gay sex?
Why so much AIDS in Russia?
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Sharing needles
Borders on Afghanistan and most cities are hopeless and boring.
Similarly, why so much AIDS in American niggers? 50% of gay black boys have or will get HIV during their lifetime, for example.
urban life is former soviet republics is a nightmare
Why Slavs are so gay? especially Russians and Ukrainians, do they love to be filled with cum?
Why Whites are so gay? especially Americans, do they love to be filled with cum?
When you force gay men into the closet they spread disease to their partners, who are more likely to be unknown to them and less likely to use condoms, and to their wives, whom they are unhappily chained to.
Sorry Pablo, there is no such thing.
Also 9/10 you forgot to capitalize the last ''a''.
Show your flag pussy
Rampant drug abuse
>When you force gay men into the closet they spread disease to their partners, who are more likely to be unknown to them and less likely to use condoms, and to their wives, whom they are unhappily chained to.
Win Win.
Less gays and women will avoid men who even slightly act like faggots in fear they will get aids.
junkies not fags russia has a big problem with drugs
it's heroin, drug addicts sharing needles
it's only cancerous scum that gets it, nothing of value were lost.
So you can do what faggot? Immigrate to my country?
decriminalize them
Its a new AIDs virus that has mutated and is med rez, Its real bad in EurAisa
Any proof that it isn't homosexuals?
Russia of course has incentive to lie about this. In the U.S. the rate of HIV contraction for IDU pales in comparison to that of MSM. (iv drug users vs men who have sex with men).
>mfw Poland wouldn't be on that list if it wasn't for Simon Mol
Anyone can buy insulin needles in the USA and they are both plentiful and ridiculously cheap.
My mom is a diabetic and she sent me to get her some needles. I bought two boxes of needles ,200 insulin syringes and needles for $25
charities also give them out free too
And yet IDU are not spreading HIV at anywhere near the rate of us gays. Any actual evidence that gays are not the vast majority of new HIV infections in Russia?
>Any proof that it isn't homosexuals?
gays are pretty much non-existant here in russia, but drugs are still a serous problem. Those dumb fucks infect each other by using non aseptic needles and shit like that
Easy access to cheap disposable needles would stop the spread of HIV in needle drug users.
Easy access to cheap disposable needles would stop the spread of HIV in needle drug users.
I doubt Russia has that and it's why drug users in the USA don't spread Aids around as much as Gays.
I love the fact Bucharest has such a low crime rate, even though the city kind of sucks.
Terribly sorry to bother your highness during your internet surfing but your goats are ready for their daily raping. Please don't make them wait, lil' ol' Bessy is a bit anxious today.
Gays are repressed in Russia and subject to criminal prosecution if they speak openly and positively about homosexuality. Does not mean there are less of them.
That was not exactly hard evidence that homosexuals, not drug addicts, are both present and sexually active in Russia and spreading disease.
Funny that pol thinks gays are spreading AIDS, except in Russia magically somehow.
Needle use as a behavior is simply not as risky as receptive anal sex. Russia definitely has homosexuals that they rarely talk about and certainly don't study.
Russia is full of niggers who spread AIDS to russian crackwhores to in turn spread them to other druggies and russians who fuck crackwhores.
The circle of life.
Bullshit, most of this is homosexuals, as it is in the United States.
Maybe, but they got AIDS from all the niggers they've been importing.
Maybe they were gay niggers?
so when do we get a final solution to the sodomite question?
>Bullshit, most of this is homosexuals, as it is in the United States.
I guess it is just more proof of how disgusting and degenerate Homosexuality is.
You gays are plenty homocentric somehow.
It's more treat drug abuse medically (being one of the measures is decriminalising [not legalising]) and its co-morbilities - hIV infection and hepatitis C.
I've got in my student handbook, needle sharing is worse. 0,67% chance to get infected while anal receptive 0,5% . Wiki is 0.04–3.0% somehow. Must study further.
It is proof that trying to suppress and restrict the rights of homosexuals only makes the situation more miserable for everyone involved, including female heterosexual spouses of gay men.
>criminal prosecution
no they don't you stupid faggot. The law was about spreading gay propaganda via media and nothing else, not to mention that it was another bullshit pseudo-law that was never actually used, more like a pr-stunt for the government without actually doing anything. it was the western hyper-sensitive faggots that exaggerated the whole thing.
Why would i want to live in your (probably) shithole?
A meta-analysis exploring the risk of HIV transmission through unprotected anal sex was published in 2010.1 The analysis, based on the results of four studies, estimated the risk through receptive anal sex (receiving the penis into the anus, also known as bottoming) to be 1.4%. (This means that an average of one transmission occurred for every 71 exposures.) This risk was similar regardless of whether the receptive partner was a man or woman.
1/71 for MSM
1/160 for IDU
Russia is closed due to aids.
>It is proof that trying to suppress and restrict the rights of homosexuals
They have no restricted or suppressed RIGHTS. They have the same rights as every other person in Russia.
They choose to identify as faggots and fuck each other in the ass on their own.
Just because Leftists and Jews used you fags as a tool to further destroy the USA by pushing for separate rights for your pretend separate identity doesn't mean the rest of the world is that stupid or easily cowered by Political Correctness brainwashing.
thread closed
Russia has a lot of people, its not quite as disproportionate as it looks
If I am gay I do not have a right to assemble in public with rainbow symbols or a sign saying I am gay.
Bullshit. You have no proof. This is homosexuals.
>A meta-analysis exploring the risk of HIV transmission through unprotected anal sex was published in 2010.1 The analysis, based on the results of four studies, estimated the risk through receptive anal sex (receiving the penis into the anus, also known as bottoming) to be 1.4%. (This means that an average of one transmission occurred for every 71 exposures.) This risk was similar regardless of whether the receptive partner was a man or woman.
I got it pretty easy, I had 1 gay experience... Opps
>48.8% were infected with drug use
>48.7% with heterosexual contacts
>1.5% with homosexual contacts
Homophobes suck again.
There's no way that is accurate. Obviously they have incentive to downplay and mask the extent of homosexuality in Russia given that speaking about it is criminalized.
Russia’s law reinforces the narrative that LGBT people are not deserving of respect and equality. By further engendering a culture of shame, the law may cause individuals seeking testing and treatment to conceal their homosexuality, or to falsely attribute their status to other methods of transmission (such as injection drug use), in order to avoid the stigma of being gay.
Misreporting or underreporting created by an environment of fear and shame constrains the ability of health professionals to properly study and address the HIV/AIDS crisis. Additionally, the conflation of HIV stigma and gay stigma may even stop heterosexual people from seeking testing. These policies obscure how many diverse communities grapple with this epidemic, and will have disastrous consequences down the line. Along with country's failure to address drug addiction that also spreads HIV/AIDS, Russia's stance on the LGBT community is repressive and backward.
>If I am gay I do not have a right to assemble in public with rainbow symbols or a sign saying I am gay.
Il feel bad for you when I can assemble in public with Swastika Flags while saying Iam a Nazi without Leftists/Jews/Blacks attacking me and using my picture to try to rob of my income.
Those who violate Russian President Vladimir Putin's ban on "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations" face arrest and, at best, large fines but the law has had a knock-on effect on information regarding HIV – something many people desperately need. It hinders access to prevention services and thus, the disease continues to spread.
Caitlin Mahon, campaigns officer for the international HIV and AIDS charity Avert, said that although the HIV epidemic among homosexual men is seemingly small – with just 1,718 cases of infections for the whole of Russia – stigma and discrimination towards LGBTQ communities has likely led to significant under-reporting.
"This could be a hidden epidemic," Mahon said. "It is highly likely that the reported numbers do not reflect the reality of the situation, meaning that the burden of HIV among Russian homosexual communities is largely unknown.
One flag implies you want to commit genocide.
Russia-Ukraine : drugs
Britain: fags
France: niggers
Norge gets it right again
>Those who violate Russian President Vladimir Putin's ban on "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations" face arrest and, at best, large fines but the law has had a knock-on effect on information regarding HIV – something many people desperately need. It hinders access to prevention services and thus, the disease continues to spread.
>Caitlin Mahon, campaigns officer for the international HIV and AIDS charity Avert, said that although the HIV epidemic among homosexual men is seemingly small – with just 1,718 cases of infections for the whole of Russia – stigma and discrimination towards LGBTQ communities has likely led to significant under-reporting.
>"This could be a hidden epidemic," Mahon said. "It is highly likely that the reported numbers do not reflect the reality of the situation, meaning that the burden of HIV among Russian homosexual communities is largely unknown.
Sounds like Fags are Self Genociding >One flag implies you want to commit genocide.
Sounds like the Rainbow flag implies disease, degeneracy, and self destruction(self-genocide).
Today the activists have gone underground, new federal anti-gay “propaganda” laws promote homophobia, and the government crackdown on the LGBT community is fueling a worsening AIDS epidemic. According to the doctor in charge of Russia’s Federal AIDs Center, Vadim Pokhrovsky, “Our region is the only part of the world where the number of new cases keeps increasing and the treatment does not reduce mortality.” Information campaigns and training programs have stopped and the rate of infection increased last year by 10 percent. The number of Russians who died from AIDS in 2013 increased 15 percent.
In November 2013 two masked men with bats and guns entered the LaSky community center in St. Petersburg. The center was an oasis to provide HIV prevention services to the LGBT community. Two were injured, and one activist was shot in the eye, losing his sight. University professors active in the LGBT community have been told to stop all education or outreach concerning sexuality and health. Many have lost their jobs. Politicians once active on these issues have been ostracized.
The suppression of outreach and education means that Russians are no longer talking about HIV and AIDS. Most people at risk are not tested, are increasingly marginalized, and don't even know how HIV is spread.
>implying AIDS isn't the final solution to the sodomite question
Wait so gays spread disease or we don't?
Why are there so many murders in Suomi?
New HIV cases have declined significantly in the UK and the US where one can openly be gay:
Russia passes a law criminalizing pro-gay speech and their HIV rate rises.
>Wait so gays spread disease or we don't?
I'm not sure why you assume or where you got that I don't think gays spread diseases amongst themselves.
>Today the activists have gone underground, new federal anti-gay “propaganda” laws promote homophobia, and the government crackdown on the LGBT community is fueling a worsening AIDS epidemic. According to the doctor in charge of Russia’s Federal AIDs Center, Vadim Pokhrovsky, “Our region is the only part of the world where the number of new cases keeps increasing and the treatment does not reduce mortality.” Information campaigns and training programs have stopped and the rate of infection increased last year by 10 percent. The number of Russians who died from AIDS in 2013 increased 15 percent.
Sounds like we need those laws.
>By further engendering a culture of shame, the law may cause individuals seeking testing and treatment to conceal their homosexuality
>Homosexuals die from GRIDS faster
>Somehow a bad thing
Keep in mind that they are basically northern russians.
Because apparently in Russia needles magically cause most HIV whereas in the US men who have sex with men is most of the new cases.
you really need to keep that mouth shut or focused only on breathing in burgers
>One flag implies you want to commit genocide.
yeah, sure thing buddy
Fuck off Rainbow with your fake stats.
How many people died in Russia FOUR years ago from AIDS? 23,000? How does that relate to today? You don't have the current stats yet right? In US in 2014 there were 12,333 deaths (due to any cause) of people with diagnosed HIV infection ever classified as AIDS, and 6,721 deaths were attributed directly to HIV.
Why the fuck are you talking about four years ago?
>New HIV cases have declined significantly in the UK and the US where one can openly be gay
This is why we need to crack down on sodomites. Allowing them to flaunt their anal masturbation fetish is simply allowing them to create new diseases, like Super Gonorrhea.
fuck off tyrone
This. Why is OP so stupid to not see the obvious.
>no, you're just cherry picking you fucking bigot
Bullshit - if you allow gay men to be openly gay you get more AIDS and pedofilia. FACT!
>While the outbreak started in straight couples
>Because apparently in Russia needles magically cause most HIV whereas in the US men who have sex with men is most of the new cases.
Man, I thought fags were supposed to have higher IQ's….
No, the HIV rates are higher in Russia amongst needle users because they share more needles. They don't have plentiful access to cheap disposable needles.
Fags spread in the USA because there is more here and they are more open and degenerate. USA needler users have access to needles.
WW3 When?
Cause gay men NEVER use IV drugs >>> Riiiiight!
And getting high and sucking and taking cock never happens either....
Literally the opposite. Russia cracked down on homosexuals and now they have more HIV.
Also, in the U.S. we have PREP which has been proven to reduce the spread of HIV but having that medication in Russia would cost more money than that vodkahole can afford and would require doctors to acknowledge which patients are gay and for patients to admit they have gay sex. How are you going to get people to take HIV medication if they refuse to get tested for fear people will think they are gay? And then you want to push them to have heterosexual relationships to spread the disease to women? You are sick.
Bullshit. Homosexuality just is hidden in Russia.
CDC says 3% of HIV infections are IDU + MSM and 6% are IDU who are not MSM.
because they are degenerate and blacks have HIV more than any other group to begin with, it's heavily prominent among their straight
Nonwhite subhuman immigrants + 30% of pop are asian untermenschen
Russia probably doesnt have the needle exchange programs
>>While the outbreak started in straight couples
That's a quote in a news article form a representative not a doctor in the Leftist Pr-Fag BBC. No citation or proof.
I don't know, but their violence rate is also off the charts for a white country.
Is norway the best country on Sup Forums?
>Bullshit. Homosexuality just is hidden in Russia.
that's your opinion not fact.
It's not fags with AIDS the most, its nonwhite subhumans 99/100 times and heroine junkies. God bless AIDS for making a eugenic hygiene true
Incredible stupidity of masses. Guys rarely use condoms, since they arent really that cheap, and many just dont give a single shit aboit safety.
Add druggies and hordes of desert apes, and you'll get a modern day shithole we call home.
Bomb us already.
>Starts among normal people
>Implying diseased sodomites isn't business as usual
>Literally the opposite. Russia cracked down on homosexuals and now they have more HIV.
But this is describable. Increased stigmatization makes it harder for them to push the costs and ramifications of their actions onto society.
>And then you want to push them to have heterosexual relationships to spread the disease to women?
No, we want to throw them off of buildings.
Russia is only 65-70% White. Dog bless Putin xD
I think you could blame their mafia and their large corporations who use the mafia
although I don't know much about russia but it was in some documentary this homo Russian made me watch
Every time.
Left-wing dogma makes people extremely violent.
Not true.