gospel, predicts that the pope will perish, not during a voyage, but at the Vatican. “The pope will die falling,” the exorcist’s transcript says quite clearly.
>pagans think they matter at all
fucking larpers man
I will say that many "christians" are in for a surprise. What is taught in the church today is a complete manipulation of pauls letters, teaching we arent to follow the law of God. They arent taught the bible in context, they dont read the bible in context, they think that because Jesus justifies us and forgives our sins we can do as we wilt. We must be born again, a new creature. Not born again right back into sin. Bible is hard to understand if you only read 30% of it and what you read is out of context. The Word of God is Torah, the Word was made manifest in flesh (Jesus) as an example/redemption for the world. We are to follow Him and walk as He walks. Justified by Christ, sanctification and regeneration through observance of our Fathers commands. But dont take my word for it, just study. Good luck people!
do you know what eternal fire and brimstones mean you fucking larpers?
so you are telling me that it's not happening yet
Any time someone strikes out against the hive mind this week excuse is echoed back.
What about this says Sup Forums
Micha 5 joel 3 excuse me, i said micha 3 joel 5
>so you are telling me that it's not happening yet
plenty of little happenings user, but it's specifically said to not desire the biggest happening, because it will be a dark day for all mankind. Do not tempt!
>false prophet
>gets election right
but it has to happen, better get it out of the way right?
>unironically believes that Sup Forums is a single person
Sup Forums can't be wrong about happenings due to its very nature. The users of the site can be wrong, but the site itself is just a microphone through which they can spread their false predictions.
>but it has to happen, better get it out of the way right?
The Bible states clearly in the book of Proverbs 6:17-19 the six things that God hates.
Haughty eyes
A lying tongue
Hands that shed innocent blood
A heart that devises wicked plans
Feet that hurry to run to evil
A lying witness who testifies falsely.
This would fall into feet that hurry to run to evil. If it has to be done it's only because he has no other choice and the room for mercy has run out.
You can also see that in the plead abraham makes of soddom and gomorrah, he pleads god down to if there be but 10 who loves you and god says i would not destroy this place for the sake of those few. that on top of the angels he sends down to inspect being nearly gangraped by the sodomites that want to "know them" (code for sexual intercourse) but they blind them with light and leave. And then the order is given, exterminate the place burn it to the ground.
tl;dr god only does it when he absolutely has to, but don't tempt it. Save your delight of happening to the corrupt and wicked that wish to harm everything that is good and nice, being found out, there is plenty of that to go around!
are you saying we should support jews so they fuck shit up quickly? neo cons did nothing wrong
but you are implying there is going to be no one worth of saving, what about God's church?
>are you saying we should support jews so they fuck shit up quickly? neo cons did nothing wrong
No i'm not saying that. And besides isn't what i say irellevant anyways to what is already there. But no as i said don't support either jews or muslims they are both following evil.
>but you are implying there is going to be no one worth of saving, what about God's church?
There are plenty worth saving but the final happening is a planetary event of irreversible proportions. Is why it's called the judgement. When you can do your works go against evil, when god acts and moves, you have little participation in it, like being caught up in a storm of storms.
>muhammad is the false prophet of revelations
No, the false prophet will be in the time of the antichrist, who will be a Jew. I believe it will be a transhumanist Jew.
>I believe it will be a transhumanist Jew.
i bet he will, or an AI robot jew
This is possible, but I doubt it. It might be the pope after Francis. He is 80 years old and the ecumenist unitarian religion of the antichrist is not yet complete, and I doubt it will be by the time he dies. I expect that Pope Francis may announce a third Vatican council, which will help complete this transformation.
bullshit, how did the could know about the rise of nazism
>No, the false prophet will be in the time of the antichrist, who will be a Jew. I believe it will be a transhumanist Jew.
Why do you say this, muhammad and mahdi fit the picture completely aswell as the eradication of the jews fullfilling revelations where the false jews come crawling to the christians knowing that god has loved them.
Muhammad a) made a gospel different from the christian gospel b) did so as a man and an angel fitting the warning in galatians 1 c) fitting the warning of it being from arabia as in galatians 1 warning of false prophets d) he prophecy of the mahdi as successor of him (caliph means successor of muhammad)
there are 8 evil kings in total in the bible, and 7 beast empires. But it talks about the kings of it.. it says 5 have fallen one is and one is yet to come. and this 6th one is special because the king of it will be the 7th king which will also be like the 8th king.
Let's round them up in no particular order.
1. egypt
2. assyria
3. babylon
3 lebanon
one that i'm missing
4. greece
5. rome
5 have fallen.. 1 is.. the "is" is the roman empire, jesus arrived at the time of the roman empire. "render unto ceasar that which belongs to him".
so the 1 that is is the roman empire, and 1 is yet to come..
the one that is yet to come, the caliphate.. 7 king and the 8th is like the king.. this last empire will suffer a mortal headwound. What did the caliphate do, conquer constantinople inheriting the mantle of the roman empire which was the last known capital of it.
so the 8th king being like the 7th is caliph mohammad, caliph mahdi.. he is like the 7th and the false apostle/prophet gives the power to the antichrist to WIELD THE POWER OF THE BEAST BEFORE HIM.. muhammad gives mahdi the right as caliph to change and rectify islam however he wishes, and all muslims must accept him.
So the false prophet is islam and the maidh is the antichrist leader.. that the false prophet gives power of the beast before. it fits.
This is how the caliphate is the empire that was is not and is yet to come.. That's what happened to the caliphate but the last part has not happened yet. It came.. ran for 1400 years, caliph means successor of muhammad. it suffered mortal headwound for the first time in 1400 years the caliphate was no more in 1924. This is the mortal headwound of the beast. It's not a man that gets shot in the head and the world wonders how did he get shot in the head and live.. NO.. and the reason why they don't understand this is that the christians missed one particular thing.. be wise as the serpent, but harmless as the dove.. study the antichristian doctrine.. If you study islam and you also study christianity you will see this IMMEDIATELY. It is from both perspectives, in islam the good guys of the bible are the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys and vice versa. This is why the preachers think babylon is the US because they have never made the saturn connection to allah and islam and mecca the oldest shrine to saturn in the world.
mecca the harlot is destroyed both in the bible and in islam and the mahdi reigns from JERUSALEM.. watch this.
Even though Mecca is not mentioned by name in the Bible, it is referred to in allegorical language as the harlot city and the LovePeddler of Babylon in Revelation 17 & 18. Babylon the mother of whores and abominations is drunk with the blood of the saints and the witnesses to Jesus [Revelation 17:5-6]. Mecca is the spiritual head of Islam and in her name millions of Jews and Christians have been slaughtered after cries of “Allahu Akbar”, and the slaughter continues today. Mecca and Medina (Yathrib) are the two most Holy sites in Islam, yet strangely in Islamic eschatology, both are destroyed. Consider now the two relevant prophecies.
“The final battle will be waged by faithful Muslims coming on the backs of horses, carrying black banners. They will stand on the east side of the Jordan river and will wage war that the Earth has never seen before. The true Messiah who is the Islamic Mahdi, will defeat Europe, will lead this army of Seljuks. He will preside over the world from Jerusalem because Mecca would have been destroyed.” [Yawm Al-Ghadab, Safar Alhwaly]
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The flourishing state of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib will be when the great war comes, the outbreak of the great war will be at the conquest of Constantinople and the conquest of Constantinople when the Dajjal (Antichrist) comes forth. He (the Prophet) struck his thigh or his shoulder with his hand and said: This is as true as you are here or as you are sitting (meaning Mu'adh ibn Jabal)”. [Sunan of Abu Dawud Book 37, Number 4281: Narrated Mu'adh ibn Jabal]
Mecca is the harlot the mother of false religions, 90% of its import is from other nations it's a massive trade port and is precisely where bible says, by the red sea. it's a mystery babylon because christians can't into arabic.
but what about ulterior motives? those who have gained and have to gan from this?
The caliphate also failed.
According to your version Revelation would have already passed.
Close enough to one "person".
And it continues the traditions of this thing because the meccan worship of the cube predates islam. It's a massive shrine to saturn which hindus calls the "sleeping god".
Every single beast empire mentioned in the bible worshipped this "allah" or "the deity".. by two symbols aside from the cube, the crescent and the star. The star is in the bible always talking about angels. The crescent is what has tricked most people it's referring to saturn not the moon. And these two symbols are GIVEN in the bible by ezekiel 28 and isaiah 14, the latin vulgate either by mistake or deliberately hid these two symbols. and gave you things like lucifer and lightbringer instead when this is totally false, there is no such thing. What you have instead is this. Heylal (crescent) bin (of/by) sahar/saharon (star/brightness).. Let's run it through "oh how have you fallen from heaven oh you star/brightness of the crescent" that's the crescent and star symbols, isaiah and ezekiel serve the matthew 28:10 recipy for when 2 or 3 come together in my name there i am amongst them.. when two or 3 prophets are talking about the same thing, PAY ATTENTION.. one gives the 2 symbols of his worship, the other says he was in the garden of god.
Let's backtrack through the beast empires
1. Egypt (isis (crescent) horus (star)
2. Assyria - baal (star) crescent (asteroth)
3. Babylon - Molech (crescent) Remphan (star)
Probably mixed those up just going from memory here but you get the picture, match up all the beast empires and they have the exact same worship they are called different things but using the same symbols.
greece (artemis and her image that fell from zeus)
rome (apollo (star) diana (crescent)
Islam muhamad (crescent) mahdi (star).
And what do you have in makkah (mecca) today.. just a crescent spire built on what is called babel mount, 7 towers (6 and the clocktower) a crescent spire overlooking a black cube with a star meteorite/comet fragment at its corner.
Weird I didn't post that image.
Meant to post this.
>According to your version Revelation would have already passed.
No because it says it comes back again, the mortal headwound healed. It's the beast that is, is not yet is to come, for a short while again, and go into destruction never to be seen again.
The christians were totally convinced after islam tried to btfo them for 1400 years that islam was the beast empire, then when the ottoman empire was dismantled they started looking around and went pic related. But they forgot the explicit warning.. IT COMES BACK AGAIN.. it's mortal headwound is healed.. it's not talking about a man it's talking about the empire! Suffering mortal headwound means the empire was dismantled.. They start talking about oh it's a man that dies then comes back to life like jesus or something.. no.. It's an empire that was.. is not yet comes back again!
And now islam and everything about its history went down the memory hole and people only know something like "ah we were bad to muslims cause iraq war". Literally one of if not the most brutal empire in human history went down the memory hole of todays general populace. It covered more territory than rome at its peak and people don't know about it.. you can call it whatever you want but it's like you need a little extra help to make that kind of reckless abandon with regards to knowledge happen, it's not like the historical records aren't there just people don't read them.
Anyways i'm getting tired and inaccurate because reasons so i'm no longer relevant for this discussion. But i hope you found something useful that's the only motivation for this.
What's the story on this photo? Is this from a legit clickfarm? How does it work? I want money
Let's round it off with something substantial so i end on that note. Because you know the bible actually mentions the specific nations involved in fighting on behalf of the antichrist.. 3 plucked out by the root though (they resist but fall under dominion of him) so 3 involuntary nations/the people therein don't really all wanna, but have to cause most of the populace wanna, and 7 voluntary but 10 kings in total. Do you know the bible tells you who these 10 kings are that gives allegiance to the emperor? so 10 kings vs 7 kings and 8 princely men of the christians of micah 5 and joel 3.
8. God’s enemies are Allah’s supporters
There are numerous places in the Bible where God names the nations who will fight against him and with the Antichrist. In the famous seventy weeks prophecy, it is the people of the Antichrist who destroy the temple in 70AD. The soldiers of the Roman legion X Fretensis under General Titus were from Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Arabia. These nations today whose people destroyed the second temple in 70AD are Islamic. In Psalm 83, Isaiah 13-24 and Ezekiel 28-32 and 38, the nations named as following the Antichrist are Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan and Libya.
The Bible is consistent in naming Islamic countries where people follow Allah as the followers of the Antichrist.
Egypt is also the first country in which the cloud army enters upon arrival in the clouds 10.000 strong see jude 14.. "the lord rides on a swift cloud the lord rides on a swift cloud" well where is he going, into egypt to rescue the christian disapora there.. And the idols of egypt will melt in the midst of his prescence, so there's fire being brought down there, not sure if that's mentioning the pyramids or what it's mentioning, but something is going to be melted in egypt.. Egypt was also the first beast empire that worshipped the cube post flood, which is why it is the first beast empire melted in the bible.
So you can see god in the bible even if you think it's all bullshit is remarkably consistant, he starts exactly where he left off, the first beast empire he punishes directly in the bible with the frogs etc. he starts off with upon the arrival, with egypt first and the rest of the beast nations comprised of the beast empire to follow. And then gathers the remnant nations after he btfo the entire empire in the valley of jehosephat, the vally of the decision and tells them come forth and enters into judgement upon them one by one. So a global destruction of earth and all its inhabitants according to the bible atleast, is out of the question. Boohoo to all the "the earth is going to blow up and we're all screwed" crowd.
This also seems to indicate that 7 kings 8 princely men and the beast empire with the 10 kings giving power to the emperor of it is the primary people butting heads and perhaps some others aren't even involved in it fully. Because if they were all destroyed who is he calling forth to judge as the remnant that isn't destroyed in the tribulation, aside from the ressurected there is the remnant which isn't.