Anyone has been witness of something strange on 9/11 or right before?
First hand 9/11 bizarre stories
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Sec. Def. Donald Rumsfeld spoke day b4 about trillions missing from Pentagon budget, building 7 held critical documents , then , nothing.
I am a NYer and I remember on the news, that they stopped a van full of explosives on one of the bridges, and then nobody ever spoke about it again. I feel like I'm crazy when I tell that to people, but I swear to god I remember it when it happened.
two aluminum planes managed to completely obliterate three steel and reenforced concrete highrise buildings in downtown manhattan..
Noticed a plane crashing into the twin towers,
saw it on CNN though so it might've been nothing
what do anons think of judy wood
Gravity & Black Holes
TRUMP knew Truth on 911
I think its funny how one week or so after the attack, the "official song" to it came out
this consumerist bs made me actually leftist for a while
I remember watching the first tower that got hit burned on the rooftop of my apartment block with my family, I was gazing the rest of the skyline and at the corner of my eye the second tower was hit. Didn't directly see the plane go in though
>shitposting on Sup Forums as a filthy fucking kike
>but I'm playing to le epic fake news maymay before it became a maymay, so the goys might accept me
>so the goys might accept me
Goyim accept me as your lord and master
I am the memer,
You are here to watch.
Shut up kike you were probably in the mossad war room monitoring the plan and talking to the hijackers on a secure line
what is the origin of the pull it meme? did he actually say this?
Probably tied in to the dancing Israelis
I was on a plane and next thing you know we go boom! I survive crash but now I am in detention center for eatin human :(
No you are just stupid. The trucks with explosives almost happened in the 90s at the WTC.
Not strange, but my dad worked in WTC7 and was late to work that day. By chance he escaped death. That's why I got into conspiracy theories cause there is no explanation as to why WTC7 fell the way it did.
No, it was on the news, the day of 9/11, I remember seeing it.
I know what you are referring to, the 90's bombings, but, this was something different.
There was a car full of men in a white van stopped on G.W. Bridge, they talked about it several times on the news the day of, and then never ever mentioned it again.
It did happen, the driver and passengers were found to be Israeli. Few hours after that they were found and admitted to being Mossad as well. Then all news or mentioning of these Israelis were scrubbed
Here's the pull it video
But his Charlie Rose interview is much more interesting
It was bombed within user. Its simple textbook knowledge. There could of also been transmission to the plane by perverted multidimensional human child traffickers
in the first video trump mentions whistles being blown because of one of the buildings risking collapse, and then in the second video, near the end you hear whistles being blown RIGHT before the tower falls. ive heard it in many different videos.
what the fuck man
Early 2000 I heard "Chatter" about Groups(Deep State/Shadow Government,Mossad(2 Sides),Saudi's,Al-Q,MIC & the MSM were all involved.) teaming up to do a Big Operation/Event/Project(It was a Heist,Coup,Distraction & Domino Effect) in the US during 2001.
Since I'm very good with Power Structures, I started keeping track of strange "movements" & meetings, along with Logistics/Hardware for different Scenario's. Possible targets were the Golden Gate Bridge, Sears Tower & the Twin Towers from what the "Chatter" was going on about.
[Did a thread on 9/11:
Large Drones(could be mistaken for Planes) were used to hit the Towers & Pentagon. All Planes on TV & the "Amateur footage" were faked.
Towers were taken down by Charges in key areas around the structure, Thermite on the Core columns & Mini-Nukes in the Foundations. Building 7 was "cleaned up" by a Spec Op's team & then self-destructed. Flight 93 was shot down.
Big Incidents like 9/11 require lots of connections/assets to pull off successfully.
100% of all news broadcasts from 9/11 should be archived somewhere, go find it.
I'm not sure what to make of it but this might be what you are thinking of
lmfao Sup Forums in a nutshell
>work on top floor
>have a meeting uptown, i'm trying to get a cab with my piece of shit assistant
>i forgot a document in the office and tell my piece of shit assistant to go back upstairs and get it
>plane crashes into tower
>assistant calls me and says he can't find it and is evacuating
>i tell him if he leaves without my document he might as well jump down because he's fired
>towers collapse
>i open my briefcase and it turns out i had the document the whole time
>weeks later discover he was one of the jumpers
finance is not for the weak
Is that why SF rolled out the military and a bunch of equipment sometime after 9/11?
Were they still worried that it would happen or was that simply a psyop for the general population?
I remember crossing the GG bridge after 9/11 and seeing solders with unloaded M16s on it. I was 11 years old and I could still tell how stupid it looked.
I remember they arrested some guys and the truck with explosives on the George Washington Bridge.
All over the news, and then that was never talked about again in the MSM.
Did you survive the gas chambers as well?
As if we don't already know this... Wtf....
I drove over the GWB that morning and there was ZERO traffic. If that had happened on that bridge there would have been an hour + backup, but no
I remember seeing in the news that they rolled out stuff like artillery/AA pieces at one point. Can't remember much about the details.
Did a bit of googling, just found it on youtube
Thinkig about it, that truck was probably meant to bomb WTC7 but for some reason didn't make it to destination. Instead of arresting the drivers, they wer sent back to Israel with a pat in the back I guess.
i literally saw this on tv when i came home from school. they showed jews celebrating in nyc. later on they showed muslims celebrating and burning usa flags like literally 2-3 hours after it happened like it was all staged and shit.
kikes did 911. i know they did.
I remember a reporter claiming to be on site of a crashed plane that had been intercepted by the air force. Looked like a backyard with metal sheet thrown around, and zero smoke or fire. Never saw this part again, not even among 9/11 hoax material, but it looked like a typical staged scene by some shitty channel just to claim "look! we're first live on this totally legit thing, please don't change channels!"
I was young at the time but I remember this too. It looked like they just lit a forest on fire. They never showed pictures of the plane.
>power structures
What do you mean?
wtf i saw this as well but they were saying it was the pentagon plane or whatever. never saw footage used again and after that we got those obvious fake pentagon plane pics
it was a completely different area and stuff
not a wittnessreport but still related.
also in 1968 the first tower was started to be build, the same year the 911 emergency hotline was started. 33 years before the incident. 33, the masons favorite number
There wasn't one
Its not missing it was just not properly recorded on records. The myth has been debunked already.
Even the FBI agents who investigated the Pennsylvania crash say they were confused by that crash site because there was no trace of a plane. And then all of a sudden they start finding evidence from the terrorists the intact passports of the terrorists and even the notes in arabic detailing their attack!!!!!!!!!!
bush did 9/11
I got to work and they let everybody have the day off, so I went and fucked this fat married girl I knew.
Her big fat ass was the bomb..
I remember a video of that time of the actual Bin Laden (not the fake ones) telling, relaxed while laying on a carpet, that he was not behind 9/11, this was on an American corporate news site not any kind of conspiracy theorist website, it's a video I tried to find on another occasion and couldn't see it anywhere anymore. I honestly don't believe a single thing about the official version of 9/11.
Tail of the plane crashed in the field was initially reported found miles away from the main debris. It was considered to have been shot down.
I can vouch for this. This definitely happened; saw that footage as well.
Never seen it again though
I remember this as well, it was the one headed for the WH.
It wasnt big at all, looked like wreckage of a bush plane in some shitty field.
I remember news reports of two petrol tanker bombs stopped in New York and people caught with explosives at either the CN tower or sears tower. They were reports on radio news a few days after the attacks. Never heard anything about them since.
Is this video from this reporter? He's reporter is reporting on that video but shows only small bits of it.
yup thats it, lol and thats supposed to be a fucking commercial plane crash. Good find user.
9/11 was a catalyst for everything that has happened today.
>go to war
>remove dictators
>destabilize the whole middle east
>sorry sandpeeolle
>EU makes open borders
>come live with us desu
Fuck kikes
I remember something about 2.3 trillions going missing from the government and then no one ever talked about it again
2001 is a lot different. It was still possible to scrub data and video.
spot the retard
yes. The CEO of Cantor-Fitzgerald was (((dropping his son at school))) when the buildings dropped
holy fuck...The Donald part is new to me. I didn't realize the entire frame of the building was steel. Also how could THAT MUCH STEEL vaporize and come down like that without sending giant beams EVERYWHERE?